International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing

E-ISSN: 1998-4464
Volume 15, 2021

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Volume 15, 2021

Title of the Paper: Discrete (G'/G )-expansion: A Method used to Get Exact Solution of FDDE (Fractional Differential-Difference Equation) Linked with NLTL (Non-Linear Transmission Line)


Authors:  Suchana Mishra, Rabindra Kishore Mishra, Srikanta Patnaik

Pages: 453-460 

DOI: 10.46300/9106.2021.15.49     XML


Abstract: Here, we have used the discrete (G'/G)-expansion procedure with the derivative operator MR-L (modified Riemann-Liouville) and FCT (fractional complex transform) to find the exact/analytical solution of an electrical transmission line which is non-linear. Results include solutions for integer and fractional DDE. We consider two special cases of solutions: hyperbolic and trigonometric. Hyperbolic solutions indicate propagation of singular wave on the transmission line. Trigonometric solutions show propagation of complex wave.