 ISSN: 1998-4308
Year 2008
All papers of the journal were peer reviewed by two
independent reviewers. Acceptance was granted when both
reviewers' recommendations were positive.
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 1, Volume 2, 2008) |
Pages |
An Effective Solution for Matrix Parenthesization
Problem through Parallelisation
Muhammad Hafeez, Muhammad Younus
This paper has been participated in plenary presentation at
WSEAS and is presenting a progress a development results on Virtual
intelligent interface based on human facial and voice recognition. We this is
new challenge for sensing the user emotional space and interact with it. It is
part of the cognitive spatial design needed to have the mentality of the
designer been part of the system recognition. This is experimental built
prototype. We think that the practices reported in this work contribute to
integrate (corporate) the cognitive intention of the designer with the
knowledge of the system, The architect can use these design practices to
inhale the emotional practices into the design using such experiment.
1-7 |
The support of Business Intelligence Technology in Process and Business Engineering
K. Curko, M. Varga, A. Loncar
One of the main goals of that company is efficiency of business
operation and business process. Business engineering is conducted in
order to achieve it. Business Intelligence (BI) technology can helps
companies to optimize their business operation and business process.
Its usage makes the conditions, procedures and mechanisms for creating
quality information and business knowledge to improve business
performance. BI technology is the key factor of development and
implementation of process change, which also in turn influences the
improvement of the company’s information system that should provide the
data needed in business processes. Companies use business intelligence
technology to analyze every aspect of their data to understand business
operation and recognize, monitor, analyze and improve business
processes, and finally improve business performance. The intention of
this paper is to review and discuss the influence of business
intelligence technology on certain activities of business engineering
such as: defining the business strategy, redesigning the business
process, business process management, redesigning the decision making
process and changing the business information system.
8-14 |
A Hardware Scheduler IP for
Multiprocessor Systems
Habibullah Jamal, Zeeshan Ali Khan and M. Mohsin Rahmatullah
The article presents an Intellectual Property (IP) for
scheduling of multiprocessor systems that is designed using FPGA.
The purpose of the IP is to minimize the processor time for
scheduling activity by implementing the functionality in hardware.
The algorithm implemented clusters the similar tasks on the same
processor. Processors not in use are switched to power saving mode
and they are only turned on if there is no other processor to take on
the required activity.
15-17 |
An experiment of Life-support network for
elderly people living in a rural area
Jun Sasaki, Keizo Yamada, Michiru Tanaka and Yutaka Funyu
In order to provide comfortable and safety life for
every people in the world, information technologies will be useful in a
rural area as well as in a metropolitan area. This paper proposes a new
concept of Life Support Network (LSN) for elderly people living in a
rural area. The network is a type of Intranet, which incorporates a
safety confirmation system, a remote healthcare system, an emergency
information system and other useful daily network services in the
closed life area. We developed a part of the experimental LSN system
and carried out a field experiment in a typical rural town “Shiwa” in
the Iwate Prefecture in Japan. The system has two sub-systems of the
safety confirmation system and the remote healthcare system. We
clarified that the experimental LSN gave the feeling of safety to the
elderly people living in the rural area.
18-22 |
Comparing central and upwind flux averaging
schemes of overlapping finite volume method for
simulation of spillway flow with shock waves
S.R. Sabbagh-Yazdi, N.E. Mastorakis, and S.M. Hosseini-Gelekolai
This paper presents the comparison between the
results of central and upwind flax averaging at the boundary edges of
overlapping unstructured finite volumes for simulating super-critical
free surface flow in channels with non-parallel side walls. The
developed models computes water depth and velocity components
using depth average continuity and motion equations which are
mapped parallel to the bed surface for supercritical flows. This model
evaluates two-dimensional velocity patterns and shockwaves. The
governing equations are discretized utilizing overlapping cell vertex
finite volume method on triangular unstructured meshes. The
numerical oscillations of explicit solution procedure are damped out
using either artificial viscosity scheme or upwind averaging fluxes at
control volume boundary edges. The algorithm of evaluation of the
fluxes at edges and artificial dissipation terms at nodes is adopted for
unstructured meshes. Using both schemes, no additional dissipation
is introduced to the computed flow and shockwaves are simulated
accurately. The accuracy of results is assessed by simulating supercritical
flow in two chute canal with expanded and contracted walls
and using comparison between the computation results with the
reported experimental measurements. Then, the model is applied for
modeling a real world case of flow from dam reservoir to a chute
23-31 |
Cognitive Evolutionary Techniques in User Interface Design
Based on Human Aspect Modeling
Hamido Fujita, Jun Hakura, Masaki Kurematu
This paper has been participated in plenary presentation at
WSEAS and is presenting a progress a development results on Virtual
intelligent interface based on human facial and voice recognition. We this is
new challenge for sensing the user emotional space and interact with it. It is
part of the cognitive spatial design needed to have the mentality of the
designer been part of the system recognition. This is experimental built
prototype. We think that the practices reported in this work contribute to
integrate (corporate) the cognitive intention of the designer with the
knowledge of the system, The architect can use these design practices to
inhale the emotional practices into the design using such experiment.
32-38 |
2D Galerkin finite volume solution of steady
inviscid / viscous / turbulent artificial
compressible flow on triangular meshes
Hamido Fujita, Jun Hakura, Masaki Kurematu
Contribution to develop an accurate and efficient incompressible two
dimensional flow solver is presented in this paper. The incompressible
form of the mass and momentum conservation equations are solved in a
coupled manner using Artificial compressibility Method. In this work,
two dimensional incompressible forms of the continuity and momentum
equations are converted to discrete form by application of Galerkin
Finite Volume algorithm on triangular meshes. The Biharmonic artificial
dissipation formulation suitable to triangular meshes is applied to
guarantee the convergence to the steady state. The use of triangular
meshes, provide great flexibility for modeling the flow about complex
shaped geometries. The shortcoming of the efficiency associated with
the use of triangular meshes is overcome by application of a face-base
solution algorithm, and, techniques for preserving stability and
efficiency of the matrix free explicit solution method are described.
First, simulation of a convective dominated flow which may give rise to
high frequency numerical errors in explicit solution is presented by
solution of the potential flow around Rankin body. For this case,
initially the convergence behavior of the model is assessed by
sensitivity analysis on the parameters of the Artificial
compressibility Technique, CFL number for computational step limit and
artificial dissipation coefficient. Then, the accuracy of the computed
results are evaluated by comparison with the available exact solution.
The verification of the proposed flow solver is performed in three
stages. Then. Second, the accuracy of viscous modeling by the developed
software is presented by solving incompressible flow over a flat plate
which is analytically solved by Blasius. Third, the ability of the
model to solve real world turbulent flow problems, solution of steady
flow around circular cylinder at super-critical Reynolds number is
performed using a Sub-Grid Scale model for computation of eddy
viscosity parameter, the computed results are compared with available
experimental measurements.
39-46 |
A cell center finite volume depth average flow
solver for simulation of erosion, transport and
deposition of fine non-cohesive sediments
S.R. Sabbagh-Yazdi, N. E. Mastorakis, and A.B. Saeedifar
The details of a cell center finite volume depth-integrated
free surface flow solver is described which solves two-dimensional
advection- diffusion equation of suspended sediment with depth
average flow equations in a coupled manner. The set of flow
equations is considered as shallow water equations which consider
the effect of the bed topography variations. The algorithm includes a
parabolic algebraic eddy viscosity model for simulation of turbulent
effects. The depth integrated sediment concentration equation
mathematically describes the variation of the sediment concentration
due to the deposition-erosion phenomenon via its sink-source terms.
A cell center finite volume formulation for unstructured triangular
meshes is utilized with explicit time integration. In order to prevent
numerical instabilities, proper artificial viscosity terms are added to
the formulation, without degradation of accuracy. Validation of the
suspended sediment module is performed through simulation of two
test cases in straight channels. The first case is use to examine the
sediment transport and deposition modeling on the perforated
channel bed with zero sediment entrainment. The non-equilibrium
coefficient of source/sink term of the suspended sediment
convection/diffusion equation is calibrated on this case. The
second test case, presents the net sediment entrainment into the clear
water from channel bed with zero sediment deposition. Finally, the
model capability is demonstrated by its application to a real world
case study of sediment transport in a dam reservoir.
47-57 |
Research on Intelligent Examination System for
E-business Application
Xin Jin
E-business application is more and more popular in our
society, and the education and training of E-business also become
more important. Commonly, the traditional E-business education and
training adopts two ways: the theoretics teaching in classroom and the
computer-based application operation in E-business simulation
environment which is like an E-business web site (but not same as).
But it is difficult to check students’ ability of E-business application
operation. In this paper, we will discuss an intelligent examination
system that is for checking the examinee’s ability of E-business
application operation. This paper presents the Examination System for
E-business Application Operation (ESBAO), which is a part of
E-business education and training software system, for checking the
E-business application operation capable of the examinees. It proposes
a novel architecture for on-line examination system which is based on
E-business workflow. That system adopts the common client-server
pattern with two major parts, Student site and Teacher site. The
Student site provides examinee a GUI (Graphics User Interface)
embedded a WWW browser for answering the paper. The Teacher site
mainly includes paper management subsystem for managing paper
database, a building paper subsystem for building a new paper, and a
scoring paper subsystem for scoring the paper of the examinees. In this
paper, we also analyze and discuss the system architecture, the system
simulation environment, some key questions and the corresponding
58-65 |
Textural models based on ultrasound images for
the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in
early and advanced stages
D. Mitrea, S. Nedevschi, M. Lupsor, R. Badea
The aim of our work is to find the relevant textural
features for detecting the hepatocellular carcinoma in early and
advanced stages, and also the forerunner stages of this tumor. We
characterize the cirrhosis, as the liver disease that precedes the
hepatocellular carcinoma, and also the evolution stages of this
malignant tumor, through textural parameters obtained from
ultrasound images. For the computation of the textural features we
use the following methods: first and second order statistics of the
grey levels, gradient-based features, statistics of the local shape, and
statistics of the textural microstructures, fractal-based methods and
multiresolution methods. Specific methods for feature-selection are
applied in order to determine the exhaustive set of relevant and nonredundant
features for each stage of evolution. The final purpose is
that of providing a reliable method for the non-invasive
characterization of the HCC and its forerunner stages, in order to
prevent this malignant tumor.
66-73 |
Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Rectangular Segmentation
Chi-Man Pun and Chan-Fong Wong
In this paper, we present a new framework for effective content-based
image retrieval (CBIR) using rectangular segmentation. In image
segmentation, speed is more important than accuracy in CBIR. We propose
a new rectangular approximate image segmentation to solve the problem.
We also develop a significance function to reflect the importance of
different position in image, and improve the segmentation and retrieval
performance. Finally, we present a similarity measure between images
with multi-objects. Experimental results show that the proposed method
is more efficient and achieves higher precision on image retrieval of a
large dataset.
74-79 |
Performance Tuning of
Novell Netware Based on Fuzzy Reasoning
Khalil Shihab
This work presents the design and implementation of
a fuzzy logic system (FLS) for performance tuning of the Novell
Netware 6.5 network operating system. The system provides
intelligent support and maintenance for identifying bottlenecks in
Netware 6.5 performance and recommending solutions to the
problems. Currently, it handles problems in Netware resource
managers, such as memory utilization, disk utilization, processors,
and I/O subsystems. It has been implemented in the FuzzyCLIPS
environment and tested on Novell Netware Service Pack 7.
Preliminary results have indicated that such a fuzzy-based tool for
operating system performance tuning is viable; increases the
productivity of system maintenance personnel and reduces the cost of
training; and provides users of a network operating system with
prompt solutions to their system performance problems.
80-86 |
Design and Realization of Remote Sensing
Monitoring System in Land Consolidation
Chao Zhang, Wei Su, Yijun Jiang, Yongpeng Zhao, Daoliang Li1
During the eleventh five years plan of China, land
consolidation will be invested much than 300 billion RMB . The
monitoring and management of the land consolidation project is
important to ensure the huge investment in where need fund. Based on
the need of the land consolidation monitoring and management
operation and the characteristic of the high resolution remote sensing
monitoring, the land consolidation remote sensing system is designed
with three level such as application level, system function level and
data server level. While based on the feature of the land consolidation
remote sensing monitoring, the function module of the system is
designed including file, display, the land consolidation project
information extraction, land consolidation evaluation, tool box and so
on. And based on the Titan Image development system, the mail frame
of the system is constructed and the mostly function modules are
developed. In further, part of the function module will be perfected.
87-91 |
Evaluation of Facial Expressions and Body
Gestures in Interactive Systems
Nikolaos Gazepidis and Dimitrios Rigas
This paper describes an investigation of facial
expressions and body gestures in an interface with the absence of
interactive content. It explored and evaluated the use of 13 facial
expressions and 9 body gestures in an interface in terms of user
satisfaction and users’ views. The experimental study was performed
with 41 users and results indicated that particular facial expressions
and body gestures when being used individually by a human-like
avatar were more attractive and increased users’ interest. The
outcome of this experiment highlighted the significance of some of
the expressions and gestures. This research provides new directions
for further investigation of the use of multimodal metaphors in
interfaces for e-Business applications.
92-97 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008) |
Pages |
Research on Intelligent Examination System for
E-business Application
Xin Jin
E-business application is more and more popular in our
society, and the education and training of E-business also become
more important. Commonly, the traditional E-business education and
training adopts two ways: the theoretics teaching in classroom and the
computer-based application operation in E-business simulation
environment which is like an E-business web site (but not same as).
But it is difficult to check students’ ability of E-business application
operation. In this paper, we will discuss an intelligent examination
system that is for checking the examinee’s ability of E-business
application operation. This paper presents the Examination System for
E-business Application Operation (ESBAO), which is a part of
E-business education and training software system, for checking the
E-business application operation capable of the examinees. It proposes
a novel architecture for on-line examination system which is based on
E-business workflow. That system adopts the common client-server
pattern with two major parts, Student site and Teacher site. The
Student site provides examinee a GUI (Graphics User Interface)
embedded a WWW browser for answering the paper. The Teacher site
mainly includes paper management subsystem for managing paper
database, a building paper subsystem for building a new paper, and a
scoring paper subsystem for scoring the paper of the examinees. In this
paper, we also analyze and discuss the system architecture, the system
simulation environment, some key questions and the corresponding
99-106 |
Architecture of Mobile Web Application for Generating
Dynamic Route Map
A. M. Haziq Lim, A. A. Azlianor, S. M. Suhaizan, K. Massila
Integrated Light Rail Transit (LRT) System in the capital of Malaysia connects some key districts
where historical places, interesting places, business areas and shopping malls are concentrated. The train
services are running independently but have points where they have interchanges. This may leads the traveler
facing difficulty when they are choosing incorrect destination station especially on different LRT lines which
contribute to time consuming and high costing. Thus, we present an architecture in developing mobile
application that runs on a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to provide the solution for traveler to reach the
desired destination. It is use to dynamically generate dynamic route map by determining the nearest station
according to the specific places. The architecture, web components and its implementation are proposed and
discussed in this paper.
107-111 |
Definition of a Formal and Unified Model for a
Smart Card based European-wide
Electronic Seaman's Book
Fabrizio Lamberti, Simonetta Bettiol, Manuela Mallia, Andrea Sanna, and Claudio Demartini
The current scenario of sea transports is characterized
by an ever increasing growth of people moved and wares exchanged,
accompanied by significant advancements in employment and
business opportunities. Unfortunately, education and training in the
maritime field did not follow the same trend. Thus, on one hand, the
sector is today characterized by a shortage of qualified workers. On
the other hand, present training programs, certification instruments
and competence standards are specifically managed at the national
level, with a consequent lack of interoperability among international
frameworks. Within the O.R.S.A. M.I.NO.R.E. project, the above
issues have been addressed from a formal point of view, with the aim
of defining a European-wide framework for the certification of
seamen's learning and training outcomes. Given the transnational
scope of the project, a unified modeling strategy based on an
distributed Seaman’s Book archive has been defined to homogenize
the existing national experiences within a formalized electronic tool.
Moreover, taking into account end users’ mobility and security
requirements, smart card technology has been integrated into the
overall architecture, in order to allow seamen for a continuous access
to their sensitive data. In this paper, project's results are presented, by
showing the reference architecture, and providing details related to
its two supporting components, namely the distributed electronic
archive, and the smart card-based secure communication framework.
112-119 |
A usability study of multimodal interfaces for
the presentation of internet search results
A. Ciuffreda and D. Rigas
This article describes a usability evaluation of three
interfaces that presented results from queries through Internet search
engines. One interface used purely text in order to communicate
attributes of retrieved results; the remaining two interfaces made use
of different combinations of text and metaphors of visual and aural
nature. This usability study was based on executions of Internet
search activities with specific sets of keywords and on users’ views.
Five criteria were considered for measuring the degree of usability of
the three interfaces. The results obtained from this investigation have
shown that a combination of text, graphical objects and short speech
messages increased the level of usability in interfaces of this class.
120-125 |
Searching for Similar Documents on Mobile
Devices using Classifier Cascades
Kristof Csorba and Istvan Vajk
Abstract: This paper presents a new method for searching documents
which have similar topics to the ones stored locally on a
mobile device. It is designed for mobile device users to automatically
search for documents which might be of interest for the user using
the assumption that documents stored locally represent the fields of
interest of the user. The algorithms are designed for slower processor
and memory capacity, and small data traffic between the devices.
These features make it possible to use the application on phones
or PDA-s for example. The keyword list based topic comparison is
enhanced with cascading, leading to a series of document searching
elements specialized on documents not handled by previous elements.
Details on the applied techniques, formal propositions and experimental
results are presented in this paper.
126-133 |
Genetic algorithms and scalar product for
pairwise sequence alignment
Mohamed Ben Othman, Aboubekeur Hamdi-Cherif, Gamil A. Azim
Abstract: Sequence alignment is a very active research field and
represents an important facet of molecular sequence analysis. In
pairwise alignment, we seek the arrangement of two sequences.
For a multiple alignment, the arrangement is sought for many
sequences. In both cases, sequences are all constituted of residues
i.e. nucleotides for DNA/RNA, or amino acids for proteins. The
objective is to maximize the similarities between them by adding
and shuffling gaps. Although dynamic programming solves the
pairwise problem optimally, it nonetheless suffers from the "curse
of dimensionality". Our goal is to develop a novel technique for
pairwise alignment that is simple to implement and to upgrade,
that gives a good result, that does not require any expertise from
the end-user and that could easily be transposed to the multiple
alignment case. Genetic Algorithms are well suited for problems
of this nature since residues and gaps are discrete units that can be
aggregated to compose the required solutions. We also propose a
class of parametrable cosine-like scoring functions, used as fitness
functions. Thus a general evolutionary computational framework
for testing and implementing different scoring functions is
134-147 |
Adaptive Energy-Aware Gathering Strategy for Wireless Sensor
E.M. Saad, M.H. Awadalla, and R.R. Darwish
Abstract: Energy hole problem is considered one of the most
severe threats in wireless sensor networks. In this paper the idea of
exploiting sink mobility for the purpose of culling the energy hole
problem in hierarchical large scale wireless sensor networks based on
bees algorithm is presented. In the proposed scheme a mobile sink
equipped with powerful transceiver and battery, traverses the entire
field, and periodically gathers data from network cluster heads. The
mobile sink follows an adaptive gathering strategy resilient to both
connected and disconnected networks. The proposed gathering
strategy geared to eliminate multihop relays required by all cluster
heads to reach the mobile sink, balancing the traffic load across all
network heads. Meanwhile, reduce the loss that data may incur due to
buffer overflow. Furthermore, the proposed gathering strategy is
augmented by enabling the mobile sink to navigate safely within
cluttered and uncluttered fields. Extensive simulations are conducted
in order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The
achieved results show an improvement in overall system
148-157 |
Splits, Segs and Superblocks in Split-Merge
Video Compression
Bruno Carpentieri
Abstract: In this paper we review the Split-Merge technique, that
exploits the temporal correlation between frames, preserving the
spatial correlation between the parts of each frame. This technique is
based on the segmentation of the frames into variable size areas: the
superblocks. Each superblock is a connected collection of fixed-size
rectangular blocks “moving” in the same direction by the same
amount. The segmentations obtained from frame to frame permit
retention of the “knowledge” (accumulated in the previous frames) of
the spatial relationship between blocks, improve the quality of the
predictions and exploit the performance of the video coder by
identifying the “active” parts of the frames. Split-Merge
displacement estimation “learns” from previous frames and performs
a classification of the parts in a video frame in terms of their motion
vectors. It is fully compatible with the MPEG philosophy and can be
the basis of MPEG video coders.
Given a segmentation with integer labels of the first frame in a
video sequence, here we describe how to track it, via Split-Merge
displacement estimation, in the following frames, maintaining the
same labels for the same “objects”, while doing displacement
estimation for video compression purposes. Furthermore we also
show how to “learn” objects and their relationship in the sequence,
and how to use the segmentation information to enhance the video
compression process.
158-164 |
Segmentation Techniques for ATDR
G. N. Srinivasan and Shobha G.
Abstract: Automatic Target Detection and
Recognition (ATDR) is an important application of
image processing technology. Image segmentation
is one of the basic steps in image processing. This
paper presents an overview of the methodologies
and algorithms for segmenting 2D images as a
means in detecting target objects embedded in
visual images for an Automatic Target Detection
application along with the relevance and
constraints of each technique.
165-171 |
Converting printed Kannada text Image file to
Machine editable format using Database
B. M. Sagar, Shobha G. and Ramakanth Kumar P.
Abstract: This paper discuss about an idea to convert Kannada
text Image file to Machine editable format using Database
approach. Kannada is a South Indian language. The proposed
OCR system for the recognition of printed Kannada text, which
can handle all types of Kannada characters. The system first
extracts image of Kannada scripts, then from the image to line
segmentation then segments the words into sub-character level
pieces. For segmentation of characters we have discussed an
algorithm. Character recognition has done using database
approach. The level of accuracy reached to 100%.
172-175 |
Radial Basis Functions Networks to hybrid neuro-genetic
RBFΝs in Financial Evaluation of Corporations
Loukeris Nikolaos
Abstract: Financial management maximise
investors’ return, seeking for stocks with
increasing expected corporate value. Hidden
information is included in vast accounting data and
financial indices that are available in
international financial markets. Methods of
Econometrics and Artificial Intelligence- mainly in
the field of Neural Networks- provide
classifications of companies regarding their
economic health. Radial Basis Function networks are
examined in a hybrid form of Neural Network
optimised with Genetic Algorithms and in a regular
Neural Net form, to determine efficient methods of
Financial Analysis. The regular Radial Basis
Function network with 3 layers, Genetic Algorithms
in all the layers and Cross Validation is superior
to all the neuro-genetic forms of RBF in Financial
176-182 |
Toward an Automatic Verification of Secrecy
Without the Perfect Encryption Assumption
Hanane Houmani and Mohamed Mejri
Abstract: This paper gives a novel approach to verify the
secrecy property of cryptographic protocols under equational
theories. Indeed, by using the notion of interpretation functions,
this paper presents some sufficient and practical conditions
allowing to guarantee the secrecy property of cryptographic
protocols under any equational theory. An interpretation function
is a safe means by which an agent can estimate the security
level of message components that he receives so that he can
handle them correctly. Also, this paper gives a guideline on how
to construct an interpretation together with an example and how
to use it to analyse a cryptographic protocol.
183-192 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 3, Volume 2, 2008) |
Pages |
Ontology Context Model for Context-Aware
Learning Service in Ubiquitous Learning
Myoung-woo Hong and Dae-jea Cho
Abstract: In the vision of ubiquitous computing, computer
systems will be seamlessly integrated into our everyday life,
anticipating our needs and providing relevant services and information
to us in an anytime any where fashion. The vision of ubiquitous
computing makes an impact on the appearance of ubiquitous learning
and presents an advanced direction of learning system. This paper
describes the conceptual architecture and ontology-based context
model for providing context-aware learning services in ubiquitous
learning environments. If ubiquitous computing environments have
been realized, it can lead to ubiquitous learning. In ubiquitous learning
environments, various embedded computational devices will be
pervasive and interoperable across the network for supporting the
learning, so users may utilize these devices anytime anywhere. An
important next step for ubiquitous learning is the introduction of
context-aware learning service that employing knowledge and
reasoning to understand the local context and share this information in
support of intelligent learning services. In this paper, we assume that a
school was equipped with ubiquitous computing environments. We
present context-aware manager based architecture to support
user-centric ubiquitous learning services, and describe ontology based
context model for intelligent school spaces.
193-200 |
Energy aware distributed clustering scheme for
wireless sensor networks
E.M. Saad, M.H. Awadalla and R.R. Darwish
Abstract: Energy efficiency is a prominent design principle for
any wireless sensor network protocol. In this paper a distributed
network topology geared for maximizing network longevity and
sensing coverage is presented. The main idea behind the proposed
topology is to develop an energy aware clustering protocol resilient
for network dynamics. The proposed clustering protocol is aiming at
efficiently cluster the network sensor nodes around relatively high
residual energy cluster head nodes. Meanwhile, guarantying uniform
distribution of cluster heads all over the entire sensing field.
Furthermore, the proposed topology employs an adaptive node
activity protocol to dynamically manage the duty cycle of cluster
members in each cluster. Analytical and simulation results are
presented to validate the proposed topology. It is shown that the
proposed topology extends network longevity, while maintaining a
desirable sensing coverage quality
201-209 |
The Human Face Semantic Web
Hamido Hourani, Mohammed Al Rawi, Abd El-Latif Abu Dalhoum and Sabina Jeschke
Abstract: The vast development in the field of multimedia
technology generates huge amount of data which result in difficulties
for users to find their data on demand. Therefore, the process of
efficiently storing and retrieving multimedia data is a very important
task. In this paper, we use the Semantic Web notion to annotate and
retrieve digital images; where we introduce two stages for annotating
these images and two other processes for retrieving these images.
The first stage is the dynamic annotation (absolute) in which the
resultant annotation data may be stored inside the image. The other
annotation is the manual (relative) in which the resultant annotation
is stored in a separate file to be linked in some way to the image file.
To retrieve those images, we build a Semantic Web search engine for
retrieving the annotated images, and this search engine in its turn
comprises of two steps: the first depends on the query entered by the
researcher, and the second depends on the image which is selected
from the previous step which is used as a seed for a second search
round to retrieve the images that relate to the seeded image. To
reduce the impaction of differences of the interpretations among
different annotators, we suggest two types of annotation attributes
coarse and fine. We approach this process via implementing a case
study based on Human Face images which is a very important task
that has wide range of applications, e.g., crime investigation,
relatives search, partners matching and finding, etc.
Using face images of more than 450 persons, the proposed human
face semantic web search engine (HFSWSE) is evaluated through
several experiments. The results of these experiments are
encouraging; since we are able to mitigate the impaction of
differences of interpretations among the annotators. Compared to
typical face recognition techniques, the HFSWSE obtains the
retrieved set of the query image in a short time, and the accuracy that
depends on the number of used attributes is more than good.
218-230 |
A Fundamental Modeling Concept Approach for Modeling UML Design Patterns
A. Spiteri Staines
Abstract: Traditionally software design patterns were developed to create software artifacts efficiently and effectively. Patterns are represented using UML notations and formal models. Unfortunately these do not always suffice to analyze behavior. There are various problems related to visualization, abstracting, mapping the design to the implementation, etc. Various approaches have been tried out. Most methods are too complex and do not offer proper visualization. This paper promotes the use of Fundamental Modeling Concepts to support design patterns. These offer better visualization and simplicity over the mainstream approaches. Some examples are presented.
231-238 |
Study of New Graphical Method for Sportman Evaluation
L. Dan Milici, Elena Rata and Mariana R. Milici
The large majority of specialists on sport domain, after the undertaken studies, proposed varied solutions to improve this process and promoted modern methods and means. In this way, came into being some installations, equipments and computerized technologies that more contributed to the improvement of the training process development. The computing technique also integrated itself into the selection process and into sportsmen training. Through this it is used multiple programs for physical effort planning and for refreshment. The informational system can forecast next results that will be obtained by the sportsmen. Through the experimental results obtained in this work we can establish that the mathematical model elaborated and applied during the training of the youngster swimming sports-girls led to obtain some significant results concerning the forecasting methodology on sports and concerning the improvement of the psycho-motive and psychological parameters. This methodology can be also applied efficiently in other levels of sportive practice. The theoretical and methodological concept can be included in the theoretical and methodical training of the trainers and of the specialist from sport sphere.
239-247 |
Technologies of PEM
Fuel Cells and their Application to LED Semaphores
and Lighting Systems
Jose Javier San Martin, Jose Ignacio San Martin,
Victor Aperribay, Inigo Javier Oleagordia, Inaki
Martin, Jose M. Arrieta
The world today suffers the consequences of the use
of fossil fuels, their polluting emissions and
global warming consistent. All this makes it
imperative the search for new energy models, more
efficient and less polluting. One of the most
promising alternative technology is based on
hydrogen as new energy vector or applied to
combustion engines or fuel cells. A PEM fuel cell
(Proton Exchange Membrane) is a clean electrical and
thermal generator, of high efficiency, which is fed
with hydrogen and oxygen or air. Its behaviour
depends on a high number of parameters, such as:
temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. Many of these
parameters are related with the supply of gases. In
this scenario, this paper presents the results
obtained after the analysis and test of a fuel cell.
This way, a revision of the most outstanding
characteristics in the six modalities of fuel cell
is presented. The theoretical study of these devices
is carried out and experimental results obtained
with a PEM fuel cell are included. This work
presents a new multimedia teaching tool aimed at
teaching Renewable Energies, trying aspects ranging
from storage of surplus renewable energy in the form
of hydrogen, until the applications of this kind in
PEM fuel cells. The main objective is aware of the
need in the use of clean renewable energy,
specifically with hydrogen, in a bid to clear the
immediate future. All the experiments are based on
modules of Ventus FC50 Science, which have made
practices, such as study of security measures,
curves of a fuel cell, parameters that influence,
efficiency of fuel cell stack and finally,
implementation of the fuel cell to traffic lights
with LED technology, uninterruptible power supplies
(UPS), to solve the problem of interruptions in
electricity supply and the dangers and risks
involved in the movement in these conditions. Also
provides for the implementation of fuel cell system
in lighting, analyzing the cost of kWh.
248-258 |
Didactic Resources for
Teaching Physics Online
Angel Franco
The Interactive Physics Course on the Internet is a
project that began in 1998 as an attempt to make the
computer a tool for teaching Physics, both inside
and outside the classroom.
Last year, the Course began to be completely
redesigned. The new XHTML pages, replacing the old
HTML pages, are conceived to create a clear
separation between content and layout. Each web page
is divided in areas, defined by the div tag, each
area being placed on the page, and being defined
(size, internal structure, background...) on an
external CSS style sheet.
Using MathML to display mathematical expressions
instead of image files has several advantages:
•Better rendering quality and print resolution.
•Better fit and alignment with the rest of the page.
The web pages contain 643 Java applets which are
simulations, computer experiments and animations,
and also 27 Flash video files of laboratory
experiments and lecture demonstrations, because
visualization of phenomena is an important part of
learning physics.
The Interactive Physics Course on the Internet was
not intended to be read from the first to the last
page but rather to be used as a reference for a
particular problem or to provide some insight into a
particular aspect of physics.
259-268 |
Integrating Hook-Based
Object-Oriented Framework Testing Techniques
Jehad Al Dallal
Object-oriented frameworks provide reusable design,
implementation, and testing for a family of software
systems that share common features. They are
implemented at the framework domain engineering
stage and extended at the application engineering
stage to build the particular required applications.
Places at which the framework is extended are called
hooks. These hooks are useful in testing both the
framework and its applications. Several
non-integrated hook-based testing techniques are
introduced to test the frameworks and their
applications at different engineering stages and
testing levels. This paper discusses the integration
of four framework-based testing techniques such that
the testing redundancy is minimized and the testing
reusability is maximized. The testing techniques are
originally introduced to test the framework and
hooks during the domain engineering stage, and to
re-test the framework and test the framework
interface classes during the application engineering
stage. Finally, the paper illustrates the design of
the tools that support the automation of the
integrated techniques.
269-278 |
Fuzzy Concept Mining
based on Formal Concept Analysis
Kyoung-Mo Yang, Eung-Hee Kim, Suk-Hyung Hwang, Sung-Hee
Data Mining(also known as Knowledge Discovery) is
defined as the non-trivial extraction of implicit,
previously unknown, and potentially useful
information from data. It includes not only methods
for extracting information from the given data, but
also visualizing the information. Formal Concept
Analysis(FCA) is one of Data mining research fields,
and it has been applied to a number of areas such as
medicine, psychology, library, information science,
and software re-engineering and others. FCA is based
on a mathematical order theory for data analysis,
which extracts concepts and builds a conceptual
hierarchy from given data. In order to analyze vague
data set of uncertainty information, Fuzzy Formal
Concept Analysis(Fuzzy FCA) incorporates fuzzy set
theory into FCA. In this paper, we introduce basic
notions of FCA and Fuzzy FCA, and developed the
Fuzzy FCA-Wizard, that supports Fuzzy FCA’s
features. We demonstrate the process for discovering
knowledge from uncertain data with Fuzzy FCA-Wizard.
279-290 |
About Wave Algorithms
for Network Flows Problems
Laura A. Ciupala
In this paper, we focus on using wave
implementations in order to reduce the time
complexity of some algorithms that solve the most
important network flow problems. We describe wave
implementations of known algorithms for the maximum
flow problem, for the minimum cost flow problem and
for the minimum flow problem.
First, we present a wave preflow algorithm for
determining a minimum flow. This algorithm was
developed by Ciupala and it is a special
implementation of the generic preflow algorithm
developed by Ciurea and Ciupala. The wave preflow
algorithm is a hybrid between the FIFO preflow
algorithm and the highest-label preflow algorithm
for minimum flow. It examines the active nodes in
nonincreasing order of their distance labels and the
node examination terminates when either the node
deficit becomes zero or the node is relabeled. The
wave preflow algorithm for minimum flow runs in
O(n3) time.
Next, we present the wave algorithm for the maximum
flow problem developed by Tarjan. He described a
preflow method that is simpler than Karzanov's first
preflow method for finding a blocking flow. It is
known that a maximum flow can be determined by
computing O(n) blocking flows. Consequently, by
selecting the nodes in some specific order, wave
algorithm developed by Tarjan computes a blocking
flow in O(n2) time and a maximum flow in O(n3) time.
Finally, we describe the wave implementation of the
cost scaling algorithm proposed by Goldberg and
Tarjan. By examining the active nodes carefully, the
wave implementation, developed also by Goldberg and
Tarjan, improves the running time of the cost
scaling algorithm from O(n2m log(nB) to O(n3log(nB)).
291-300 |
A Matrix-Less Model
for Tracing Software Requirements to Source Code
Arbi Ghazarian
Requirements traceability, regardless of the process
used to produce a software system (e.g., traditional
or agile development process), is a highly desirable
quality attribute for the resulting software
product. Building a Requirements Traceability Matrix
(RTM) for a software product, which is the basis for
existing approaches to achieving requirements
traceability, works well with traditional software
development where a more formal requirements process
is in place. However, with the wide industry
adoption of agile development methodologies, where
requirements are captured and communicated through
informal channels, the applicability of existing
traceability approaches to agile software projects
has been strongly restricted. In this paper, we
provide an introduction to the area of requirements
traceability and present a matrix-less model to
achieving requirements traceability that is equally
applicable to both agile and traditional software
301-309 |
H/W based Stateful
Packet Inspection using a Novel Session Architecture
Seungyong Yoon, Byoungkoo Kim, Jintae Oh, Jongsoo
Stateful Packet Inspection(SPI) remember the
previous packet and can thus keep track of the state
of the session. SPI was originally developed for
Firewall. But recently there are various
applications such as VPN, NIDS, Traffic Monitoring,
and so on. In this paper we focused on Network
Intrusion Detection System(NIDS). Because stateless
IDS only look at one packet at a time, a lot of
false positive alerts generate during attempt to
attack using IDS evasion tool, for example, “stick”
or “snot”. To prevent this problem, SPI was employed
in NIDS and statefulness of NIDS became very
important. But most of existing SPI products are
software based solutions which have poor performance
in current high-speed internet environment. So, in
many cases, the SPI module in NIDS remains
inactivated. That is against original purpose.
Stateful IDS mainly depends on the performance of
processing session table and pattern matching.
Pattern Matching has been a lot of studied. But,
relatively few studies have been devoted to session
processing. It is so difficult that we manage a lot
of session state information with limited hardware
resources and satisfy high-performance. Therefore,
our purpose is to design and implement SPI module in
FPGA with new session management architecture. And
then we prove that can achieve an efficient and fast
stateful intrusion detection that supported up to 1
million sessions with high performance.
310-319 |
Advantages of
Self-Migration for Distributed Computing
Lubomir F. Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt
We compare four paradigms that have recently been
the subject of recent research: mobile agents,
distributed shared memory (DSM), coordination
paradigms, and self-migrating computations. We place
these paradigms in a common framework and
demonstrate that self-migrating computations subsume
the other three paradigms in terms of their
capabilities to organize and coordinate computation,
and map the concurrent activities onto a
multicomputer architecture. We then demonstrate the
advantages of self-migration in terms of algorithmic
integrity, performance, the ability to generate
parallel programs, and the ability to support
incremental parallelization.
320-329 |
Efficient Distributed
Controller for Wandering Robot Formations using
Local Sensing and Limited Range Communications
E. M. Saad, M. H. Awadalla, A. M. Hamdy, H. I. Ali
This paper focuses on the development of wandering
robot formations and shows the cooperation and
coordination among the robot teammates to maintain
the achieved formation regardless the complexity of
the environment. To address these issues, this paper
proposes a new behavior based robot architecture.
This architecture is based on a novel technique for
location determination using local sensing. The
proposed architecture is implemented using the well
known robot simulator Webots. Experiments for many
difficult tasks such as the passage through narrow
corridors, obstacle avoidance, swerving with large
angles, and switching between different formations
have been conducted. These Experiments prove the
efficiency of the proposed controller. The obtained
results show that the constructed formations are
more stable and accurate even in cluttered and
uncluttered environments.
330-339 |
Usual Scenarios and
Suitable Approaches Used in Automatic Merge of
Scanned Images
Costin A. Boiangiu, Andrei C. Spataru, Andrei I.
Dvornic, Ion Bucur
The most important step in automatic content
conversion is the preprocessing step. Having a very
good scanned document is almost a safe bet that the
document will have the content extracted with a good
confidence level. The current paper describes some
preprocessing methods which can be used in large
images that must be scanned by pieces because they
simply don‘t fit entirely the scanner area. We
propose a novel digital multi-pass scanned image
merge scheme for newspapers or other historical
documents, allowing further content exploitation in
an efficient way. The goal is to combine multiple
images with or without overlapping fields of view in
order to produce segmented panorama or high
resolution document.
340-349 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 4, Volume 2, 2008) |
Pages |
Improved Algorithms for
Minimum Flows in Bipartite Networks
Eleonor Ciurea, Oana Georgescu, Daniela Marinescu
In this paper we study minimum flow algorithms for
bipartite networks. We present two classes of
algorithms for finding minimum flow in bipartite
networks. The time bounds for several minimum flow
algorithms automatically improve when the algorithms
are applied without modification on bipartite
networks. We obtain further running time
improvements by modifying the algorithms. This
modification applies only to preflow algorithms. In
the final part of the paper we present an example
for one of these algorithms.
351-360 |
Process Development and
Management: Towards the Maturity of Organizations
Evangelos Markopoulos, Javier Bilbao, Elena
Christodoulou, Todor Stoilov, Tanja Vos, Charalampos
The basic process principles are defined through the
concept, values and theories of statistical control,
which is used in many fields, regardless their type
of operation. Processes development, maintenance,
enhancement and management is not a formality issue
for virtual organizational quality control and
assurance. Process development and standardization
is considered the ability to reproduce the
consistent high quality levels of a service or a
product with the ability to develop optimum work
methods or process and equipment conditions, to
codify them, to be able to translate them into
effective practices, and then to create the
organizational circumstances to gain long term
adherence to these optimum methods and conditions.
Process development and management falls into the
category of unavoidable infrastructure. Leadership
within organizations need to understand the true
role played by processes and standards besides the
consistent, predictable and probably successful
organizational performance, but towards achieving
via, the process, the organizational maturity needed
not only to progress, but also to survive.
This paper presents a comprehensive approach around
the process development and management concept which
troubles heavily all technology intensive
organizations in their attempt to achieve
consistency and manage complexity.
361-370 |
Fast Human 3D Voxelized
Shape Reconstruction for Human-Computer Interaction
Yaiza Velaz, Luis Unzueta, Angel Suescun
At present, there is an increasing interest in
multimodal interaction, which supports multiple
modes of interaction of the user with the computer.
Among these modes of interfacing, those obtained
from face expressions, voice, body postures and
movements are the most important and researched
within a human face-to-face interaction context.
Some of the tools used to achieve this communication
are: motion capture, speech recognition and force
feedback. Thus, in order to carry out the
human-computer interaction (HCI), some features and
parameters are needed, which can be extracted via
cameras or haptics depending on the communication
The 3D shape of the target person constitutes one of
the most used features in markerless motion capture
for a posterior pose and motion pattern recognition,
which can be obtained from a multi-camera system.
The process starts by subtracting the background
from the images in order to get the projected
silhouettes of the subject. Then, having established
the relation between the real 3D world and the
camera projections, the 3D shape reconstruction can
be attained with voxel carving methods. The
reconstruction quality depends on the number of
cameras, the size of the voxels and the used method.
The more precise the 3D shape reconstruction is, the
higher the computational cost will be, which may
prevent its use for HCI applications.
We present a novel approach that accelerates
existing voxel carving methods. It goes from coarse
to fine, preserving the matching with the captured
silhouettes, and thus achieving a good
reconstruction quality. Results show its suitability
for real-time markerless motion capture, applicable
to HCI applications, such as videogames.
371-380 |
Implementation of The
Infinity Project© in Ireland to Make Mathematics and
Science Relevant and to Interest Students in Careers
in Science, Engineering and Technology
Michael Tully
The Infinity Project is a programme, created in the
late nineties by Southern Methodist University (SMU)
in Dallas, Texas. It is presently taught in high
schools in 37 states throughout the United States to
interest students in engineering and technology as a
career and in universities to help retention. The
programme was designed to answer the perennial
student question “why do I need to learn this” by
connecting the relevance of science and mathematics
to everyday digital devices such as: cell phones,
MP3 players, the Internet etc.
The School of Electronic and Communications
Engineering (SECE) at the Dublin Institute of
Technology (DIT), is the first third level School
outside the US to facilitate the teaching of The
Infinity Project. The Project’s curriculum is
included in the first year of all SECE’s programmes.
SECE is also supporting the implementation of The
Infinity Project in a number of secondary schools in
Ireland. Some parts of the Project’s subject
material are ideally suited to students in
transition year from age 15 years upwards. To date
over 80 secondary school teachers of mathematics and
science have attended SECE for training in The
Project. This is the first instance of a
collaborative initiave between the US and Ireland in
second level education. A modified version of The
Infinity Project now forms a part of the Pre-Apprenticeship/
Youthreach programmes which are designed for early
school leavers and funded by the State Training
Authority (FAS). The content of this modified
programme is significantly different. It is designed
to be more hands on and the computer laboratory
exercises account for 80 % of total tuition time.
Future plans are to teach this programme on science,
computer skills and business courses within FAS.
381-390 |
A Mediation System to
Facilitate Cooperative Activities
Victoria Eugenia Ospina, Alain-Jerome Fougeres
In this article we present the use of knowledge for
a Mediation System, developed to give support to
participants in mechanical-system-designer
activities. To use a cooperative system sufficient
assistance is needed to facilitate and coordinate
actors’ activities. To accomplish this goal we
introduce an artificial actor: Mediator. The
Mediator forms part of the group of collaborative,
with the specific role of facilitating the
cooperative activity. This role of assistance,
differentiate the Mediator from other actors. This
one is endowed with specific skills of cooperation
(communication; awareness, coordination,
co-memorization), requiring some acquired knowledge,
which allow them to give assistance to the human
actors. We will define the types of knowledge
defined for our proposed Mediation System. Then we
will illustrate the use of memorized knowledge by
the Mediator during an activity of technical
functional analysis.
391-400 |
Regarding the Implementation of the ESPL Programming
Horia Ciocarlie, Cosmin-Mihai Vacarescu
This paper’s scope is to describe the back-end
implementation of the ESPL compiler, precisely the
platform for the cod’s simulation – a virtual
machine – and the virtual code generator for this
platform. ESPL is an object oriented programming
language that is used for embedded systems and
consequently the virtual machine is implemented in a
manner that allows the simulation and testing of
specific features of embedded systems. The virtual
code generation is strongly dependent on the
configuration of the virtual machine. Its starting
point is the intermediate code produced by the
front-end of the compiler, and, as final point, a
file with machine code that will be load and
executed by the virtual machine. The implementation
is based on the OOP principles and every module can
be replaced and upgraded if the interface rules are
followed. The interaction with the user is realized
trough the ESPL GUI. New windows and options were
added to the previous GUI to support the features
offered by virtual machine and the virtual
401-410 |
Moisture Transport Monitored by a Non-Destructive
Jan Skramlik, Miloslav Novotny
Moisture in building structures influences the
physical properties of materials and can cause their
degradation. Apart from few exceptions, building
materials are hardly dry every time. They always
contain some moisture within the solid, in liquid or
gaseous state. Moisture is of variable quality with
different effects on thermal and technical
properties. To express an anticipated negative
effect of moisture on building materials related to
building structures it is necessary to achieve an
accurate way of determining their moisture
characteristics if possible.
411-420 |
Low Back Pain and
Lumbosciatalgia Treatment with Interferential
Yolanda Ruiz, Javier Bilbao, Azucena Ruiz, Jon
We have done a research study in various patients
with low back pain and lumbosciatalgia. In all these
patients becomes a palpatory exploration. We carried
out the scheme of dermatotomic distribution of each
patient. We must conclude the cause of pain after
reviewing medical evidence, make a strategy of
analgesic treatment, design the adequate current,
and check the results. Patients with lumbar ailment
caused by chronic diseases often suffer pains that
often are not treated properly. This paper presents
a study and analysis of the pain suffered by two
similar groups with low back pain and
lumbosciatalgia in chronic phase who have been
treated with the same kind of interferential
currents but with difference in treatment time.
Treatment time are 10 and 20 minutes, respectively.
The results are different in both groups of
421-431 |
The Status of Particles
in Modern English
Edison I. Hajiyev
The problem of parts of speech is the one that
causes great controversies both in general
linguistic theory and in the analysis of separate
languages. Authors of grammars published in the
former USSR treat the particle as a separate part of
speech, naming it “form-word”, “structural”,
“functional” or “semi-notional” part of speech. In
this paper we investigate the status of particles as
a separate part of speech in Modern English. We
concentrate our discussion on the morphological
structure, semantic characteristics, place,
polysemantic and homonymous particles. We consider
the particle in Modern English as a separate part of
speech characterized by the following typical
features: 1) Its lexico-grammatical meaning of
“emphatic specification”; 2) Its unilateral
combinability with words of different classes,
groups of words, even clauses; 3) Its function of a
432-441 |
How Design an Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle with Great Efficiency in the Use of
Existing Resources
Javier Bilbao, Andoni Olozaga, Eugenio Bravo, Olatz
Garcia, Concepcion Varela, Miguel Rodriguez
At a time of economic recession, the selection of
means necessary for the development of research
projects takes high importance because, among other
reasons, the premature end of the project depends on
this selection. The use of existing solutions and
the merger among similar projects allows greater
efficiency in the use of existing resources. This
paper is a synthesis of work done so far in the
Department of Applied Mathematics of the Engineering
School of Bilbao about the design of Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAVs) for water bombing.
442-451 |
Solid Modelling with
Fourth Order Partial Differential Equation
L. H. You, P. Comninos, Jian J. Zhang
A solid modeling method is developed in this paper.
In order to satisfy the tangential continuity, a
fourth order partial differential equation is
proposed and the boundary conditions defining the
solid are presented. Since an analytical expression
of solid models is the fastest in the geometric
modeling, a unified closed form solution to the
partial differential equation is sought which
accurately satisfies the boundary conditions of
solids. A number of examples are presented to
demonstrate the applications of the developed method
in solid modeling and the effects of vector-valued
parameters, force function, geometric parameters and
basic functions on the shape of solids.
452-461 |
Improved and Simple
Scheduling Scheme for Real-Time Data Communication
in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ensaf A. Alzurqa, Hesham N. Elmahdy, Gamal Darwish
Data communication protocols in wireless sensor
networks are influenced by the packet scheduling
algorithm and the routing protocol. The packet
scheduling algorithms can arbitrate the use of the
network in a deadline sensitive manner to ensure
that most packets make their deadline. The routing
protocol can influence the paths taken in the
network and the interaction between contending
flows. Most existing work in real time data
communication has focused on packet scheduling, with
little work addressing the routing protocols and the
interaction of both. In this paper, we propose a new
scheduling algorithm (SES-SN) which deals with all
contributing components of the end-to-end traveling
delay of data packets in wireless sensor networks.
SES-SN uses Exponential Increasing Delay Policy with
a multi-path routing protocol. The SES-SN makes more
efficient used for the bandwidth and so decrease the
packet miss ratio, drop ratio and overall delay
which we consider them our accuracy measure in WSN
communication. This scheme efficiently utilizes the
limited energy and available memory resources of
sensor nodes and also has a significant impact on
the success of real-time sensor data communication
and avoids collision.
462-469 |
Mobile Devices as
Personal GIS Client Platforms
Dejan Rancic, Bratislav Predic, Dragan Stojanovic,
Aleksandar Milosavljevic
Proliferation of powerful and feature rich mobile
devices during recent years has caused increased
need for professional grade mobile applications that
are to aid fieldworkers in their everyday
activities. Apart from obvious technical limitations
mobile computing/telecommunications devices pose
like reduced processing capabilities and small
memory capacity changing usage conditions in open
space while user is moving and completing other
primary task present mobile applications developers
with additional challenges and opportunities to
exploit user’s environment in order to create
applications that are capable of adopting to
changing environment conditions they are being used
in. Mobile GIS is enabling field work personnel to
always have access to most accurate and up to date
spatial data. Also, this system automates the
process of updating central enterprise GIS with data
acquired in the field, process which has been up to
date tedious and error prone.
470-478 |
Multi-Target Tracking
using Human Teachable Robots
E. M. Saad, M. H. Awadalla, A. M. Hamdy, H. I. Ali
This paper focuses on developing a team of mobile
robots capable of learning via human interaction. A
modified Qlearning algorithm incorporating a teacher
is proposed. The paper first concentrates on
simplifying the Q-learning algorithm to be
implemented on small and simple team of robots
having limited capabilities of memory and
computational power. Second it concentrates on the
incorporation of a human teacher in the Qlearning
algorithm. Real and simulated experiments using the
wellknown robot simulator Webots on a proof of
context both single and multi-target tracking tasks
have been conducted. The achieved results show the
success of the proposed algorithm in the overall
system performance.
479-488 |
Dynamic Approach to
the Construction of Progress Indicator for a Long
Running SQL Queries
Mario Milicevic, Krunoslav Zubrinic, Ivona Zakarija
Widely used Data Warehousing (DW) and Business
Intelligence (BI) technologies are mostly based on
complex and long-running queries. It is very
important for users to have information about query
execution progress. Percent-done progress indicators
are a technique that graphically shows query
execution time (total and remaining) or degree of
completion. In this paper we propose a method that
constructs model of a percent-done progress
indicators based on adaptive approach. During the
learning phase, the method analyzes the influence of
averaged system state on the SQL query response time
using data mining algorithms. The results of this
phase are models representing query behavior under
dynamic server workload. Built models are used
during the production phase for the estimation of
query execution time. Experimental evaluation
confirms the effectiveness of created models.
489-496 |
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