![](energy.jpg) ISSN: 1998-4316
Year 2009
All papers of the journal were peer reviewed by two
independent reviewers. Acceptance was granted when both
reviewers' recommendations were positive.
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 1, Volume 3, 2009) |
Pages |
Energy Efficient Lighting - A
Way to Conserve Energy
Arvind Dhingra, Tejinder Singh
Energy is the source that has been driving the
mankind in this technological era. Usage of energy
depicts the level of development of a nation. The
energy resources of the world are under severe
pressure to cope up with the growing need of energy.
The technological changes and changes in the
lifestyle have increased the demand for energy
tremendously. With the resources become scarce and
energy costs growing, it becomes imperative for
everyone to save energy or to use the available
energy judiciously. The need is to either find new
sources of energy or to use the energy available
carefully. Lighting forms a major chunk of load on
our electrical power system. Energy efficiency in
lighting involves building architecture, selection
of proper luminaries and light sources. This paper
presents the study of energy conservation measures
adopted in a spinning unit. The payback period is
also calculated.
1-8 |
A New Power Swing Detection
Scheme for Distance Relay Operations
Ahmad Farid Bin Abidin, Azah Mohamed, Hussain
This paper presents a new detection scheme based on
the derivative of the line reactive power as seen by
a relay to prevent distance relay mal-operation
during power swings. This proposed scheme overcomes
the shortcoming of conventional power swing detector
(PSD) by removing the pre-defined R-X diagram. The
conventional PSD has the difficulty in obtaining the
timer setting at pre-defined R-X diagram due to
varying cycle of power swings. To illustrate the
effectiveness of the proposed detector, the
simulation were conducted on the IEEE 39 bus test
system using the PSS/E software. The results show
the effectiveness of the proposed detection
technique to distinguish between a fault, fault
clearance and power swing in order to activate the
correct relay trip signals during power swings.
9-16 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 2, Volume 3, 2009) |
Pages |
Progress on the Problems of the
Study in the Performance of a Solar Module under
Conditions of Random Changes of Radiation
Liliana Cortez, J. Italo Cortez, Alejandro Adorno,
Ernest Cortez, Mariano Larios
The challenge of studying the performance of a solar
array capable of abrupt changes in the radiation has
a significant importance therefore the present work
is based on the simulation of the interconnection of
36 solar cells in a photovoltaic solar module (MS),
of the Solar Shell brand, model Shell Power Max
85-P, by means of a mathematical simulator MATLAB,
which offers swiftness and easiness of use. Relating
the percentage of shade in given conditions of
radiation to the point of maximum transference of
power is intended, in order to be able to analyze
the effects of random changes in solar radiation, on
the production of energy, in outdoor conditions. The
simulator provides the parameters of an open circuit
tension (Voc)), the short circuit current (Isc), the
maximum power (Pmax), and the characteristic curves
of the solar module, depending on the shade effect
that can hover on it, enabling the random study of
changes of solar energy, in energy production. The
experimental segment for attestation, as well as
some of the trials carried out in different
conditions of solar radiation are shown.
17-24 |
Investigation of Realizing SDI
with High Swirl Charge in a Motorcycle Engine
Yuh-Yih Wu, Hsien-Chi Tsai, Manh-Cuong Nguyen
The targeted developments for future vehicles are
how to reduce fuel consumption, pollutant emission
while maintaining high level of engine performance.
To deal with those issues, fuel system has been
taken great concerns by scientists for a long period
of time. As we know, Port Fuel Injection system
(PFI) and Gasoline Direct Injection system (GDI) are
popular techniques which are being used on
commercial vehicles. This paper presents the
possible improvement of engine performance by
applying effect of swirl motion on lean-limit of
semi-direct injection SI engine. The fuel goes into
cylinder directly through intake valve near the
middle intake stroke to make richer mixture around
the spark plug, which is called semi-direct
injection (SDI). Thus, this system includes high
swirl charge, injection during intake valve opening,
and air-assisted fuel injection. The modifications
of intake port by using baffle plate and the other
by closing one intake valve for the 125 cc, 4-valve,
port-fuel-injection (PFI) engine to increase swirl
ratio of in-cylinder air motions which helped to
form rich mixture around spark plug, and lean
mixture at other location which is so-called
stratified charge. The CFD software was use to
investigate the in-cylinder air motion. After that,
the combustion characteristics of swirl charge were
investigated. The SDI engine then was tested under
lean conditions at 4500 rpm and 5300 rpm.
Experimental results indicated that lean-limit was
extended to maximum air-fuel ratio 25.26 (excess air
ratio = 1.73) at swirl ratio 3.5 while brake
specific fuel consumption and coefficient of cycle
variation were very low. Finally, the ECE-40 driving
cycle simulation was employed for lean burn SDI
engine as well as the original PFI engine. Results
show that by using SDI mode at low engine load
operation of ECE-40 driving cycle, the fuel
consumption, CO emission, and NOx emission were
improved by 4%, 31.1%, and 5.9%, respectively.
However, the HC emission was increased by 25%.
25-34 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 3, Volume 3, 2009) |
Pages |
Falling Film Heat Exchange and
Backsplash on Horizontal Tube Bundles
Jiri Pospisil, Libor Chroboczek, Zdenek Fortelny,
Pavel Charvat
Tube bundles represent a very common type of heat
exchanger that is used in many technical
applications. The problem of heat and mass transfer
in tube bundles attracts a lot of attention in
connection with falling films in absorption
processes employed in absorption cooling and
refrigeration cycles. The paper presents results of
parametrical studies focused on expression of
horizontal tube spacing and falling liquid flow rate
influence on falling film formation and heat
transfer in atmospheric pressure. Due to the
complexity of the problem the research was done
experimentally on an experimental set-up with a
bundle of horizontal replaceable tubes.
35-42 |
Optimization of Heat Carrier
Distribution System in Thermal Power Stations
Ioan Sarbu, Doru Pelivan
The present paper is a summary developed from the
author’s studies, conducted over a period of many
years and throughout the design, implementation,
commissioning and servi-cing hot water boiler rooms,
with temperature not exceeding 115 ?C. This paper
relates to study the advantages and disadvantages of
the principal, systems and modes of distribution of
heat carrier, desig-ned according to the most used
thermo hydraulic schemes of hot water boiler rooms
with power over 100 kW. To eliminate these
disadvantages, the authors propose a new
distribution system apparently similar to those
existing, but actually different, by its advantages.
The main component of the proposed system is a
"different" flow/return manifold of the heating
carrier, called “monoblock flow/return manifold with
separating diaphragm”.
43-50 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 4, Volume 3, 2009) |
Pages |
Numerical Analysis of the
Laminar Forced Heat Convection between Two Coaxial
Ioan Sarbu, Anton Iosif
This paper presents a study of the dual reciprocity
boundary element method (DRBEM) for the laminar heat
convection problem between two coaxial cylinders
with constant heat flux boundary condition. DRBEM is
one of the most successful technique used to
transform the domain integrals arising from the
non-homogeneous term of the Poisson equation into
equivalent boundary only integrals. This recently
developed and highly efficient nume-rical method is
tested for the solution accuracy of the fluid flow
and heat transfer study between two coaxial
cylinders. Since their exact solutions are
available, DRBEM solutions are verified with
different number of boundary element discretizations
and internal points. The results obtained in this
study are discussed with the relative error
percentage of velocity and temperature solutions,
and potential applicability of the method for the
more complicated heat convection problems with
arbitrary duct geometries.
51-58 |
Design of Optimal Water
Distribution Systems
Ioan Sarbu
The paper approaches the optimization of water
distribution networks supplied from one or more node
sources, according to demand variation.
Traditionally, in pipe optimization, the objective
function is always focused on the cost criteria of
network components. In this study an improved linear
model is developed, which has the advantage of using
not only cost criteria, but also energy consumption,
consumption of scarce resources, operating expenses
etc. The paper treats looped networks wich have
concentrated outflows or uniform outflow along the
length of each pipe. An improved model is developed
for optimal desing of new or partially extended
water distribution networks, which operate either by
means of gravity or a pump system.The model is based
on the method of linear programming and allows the
determination of an optimal distribution of
commercial diameters for each pipe in the network
and the length of the pipes which correspond to
these diameters. Also, it is possible to take into
account the various functional situations
characteristic found during operation. This paper
compares linear optimization model to the some
others, such as the classic model of average
economical velocities and Moshnin optimization
model. This shows the good performance of the new
model. For different analyzed networks, the saving
of electrical energy, due to diminishing pressure
losses and operation costs when applying the
developed model, represents about 10…35%.`
59-67 |
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