ISSN: 2308-1007
Published by NAUN
Year 2007
All papers of the journal were peer reviewed by two
independent reviewers. Acceptance was granted when both
reviewers' recommendations were positive.
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 1, Volume 1, 2007) |
Pages |
Mapping Bamboo in Berangkat Forest Reserve, Kelantan, Malaysia using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor
Kamaruzaman Jusoff
Abstract: Bamboo mapping in the forest is neglected by the public
and there are only a few research conducted regarding bamboo. Thus,
an assessment of the distribution of bamboo resources is necessary
for the utilization of bamboo and aid in the development of bamboo
product manufacturing. Bamboo is ranked second to rattan in
economic importance in Peninsular Malaysia. The general objective
of this study is to assess the capability of UPM-APSB?s AISA
airborne hyperspectral imaging sensor for bamboo mapping in the
forest while the specific objectives are to identify, quantify and map
out the distribution of natural bamboo growing areas in Berangkat
F.R, Kelantan. A False Colour Composite (FCC) image the study
area was used in the study. Sobel filtering was used to enhance the
image. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) was then used to classify the
bamboo species among other vegetative species within the Berangkat
F.R. A thematic map of bamboo distribution was produced and the
bamboo species was identified as Gigantochloa scortechnii. The areal
extent of bamboo acreage in the study area was 2.12 ha. With an
estimated bamboo culms of 4 009 at a mapping accuracy of 60%.
Bamboo mapping using UPM-APSB?s AISA airborne hyperspectral
sensing has a great potential and should be integrated with a GISbased
decision support system to support future decision making,
development and utiliz tion of bamboo by Kompleks Perkayuan
Kelantan management.
1-6 |
Lightning Signature Assessment
to Forecast Tornado Formation
Richard Snow, Mary Snow, and Nicole Kufa
Abstract: Recent research suggests that a
maximum rate of lightning strikes occurs at least 15
to 20 minutes prior to tornado formation within a
supercell storm. These maxima are associated with
strengthening updrafts as they appear in radar
measurements. An increase in lightning rates
correlates with an increase of shear in the lower
part of the storm. In combination with a strong
updraft or downdraft, this shear can provide the
ingredients for rotation and possibly a tornado.
Polarity reversal of lightning around the time of
tornado touchdown also has been examined. Thus,
increasing lightning flash rates and reversal of
lightning strike polarity are potential indicators
of possible tornado formation. This research
examines these findings by conducting a GIS analysis
of tornado and lightning data from a severe storm
event on 9 May 2006, which occurred near the rural
town of Anna, Texas. This storm produced several
tornadoes ranging from F0 to F3. The lightning data
show three distinct patterns in the 50 minutes prior
to the first reported tornado touchdown, which
include an increase in lightning strikes, an
increase in the percent of positive polarity strikes,
and a spatial concentration of strikes prior to
touchdown along the path of the tornado. As the
study of lightning signatures becomes more refined,
forecasters can use real time lightning data to
compliment radar signatures in an effort to predict
tornado development in severe storms.
7-11 |
Models for Plasma Control in Fusion Reactors
Aitor J. Garrido, Izaskun Garrido, Oscar Barambones, F. Javier Maseda and Patxi Alkorta
Abstract: The control of plasma in nuclear fusion has revealed as a promising application of Control Engineering, with increasing interest in the control community during last years. In this paper it is outlined a control-oriented linear model for the control of plasma current. For this purpose, it is firstly provided a summary of the background necessary to deal with control problems in tokamak-based nuclear fusion reactors as it is the case of the future ITER tokamak. Besides, it is also given a review of the most used simulators and plasma models, with the aim of providing an adequate background for control engineers to derive their own control-oriented model or to choose the appropriate existing one. Finally, a simple linear model based on loop control voltage is derived.
12-16 |
Improved BP neural network for forecasting industrial electricity consumption in China
Xingpi g Zhang, Rui Gu
Abstract: An improved BP Neural Network with additional momentum and adaptive learning is proposed in the paper to predict the growth rate of industrial electricity consumption. Firstly the industry is classified into
I, II and III sectors based on the developmental economics. In the BP neural model, the growth rate of current year industrial value-added output, and the growing ratios of
I, II and III sector electricity consumption are taken as input variables, and the output is the growth rate of next year industry electricity consumption. Matlab7 is used as modeling tool to design the model. The simulation result is compared with that of traditional BP Neural Network model, which show the feasibility of the model proposed in the paper. Furthermore, superiority of improved BP Neural Network is validated.
17-20 |
Simulating Long Term Reactive Transport of
CO2 in Saline Aquifers with Improved code
Shunping Liu, Bjorn Kvamme
Abstract: The geological storage of CO2 in saline aquifers is
believed to be one of the most promising ways to reduce the
concentration of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Injection of
CO2 will, however, lead to dissolution of minerals in regions of
lowered pH and precipitation of minerals from transported ions in
regions of higher pH. The geomechanical implications of these
changes on the stability of the reservoir are of crucial importance in
the evaluation of potential injection reservoirs. The possible injection
rate for given over-pressures of the injected CO2 depends on the
porosity and permeability of the rock matrix in the vicinity of the
injection well. Local fracturing in this region can be a tool for
increasing the injection flow rate but a geomechanical analysis will
be needed in order to make sure that this fracturing will not affect the
geomechanical stability outside this limited region to a significant
degree. This paper presents a new application of improved code RCB
(RetrasoCodeBright) to simulate CO2 storage in saline aquifer.
According to specification of carbon dioxide under injecting, gas
density and gas solubility have been corrected in code RCB. Newton-
Raphson method used to solve the flow and mechanics in RCB has
been improved so as to make the solutions always converge even
under high gas injecting pressures. A 2D hydro-chemical-mechanical
problem is respectively solved by the original and the improved RCB
code. The results are presented and compared.
21-27 |
Numerical Simulation of Building Performance
under Different Low Energy Cooling
Ashfaque Ahmed Chowdhury, M G Raul and M M K Khan
Abstract: Numerical simulation on building performance under
different low energy cooling technologies are carried out in order to
reduce the energy consumption and peak demand associated with the
building cooling. The simulation is based on a heat and mass balance
principle and verified by measured data. In simulation, the building
zones, air-handling systems, central chiller plant and other
equipments are integrated in the heat balance equations sequentially
and the Euler formula is employed to solve and complete the
numerical calculation. Various measures such as focusing on chilled
ceiling, pre-cooling of building thermal mass and economiser
systems are taken into account to evaluate the energy consumption,
the indoor environment and greenhouse emission by office buildings
in a subtropical climate - Central Queensland, Australia. Chilled
ceiling, a radiant cooling system, is modeled using time series
solution by extending the conduction transfer function method. A
specific on-off control strategy is used to model pre-cooling and
economizer system in the building simulation. The results indicate
that low energy cooling techniques save operating energy in
subtropical climates and also provide better thermal comfort for
building occupants.
28-36 |
Modeling and Simulation of Thermodynamic
Processes of Vertical Shaft Kiln Used for
Producing Deadburned Magnesia
M.G. Rasul and D. Saotayanan
Abstract: A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling and
simulation of thermodynamic processes of vertical shaft kiln used for
producing deadburned magnesia is presented. The model developed
is a 2D steady state model. The combustion, particle-gas dynamics
and heat transfer processes which occur inside a vertical shaft kiln are
modeled by Eulerian multiphase model, and Species transport and
finite volume chemical reaction model. Segregated solver is
employed to solve and couple the numerical calculations from each
model. Numerical approach and computational methodology are
detailed. The simulated results on gas and granular bed temperatures
as a function of kiln height are discussed and compared with the
designed data. The simulated results show a reasonably good
agreement with the designed data supplied by reference plant.
37-44 |
An Aspect of Sustainability in the Hospital Maribor - Optimization
Supplying of Electricity and Heat Energy
Davorin Kralj, Gregor Pivec
Abstract: The environment management is the
consequence of EU Environmental Policy and
Slovene Environmental Policy. Energy is a critical
element essential to the delivery of quality healthcare
services. Organizations assume responsibility for their
economic success as well as for the environment and
society. This paper presents a model that is developed
to optimize the operation of electricity and heat
energy in a Hospital Maribor. The model can be used
for decision support regarding in both design and
operation of hospital energy systems. The approach is
composed of an aspect of Sustainability, Sustainable
Management and optimization model to optimize the
selection and operation of electricity and heat energy.
For the Hospital Maribor, sustainability management
means using resources efficiently and sparingly, acting
in a socially responsible way and thus enhancing the
Hospital's reputation.
45-50 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 2, Volume 1, 2007) |
Pages |
rediction of the Power Ratio in Wind Turbine Savonius
Rotors Using Artificial Neural Networks
J. Sargolzaei
The power factor of wind turbines are estimated using artificial neural networks (ANNs) based on experimental that are collected over seven prototype vertical Savonius rotors. This device could be used for local production of electricity. In this research, the rotors having different features in the wind tunnel and the tests are repeated 4 to 6 times for reducing error. All experiments are done on six blades in different Reynolds number and wind speed varied from 8 to 14 m/s. Input quantity for the estimation in neural network is tip speed ratio (TSR). Rotor's power factor was simulated in TSR numbers and different angles of blade in proportion to blowing wind in a complete rotation. The simulated Results were compared with the corresponding experimental data shows that the simulation has the capability of providing reasonable estimations for the maximum power of rotors and maximizing the efficiency of Savonius wind turbines. According to results, increasing Reynolds number leads to increase of power ratio.
51-56 |
On The Speed Stability of Wind Driven
Induction Generators Connected to Distribution
A. Kuperman and R. Rabinovici
The output power and mechanical torque of a wind
turbine driven induction generator, connected to a distributed system,
change with the rotation speed. Furthermore, in the region
corresponding to speeds above the one resulting in maximum output
power, the wind turbine output power and torque decrease in a
drastic manner when the rotation speed increases. Hence, the
induction generator speed stabilizes even when the power system is
heavily loaded and the generator terminal voltage is much lower than
the nominal value. Simulation results are presented to prove the
correctness of the mentioned assumptions.
57-64 |
Combination study of Fuzzy Cognitive Map
Lin Chunmei
Multi-expert constructing Fuzzy cognitive map is a
typical multi-expert knowledge combination problem. In this paper,
we investigate the use of Dempster-Shafer evidence theory as a tool
for multi-expert knowledge combination. In proposed method, we use
each expert opinion as a evidence, the possible value of weight as
frame of discernment, the expert?s evaluation to a weight on frame of
discernment as basic probability assignment, and Dempster-Shafe rule
as combined basis of basic probability assignment m. Finally, the
weight is given according to combined basic probability assignment.
The strategy can gradually reduce the hypothesis sets and approach the
truth with the accumulation of evidences, which make the result of
decision more all ?around and more scientific. The experimental result
is shown that the method can keep exactitude information, reduce
conflict factor and improve knowledge quality.
65-69 |
Evaluation the use of fytofoam on the water management, turfgrass germination and reestablishment in golf courses
C. Guerrero, C. Antunes, and M. Pereira
To evaluate the fytofoam turfgrass application on the effect on the water management and in turfgrass germination and reestablishment some experiments had been carried out in two golf courses in the Algarve region [Herdade dos Salgados (Albufeira) and Pinhal Golf (Vilamoura)]. In the Salgados golf course it was done an evaluation of the fytofoam application on Agrostis stolonifera ("Penncross") obtained by seed and transplantation. Soil moisture, turfgrass germination and soil bulk density were compared where fytofoam was and was not applied. It was also evaluated the turfgrass germination and reestablishment on lawns obtained by seed and transplantation, respectively. In the Pinhal Golf course it was done a comparative evaluation on the turfgrass establishment speed in the following situations: with fytofoam; with turf + sand and only with sand, on Cynodon dactylon (?Bermuda Tifton 419?) lawn obtained by transplantation. According to the results (visual and laboratorial), it was observed that the application of fytofoam sped up the germination of the two tested turfgrass species and the root development was higher both in Cynodon dactylon and in Agrostis stolonifera lawns; the soil moisture had been higher at 5, 15 and 25 cm depth when fytofoam was used and the soil bulk density was smaller where fytofoam was incorporated.
70-74 |
Sugarcane pulp residue as a horticultural
substratum and as an organic corrective
J. Brito, I. Chada, P. Pinto, C. Guerrero, and J. Beltr?
This work aims to justify the use of sugarcane
residues as soil organic amendment and the possibility to be
applied as a substratum in the green pepper culture Capsicum
annuum L. Several treatments of mixtures of soil and
sugarcane residues were used, with increasing doses in the
following percentages 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and of 100% of
sugarcane residues. Weekly evaluations of the biometrical
parameters of each treatment were determined, such as the
height, the stem diameter, the number of leaves and number of
floral buttons, the SPAD units in new and old leaves and the
number of developed fruits. Laboratorial analysis were done
in order to evaluate chemical parameters on the end of the
experimental work ? pH, the electric conductivity and the
concentration of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn e Zn soil and
sugarcane residues mixtures. It can be concluded that
sugarcane residues have characteristics of a good soil organic
compost, and can be used in soils poor in organic matter, and
t6contribute to increase the soil fertility level. Moreover, it
was observed some root development, according to the
increase of sugarcane residues applied in the mixtures. Plants
growing in the 100% sugarcane residues mixture showed a
satisfactory behavior, probably due to a better soil aerification,
which had promoted root development.
75-78 |
Prediction of the pollutants generation in natural
gas/residual steel gases co-combustion
Ion V. Ion, Florin Popescu, Lucian Georgescu
Abstract: The effect of co-combustion of
residual steel gases (blast furnace and coke oven)
and natural gas on the pollutant formation: CO, NOx,
SO2 was examined in the paper. The residual gases of
blast furnace and coke oven are characterized by
reduced lower heating values and high content of
carbon monoxide and dioxide (CO2, CO), nitrogen (N2)
and hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Combustion of these
fuels leads to an increased emission of pollutants (CO,
SO2, NOX). As formation of these pollutants is
influenced by O2 content in flame, the case with
less excess air (10% excess air) was numerically
simulated on a steam generator furnace. The boiler
under investigation is a 230MW, water-tube boiler
having two, respectively three vertically aligned
burners. The conservation equations of mass,
momentum and energy, and equations representing the
transport of species concentrations, turbulence,
combustion and radiation modelling in addition to CO
modelling equations and models describing thermal NO
formation, were solved together. The simulation
study provided the temperature, NO, CO and SO2
distribution in the combustion chamber. The
simulation results were compared with the actual
boiler furnace measurements (corresponding to 25%
excess air).
79-84 |
Researches regarding the physiological
response induced by atmospheric pollutants
on Gymnosperm species in the industrialized
areas of Romania
Zenovia Olteanu, Maria-Magdalena Zamfirache and Lacramioara Ivanescu
Abstract: In this paper we studied the physiological reaction of
the foliar photosynthetic apparatus for four different Gymnospermes
species (Pinus nigra Arn., Pinus sylvestris L. Picea abies (L.) Karst.
and Abies alba Mill.), coming from the outskirts of the Borzesti
(Bacau county), Bicaz and Tasca (Neamt county) industrial platforms.
In the studied areas the polluting agents are special from a physic
point of view: in the first location are mostly gases (sulfur dioxide,
chloride, ammoniac), and solid (black smoke, soot), and in the other
two locations, mostly solid (sedimentation lime dust and cement).
The placement of the three industrial centers in depression areas,
along with other specific geographic characteristics, contribute to the
stability of the pollution nucleus with maximal pollution agents
concentrations on the vegetation on these platforms; these realities
induce the most powerful impact between the pollution agents and
vegetation, fact shown by specific functional disturbances of the
foliar photosynthetic apparatus (the amount of assimilating
85-89 |
Physiological modifications induced by
atmospheric pollutants on Gymnosperm
species in the industrialized areas of Romania
Maria-Magdalena Zamfirache, Lacramioara Ivanescu and Zenovia Olteanu
Abstract: In this paper we present the critical situation of some
species of Gymnosperms (Pinus nigra Arn., Pinus sylvestris L. Picea
abies (L.) Karst. and Abies alba Mill.) which can be found in areas
of industrial zone from Borzesti, Bicaz and Tasca Districts, Romania.
The pollutants are in the first location mainly gaseous (sulfur
dioxide, chlorine, ammoniac), but also solid (carbon black, soot); in
the other two locations, the noxious substances are mainly solid ones
(lime or cement powders prone to sedimentation). Our investigation
it is about the physiological modifications of the leaves (needles).
We want to stress the fact that the large quantity of dry substance
from the leaves isn?t always related to the distance from the polluting
source; moreover, this quantity is not directly related to the necroses
which we can see on the leaves and that means that in some cases the
changes of physiological functions is quickly followed by
defoliations and withering and in other situations the defoliation
occurs after the necroses occupy important areas of the foliar surface.
90-94 |
Cito-histological changes due to the action of
atmosphere pollutants on three species of
Lacramioara Ivanescu and Irina Gostin
Abstract: In this paper we have studied three species of
gymnosperms, spontaneous and cultivated ones ? in areas adjacent to
industrial platforms: Borze?ti (Bac?u county), Bicaz and Ta?ca
(Neam? county), Romania. Our investigations (have focused during
the period 1996 ? 2005) concerning the histo-anatomical changes
induced by the (gaseous and solid) atmosphere pollutants on the
needles; the changes have been observed in protecting tissues,
assimilator tissues (the palisade layer and the lacunose tissue),
vascular and mechanical tissues. Some needles have presented
disorders in all the component tissues, while in others, the structure
changes have only appeared in part of the lamina
95-100 |
Dust Storms Impacts on Air Pollution and Public Health under Hot and
Dry Climate
Abbas Miri, Hassan Ahmadi, Ahmad Ghanbari, Alireza Moghaddamnia1
Abstract: The commencement of drought in the Sistan region,
Iran in 1999 created suitable conditions for dust storms to
form. They carry clouds of dust in the wind over the region
that causes severe air pollution and makes breathing very
difficult for local residents, in particular, for those who have
respiratory diseases. In such conditions, people use mouth
masks even inside their homes. The effects of air pollution
arising from dust storms on people in the area of research
were studied by completing questionnaires and visiting
hospitals in stormy days. The results show that about half of
residents have been subject to respiratory diseases due to dust
storms during the period of interest. The research indicates
that the number of people affected in rural areas is more than
in urban areas. Some patients had to call on a doctor during
stormy days and approximately 55 percent of them visited a
physician more than 20 times per year. About 40 percent
called on a doctor a couple of days after a dust storm and 32
percent mentioned that they can not call on a doctor due to
financial and economic issues. Also, the results derived from
hospital studies show that in stormy days most of the patients
were respiratory patients, including those who were affected
by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and
asthma. The percentage of these diseases in summer (July and
August) is more than other months due to more severe dust
storms. The amount of financial losses due to these respiratory
diseases has been estimated at over 73.5 million dollars during
1999-2004. Finally, we conclude that dust storms have an
important role in spreading respiratory disease in the Sistan
101-105 |
Evaluation of the Bacillus thuringiensis
based insecticide in the control of
Lepidopterous caterpillars on golf courses
C. Guerrero; D. Pereira; and L. Neto
Abstract: Bacillus thuringiensis was tested as a biological
insecticide in turfgrass. A field experimental work was carried out at
the Benamor Golf course, in the Algarve region, where it was
evaluated the lepidopterous larvae biological control effectiveness of
an EIBOL product, designated RET-BT.
Best results, were obtained using the highest biological pesticide
concentration (2 L.ha-1).
106-108 |
Analysis of Single and Double Passes V-Grooves
Solar Collector With and Without Porous Media
Bashria A, A. Yousef, Adam N. M, K Sopian, A. Zaharim and M. Alghoul
Abstract: The present study involves a theoretical study to
investigate the effect of mass flow rate, flow channel depth and
collector length on the system thermal performance and pressure drop
through the collector, on V-groove absorber at single and double flow
mode. This study has been conducted by using a developed internet
based mathematical simulation. It is concluded that in V-groove
absorbers types, the double flow mode is 4-5% more efficient than
the single mode. On the other hand the using of porous media in
double flow increase the air heater efficiency to be 7% efficient than
air heater in single mode, and 2-3% more in double flow mode
without porous media. The analyses results and the graphs obtained
in this paper can be a helpful tool for a designer engineer to construct
economical and efficient solar air heaters with technical dimensions.
109-114 |
Comparison between Linear and Non-Linear
Crop Acreage Estimation Methods
H. Roosta, R. Farhudi, and M. E. Afifi
Abstract: This study employs sub-pixel classification methods
to estimate crop acreage using low resolution satellite images. Linear
mixture and Neural Network Methods examined the relationship
between the value of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
(NDVI) in the context of Iran and crop acreage that reported by
administrative office. The Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) offers a unique combination of spectral,
temporal, and spatial resolution compared to previous global sensors,
making it a good candidate for large-scale crop type mapping.
However, because of sub-pixel heterogeneity, the application of
traditional hard classification approach to MODIS may result in
significant errors in crop area estimation.
Fars province in south of Iran was selected as test zone, because of
the cover type of the large majority of agricultural fields. Neural
network model and Linear Mixture model were investigated and
result in area fraction images (AFIs). The AFIs contain for each 250
m pixel the estimated area proportions occupied by the different
cover types (crops or other land use). The algorithm was trained
with both of reference data and in situ data which collected by GPS
in Marvdasht District. For the major classes (winter wheat, maize
and other crops) the obtained acreage estimates showed good
agreement with the true values (NNR2390% and LMMR2385%).
These methods seem attractive for wide-scale, regional area
estimation in the countries that appropriate data are not available.
115-121 |
Protection of Natural Wetland within
Development Area: A Case Study of Tasik
Maisarah Ali, Noor Shakilah Mohd. Radzi and Kamaruzzaman Jusoff
Abstract: Wetlands provide an important ecological function that
contributes to watershed functions, most notably in pollutant
removal, flood attenuation, groundwater recharge and discharge,
shoreline protection, and wildlife habitat. However, despite of the
many watershed services wetlands provide, the pressure from the
development of a city is great. This research is carried out to
identify the threats that will affect wetlands and the surrounding
area undergoing development by using several methodologies,
namely observations, photograph analysis and interviews. The
area chosen for the study is a wetland in Tasik Melati near the
township of Kangar Perlis which is located in the Northern
Peninsular Malaysia. The area was originally fresh swamp forest
and in 2001 has been designated as recreational area. Currently
50.4 acres has been developed and another 33.3 acres is for future
development. This event more or less provides an attestation to the
function and the role of this wetland and the impacts that may
occur if it were to undergo any changes. There is a need to
compromise between conservation and development as
conservation of wetlands is of great significance in preventing
122-126 |
Impact of Wetland Urbanization in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
Maisarah Ali and Kamaruzaman Jusoff
Abstract: Wetlands provide an important ecological function that
contributes to watershed functions, most notably in pollutant
removal, flood attenuation, groundwater recharge and discharge,
shoreline protection, and wildlife habitat. However, despite of the
many watershed services wetlands provide, the pressure from the
development of a city is great. This research is carried out to
identify the threats that will affect wetlands and the surrounding
area undergoing development by using several methodologies,
namely observations, photograph analysis and interviews. The
area chosen for the study is a wetland in the township of Kota
Damansara, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur, the commercial city of
Malaysia. The undergoing development of the area,
reclaiming17.66 acres of the total 45.89 acres water retention lake
to build 6 blocks of apartment and commercial units will create
adverse impacts to the area down stream. Moreover, it is believed
that the collapse of a bund in the wetland in 2006 had
compounded towards the massive flood situation in other cities
located down stream. This event more or less provides an
attestation to the function and the role of this wetland and the
impacts that may occur if it were to undergo any changes. There
is a need to compromise between conservation and development
as conservation of wetlands is of great significance in preventing
127-132 |
Ranking Accident Blackspots With Reference
To Cost Of Accidents Using Hierarchical
Bayesian Approach
Noorizam Daud, Kamarulzaman Ibrahim
Abstract: Road accident is an unfortunate event which is a matter
of serious concern to the authority. A proactive measure taken in
reducing the rate of accidents is to identify hazardous locations for
treatment. In order to allocate resources wisely when treating
accident locations, engineers usually rank accident locations based
on the mean number of accidents observed over a period of time.
Identification, ranking and selecting hazardous accident locations
from a group under consideration is a fundamental goal for traffic
safety researchers. The search of a better method to carry out such
tasks is the main aim of this study in order to improve road safety in
the country. The number of accident varies within and between
locations, hence making Bayesian hierarchical model suitable to be
applied when allowing for these two stages of variation. This study
will illustrates the use of posterior mean to rank accident blackspots.
133-143 |
Energy Conservation and Power Consumption Analysis in China Based
on Input-output Method
He Yong-Xiu, Zhang Song-Lei, Li Tao, Li Fu-Rong
Abstract: To achieve the sustainable development of society, the 11th five-year plan of national economic and
social development of China raised the energy-saving target of decreasing 20% energy consumption per unit
GDP in 2010 than the end of 2005, to what extent the power demand will be affected is the main problem to be
solved when power industry polices are being made. Based on the input-output model, this paper sets high,
moderate, extensive and 20% energy-saving scenarios to analyze energy-saving and power consumption
situations of China in 2010.By computing, we get energy-saving level and power demand under different
scenarios. The analysis results show that under the premises of adjusting the ratio of investment and
consumption, optimizing products structure and improving energy efficiency, it is possible to achieve the
energy-saving target. China's power consumption will maintain a stable growth trend during 2006-2010. The
proportion of power consumption to the total will also increase during this period, and it is expected to reach
over 17.5% in 2010.
144-149 |
Harmony Search and Ecological Optimization
Zong Woo Geem and Justin C. Williams
Abstract: Harmony Search, which is a music-inspired
meta-heuristic algorithm, was first applied to an ecological
conservation problem for preserving species and their habitats. The
problem was formulated as an optimization problem of maximal
covering species problem (MCSP) in order to maximize covered
species under the limited efforts. Then, it was solved by an improved
harmony search algorithm which includes problem-specific operators.
When applied to real-world problem (State of Oregon, USA), the
harmony search algorithm found better solutions than those of another
meta-heuristic algorithm, simulated annealing.
150-154 |
Global Marketing and Environmental
Davorin Kralj and Mirko Marki?
Abstract: Environmental issues have become an important
element in the management of both private and public
organizations. The Global Compact?s environment principles are
derived from the Rio Declaration on Environment and
Development. The process of market globalization has lead to
many changes. The global economic system needs to show a more
human and environment friendly face. Companies mu | | |