 ISSN: 2308-1007
Published by NAUN
Year 2010
All papers of the journal were peer reviewed by two
independent reviewers. Acceptance was granted when both
reviewers' recommendations were positive.
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 1, Volume 4, 2010) |
Pages |
Traffic Noise Impact in Road
J. Quartieri, N. E. Mastorakis, C. Guarnaccia, A.
Troisi, S. D'Ambrosio, G. Iannone
Abstract: In the framework of urban
environmental control, acoustical noise is
considered one of the most important physical
polluting agents. In particular, urban area are
strongly affected by noise coming from vehicular
traffic. Nowadays traffic noise models are mainly
used to predict traffic noise in urban general
environments and don’t takes into account
conflicting points, such as intersections. Only some
models consider the addition of a constant penalty
due to the presence of a road intersection. In this
paper the authors summarize the classification and
the choice criteria of different intersections
typologies, and then investigate the noise impact of
different road intersections both on a review plan
and on a software aided performance. The
introduction of graphical elements for designers and
engineers, able to furnish hints for the choice of
intersection typology and geometrical features,
based on the acoustical impact on urban environment,
is pursued. Noise maps, easy to be read by final
user, are produced for different intersection
typology and compared by means of contour lines or
1-8 |
Analyses of Iranian Garden
Design Art from Landscape Architecture and Urbanism
Shahram Nassehzadeh, Ahadollah A'zami
Abstract: In Iranian mind, garden has
a pervasive picture as it has changed into an
internal view through centuries and is considered
part of its culture. From one side Iranian Gardens
got their feature and shape from their geometric and
structural definitions and from harmony of their
sustainable orders. As each of these orders were
modern but an unwritten principle and norm that
systematized definition, planning, shaping and
forming of a part of garden in relation with other
parts of it. This order was in such an extent that
no Iranian Garden is designed except if it included
both orders of structure and geometrical point and
forming Iranian architecture space, elements and
arena. Investigating experiences of Iranian urban
design in relation with methods of exploiting garden
in urban structure and spaces can have significant
role in reconstruction, repair and development of
cities. Therefore, we have tried in this article to
analyze basics of landscape architecture and Iranian
Garden Urbanism together with its teachings in
contemporary garden design of Iran from different
points of view.
9-17 |
New Aspects on the
Implementation of Wind Farms in Romania and Greece
Marius-Constantin Popescu, Nikos E. Mastorakis
Abstract: Presently, the wind energy
utilization devices approach is changed from
individual isolated equipments, designated to a
singular application, to compel wind farms connected
to the electrical network. Supported by a favorable
legal frame, they become competitive actors on the
energy market, challenging traditional actors, like
thermal or hydro power stations. Romania and Greece
has good wind resources, mainly on the Black Sea and
Mediterranean coast and in mountainous areas. The
paper presents a computer modeling of such a farm,
continuing with a study of balance of a turbine, by
a MATLAB simulation of the resulting transfer
18-26 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 2, Volume 4, 2010) |
Pages |
Application of Matlab for
Simulating the Operation of a Photovoltaic System in
Conditions of Mexico
Liliana Cortez, J. Italo Cortez, German Ardul Munoz,
Ernest Cortez, Gustavo Rubin Linares, Alejandro
Paredes Camacho
Abstract: The insufficient production of
energy in Mexico represents a deficit nearby to 36
TWh per year and greatly elevates its cost therefore
restraining the development of the country. The
design of effective and profitable facilities on the
basis of solar modules is especially important.
Software dedicated to the simulation of photovoltaic
systems can realize extensive and precise analyzes,
but they generally do not allow the user to modify
the algorithms. This degree of freedom only is in an
open architecture of MATLAB that allows east process
of disposition to modify any existing routine or to
include new. In the present work a program in Matlab
of the simulation of the operation of a photovoltaic
system on the basis of the mathematical models of
its components was designed. Software includes the
models of the solar panel, battery, investor
(continuous-alternating), consumption and model of
arrival of the solar radiation. Each one of the
obtained models have been organized in a set of
architectures with the purpose of to characterize
traditional photovoltaic systems most of.
27-34 |
Evaluation of Emissions
Exhausted by Diesel Vehicles on Urban Routes
Adriana Tokar, Arina Negoitescu
Abstract: Most important pollutant effect of
internal combustion engines is due to harmful gases
existing in exhaust emissions, which occur due to
poor, incomplete fuel combustion in internal
combustion engines. Compression-ignition engines
produce smoke at high loads. Experimental researches
on traffic simulation with a Volkswagen Caddy 1.7DTI
car were accomplished in Road Vehicles Laboratory at
the Politehnica University of Timisoara and aimed a
large congested vehicles route from Timisoara
downtown (a traffic light intersection and a
non-traffic light one, 6 pedestrian traffic light
crossings and 4 non- traffic light ones). The
studied route is 2.3 kilometers length, where the
traffic is carried on “bar to bar”. As measurements
results, the opacity values were obtained for the
engine operating under transient conditions.
35-44 |
Key Elements of a Model for
Sustainable Tourism
Mirela Mazilu
Abstract: Destination, or the terminus of
tourists’ holiday, is a complex link between
geography (with all the resources - human and
natural - it offers you) and tourism (with all the
activities they can undertake and services they can
consume during the stay). The services forming the
tourist product/products offered/given at a
destination, and which must be differentiated from
those offered by competitors, are the ones “forming”
the brand. By tourist destination one can understand
a country, a region within a country, a city, a
village or a resort. Whatever the type of
destination, the marketing tasks are the same:
creating a favourable image of the destination in
the target segments of visitors, the design of tools
to support and promote the image and, not least,
promoting the image of the destination in the
regions of origin. These topics will be covered in
this article, focusing on elements that define a
tourist destination, the functions of a destination,
but also the items which define the image of a
destination and its competitiveness, which offer
extra durability. Tourist destinations with limited
financial resources for marketing activities face
many difficulties in producing an impact on the
tourist market. It is therefore vital for Romania to
adopt a policy of marketing such as "hitting the
bull’s eye”, thus directing the efforts toward
clearly defined goals and using the most effective
marketing tools.
45-54 |
Evaluation of Lead and Zinc
Concentration and their Changes in Surface Sediments
of Zayanderood River (Iran)
Javad Tabatabaei
Abstract: Zayanderood is the only permanent
river in central iran and the main feeding source
for regional aquifers that plays a key role in
providing esfahan province with drinking water.
Because of the importance of this river in terms of
its various uses and the fact that it receives waste
materials from heavy industries, In order to study
the motion changes of the potentially poisonous
elements of lead and zinc and their effective
factors in zayanderood river, Eleven surface
sediment samples were taken along the beds of the
river course (up stream to down stream). Total metal
concentrations were obtained after acid digestion
and then analysis was carried out by ICP-AES. The
results from the analysis of fine grain sediments
(particles smaller than 63 μ) indicate a high
concentration of lead and zinc in several sampling
stations. The concentrations of zinc & lead have
been 494.3 ppm and 40.45 ppm respectively. The
separation of human factors from natural ones was
done by comparing lead & zinc concentrations at"
Zaman khan" bridge station (as the reference sample)
with those of the other sampling stations by
obtaining the enrichment coefficient. Taking into
account the results and coefficients, obtained and
comparing those with widely used international
standards, it seems the two elements of lead and
zinc have not natural sources in some of the
55-61 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 3, Volume 4, 2010) |
Pages |
Energy Efficiency Strategies in
Refrigeration Systems of Large Supermarkets
J. M. Garcia, L. M. R. Coelho
Abstract: Energy efficiency and its
relationship with sustainable development are one of
the most important objectives in modern engineering
systems. In Industrial Installations that use
refrigeration systems that are associated with the
food industry, this optimization of energy
consumption associated with the achievement of high
quality standard is one of the main objectives of
the modern engineer. One of the most important
sectors in the distribution industry is the large
supermarkets. In this kind of plants the annual
amount of costs associated with all the
refrigeration equipments that exists inside (cold
chambers, preparing rooms, displaying cabinets)
achieve values that in some cases represent more
than 50% of the total energy consumption costs. With
this background all strategies that conduce to
reductions in refrigeration energy consumption
should be considered. This article is about this
kind of strategies that can be made in the
refrigeration systems and equipments of a large
hypermarket to reduce refrigeration energy
consumption. Special attention is given to the
variation of evaporation and condensation pressure,
utilization of scroll compressors, utilization of
efficient control systems and equipment.
63-70 |
Weather Influence on a
Different Weapons Systems
Karel Dejmal, Vladimir Repal
Abstract: The paper deals with possible
estimation how impact may have meteorological
conditions on operations. The paper is focused on
human troops, unmanned armed vehicles, artillery,
offensive air support, air reconnaissance,
helicopter gunship and transport troop carrier.
Weather impacts are typically provided in
“stoplight” format, i. e. green (in other words
Favourable) is used when the meteorological
conditions have during mission the minimal
operational impacts, amber (Marginal) for moderate
operational impact and red (Unfavourable) when the
meteorological conditions have severe operational
impact or the mission is unrealizable due to
meteorological conditions.
71-78 |
Implementation of Methods for
the Radiation Fog Prediction
Karel Dejmal, Vladimir Repal
Abstract: Fog formation is complex; its
occurrence is widely variable in space and time,
forming under a wide range of meteorological
circumstances. This article is focused on prediction
of radiation fog formation on territory of the Czech
Republic. The radiation processes play most
important role in fog formation but unfortunately
other processes as for example advection or
precipitation must be considered. The main goal is
to develop method for radiation fog forecasting on
territory of central Europe. For this purpose
Craddock and Pritchard’s method and methods based on
its aproach hase been implemented.
79-87 |
Equilibrium Isotherm,
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies of Lead Adsorption
onto Pineapple and Paper Waste Sludges
Panida Sampranpiboon, Pisit Charnkeitkong
Abstract: The adsorptions of lead from
aqueous solution by pineapple and paper waste
sludges are studied through equilibrium isotherm.
Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models are
applied in order to describe the Langmuir
coefficient (aL), Langmuir constant (KL), separation
factor (SF), Freundlich constant (KF), intensity of
Fruendlich adsorption (nF-1). The Gibb free energy
(?G?), enthalpy (?H?), and entropy (?S?) are
calculated for thermodynamic parameters. The
adsorption of rate constant (kad) are determined
with from kinetics studies; zero-order, first-order,
and second-order adsorption. The activation energy
(Ea) of adsorption is applied with Arrhenius
equation. Langmuir adsorption model presents better
fit with experimental data. The kad from first- and
second-order adsorption have the high correlation
coefficient (R2) with concentration 100-250 ppm,
temperature 30-50 ?C, and pH 6.
88-98 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 4, Volume 4, 2010) |
Pages |
Numerical Modeling of Solute
Transport in a Coupled Sinusoidal Fracture Matrix
System in the Presence of Fracture Skin
N. Natarajan, G. Suresh Kumar
Abstract: Modeling of fluid flow and solute
transport through fractured rock is an important
aspect of many disciplines such as groundwater
contamination, nuclear waste disposal, petroleum and
gas production, mine excavation and geothermal
production. A few studies have been conducted in the
coupled fracture matrix system in the presence of
fracture skin using parallel plate model. An attempt
has been made to simulate solute transport in
sinusoidal fracture-skin-matrix coupled system
numerically. Results suggest that the spatial
variation of the fracture aperture along the
fracture affects the mass transfer at the
fracture-skin interface. The sinusoidal fracture
geometry increases the residence time of the solutes
and thus increases the rate of diffusion of solutes
into the fracture skin. The sinusoidal geometry of
the fracture plays a major role in the mass transfer
mechanism and thus needs to be considered while
modeling contaminant transport in the fractures.
99-104 |
GIS-Based Assessment of
Geotechnical Characteristics Related to Earthquake
Motion in a Small Urban Area
Chang-Guk Sun
Abstract: Site characterization on geological
and geotechnical conditions was performed for
evaluating the earthquake ground motions associated
with seismic site effects at a small urbanized area,
Hongseong, in Korea, where structural damages were
recorded by an earthquake of magnitude 5.0 on
October 7, 1978 and severe damages were also
recorded in many historical documents. In the field,
various geotechnical site investigations composed of
borehole drillings and seismic tests for determining
shear wave velocity profile were carried out at 16
sites. Based on the geotechnical data from site
investigation and additional collection in and near
Hongseong, an expert information system on
geotechnical information was implemented with the
spatial framework of GIS for regional geotechnical
characterization over an entire area of interest.
For practical application of the GIS-based
geotechnical information system to assess the
earthquake motions in a small urban area, spatial
seismic zoning maps on geotechnical parameters, such
as the bedrock depth and the site period (TG), were
created over the entire administrative urban area of
Hongseong, and the spatial distributions of seismic
vulnerability potentials were intuitively examined.
Seismic zonation was also performed to determine
site coefficients for seismic design by adopting a
site classification system based on TG. A case study
of seismic zonation in the Hongseong area verified
that the site investigation based GIS was very
useful for regional prediction of site effects
related to seismic response characteristics in a
small urbanized inland area.
105-112 |
Analysis of Relative Humidity
Variation in Autumn 2009
Carmen - Otilia Rusanescu, Ileana Nicoleta Popescu,
Marin Rusanescu, Ladislau David
Abstract: In the present paper, relative
humidity variation was analyzed every week from
autumn months of 2009, and analysis was done for the
1st day of September and the last day of December
2009. Relative humidity variation analysis was made
based on the records of the atmospheric parameters
of the weather station equipment from Biotechnical
Engineering Faculty of the University “Politehnica”
of Bucharest (UPB). Based on records maintained by
AWS weather station type / EV, we have achieved the
statistical analysis of relative humidity in the
months of the autumn 2009 and also in december,
highlighting the maximum and minimum relative
humidity. We using GECO Using Data Acquisition
software which are operating system runs under
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, Win NT, Windows 2000,
XP. With this equipment, meteorological time is
measured, recorded and transmitted automatically in
real time with specific systems and also stored on
computer databases. Primary meteorological Stored in
databases on WAS will be subject to the evaluation
process, statistical calculated and analyzed. The
Relative Humidity Sensor RH %, from this device it
is an electronic sensor, based on a thin film
element (temperature compensated capacitive Polymer)
which have the capacity to variations linearly with
the relative air humidity. RH % it is also an
analogue sensor, have a good accuracy of
measurements (the signal ranging linearly between o
V and + 1 V which measuring between 0-100% and have
sensitivity on the full scale +/- 2 % and a response
time less than 15 second), which could give us an
adequate monitoring of analyzed parameters.
113-121 |
Experimental Researches on the
Corrosion Behavior and Microstructural Aspects of
Heat Treated Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys
Maria-Cristiana Enescu, Ileana-Nicoleta Popescu,
Raluca Zamfir, Alina Molagic, Vasile Bratu
Abstract: The material for experiments was an
aluminum alloys series 7xxx obtained by
thermo-mechanical processing. We studied the
influence of different artificial aging parameters
on mechanical characteristic and corrosion of
Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-alloy. The Al alloys was solution
treated at 475±5o C for 60 minutes, quenched in
water 40-60oC and artificial aging at 120, 150, 180,
210oC at different time of aging (60, respectively
300, 540, 720 minutes). After heat treatment the
obtained alloys were corroded in solution of 53g
NaCl + 1000 ml distilled water and boiled in these
solutions for 24 hours. After corrosion test,
samples were prepared for optical microstructural
analyzing and mechanical tested. We observed that
the best corrosion behavior has the sample aged at
180oC /12 hours, when coalescence occurs and the
weakest corrosion behavior has the sample aged at
180oC /1 hour (better behavior in comparison with
the sample aged at 210oC). At 150oC the maximum
hardness is higher, while the decreases of hardness
in time are lower and corrosion behavior is better
for all samples.
122-130 |
Geoenvironmental Issues
Concerning the Black Sea Basin
Ancuta Rotaru
Abstract: This paper presents the geographic
data and the reasons to study the Black Sea basin.
The paper also describes the Black Sea tectonic
evolution models, its platform conditions,
especially in the Romanian sector, the deep sea
basin conditions and its anomalous magnetic theory.
The geoenvironmental impact data of Black Sea basin,
taking into account its fresh water discharge,
coastal discharge, with coastal (beach-forming)
sediments and marine (deep-water) sediments,
sediments in the Romanian Sector, erosion with its
causes and effects.
131-138 |
Green Product Development –
Customers and Producers Reflection
Matjaz Maletic, Damjan Maletic, Bostjan Gomiscek
Abstract: This paper intends to provide a
better understanding of environmentally friendly
design concerning various aspects, including
customers’ and producers’ perspectives. The results
of the research study conducted in Slovenia provide
an important link between customers and producers
view considering green products. The customers
appear to recognize the importance of environmental
concerns regarding green product development, even
though their main purchase-decision criteria are:
their needs, quality and price. This applies that in
order for green product to succeed, product
characteristics should be in a balance with quality
(and consequently customer’s need) and environmental
protection. The results also highlight the different
views according to the benefits of green products.
From customers’ point of view, the most important
benefits for producers regarding green products is
enhanced reputation (response rate was 33%), while
producers believe that customer trust is the most
important benefit obtained from green products
(response rate was 31%). However, it seems that
there is still often too little awareness and
understanding of the wider environmental, social and
economic impacts of green product design.
139-152 |
Hydrogen as a Future Energy
Source. An Impact Study
Violeta-Carolina Niculescu, Mihai Anghel, Ioan
Abstract: One of the major impediments for
the transition to a hydrogen based energy system is
the lack of satisfactory hydrogen storage
alternatives. In a future sustainable energy system
based on renewable energy, environmentally harmless
energy carriers like hydrogen, will be of crucial
importance. Hydrogen is an important, though little
studied, trace component of the atmosphere. It
exists at the mixing ratio of about 510 ppb.
Hydrogen is an indirect greenhouse gas with a global
warming potential GWP of 5.8 over a 100-year time
horizon. A future hydrogen economy would therefore
have greenhouse consequences and would not be free
from climate perturbations. Our study focuses on the
environmental impact of using hydrogen as a energy
source. If a global hydrogen economy replaced the
current fossil fuel-based energy system and
exhibited a leakage rate of 1%, then it would
produce a climate impact of 0.6% of the current
fossil fuel based system.
153-160 |
Biomass - An Environmental
Friendly Production Source for Hydrogen
Mihai Anghel, Violeta-Carolina Niculescu, Ioan
Stefanescu, Radu Tamaian
Abstract: The aim of our study is to assess
the economic feasibility of producing hydrogen from
biomass. There are three options for producing
hydrogen from biomass. Our efforts must be focused
on maximizing the reforming and shift conversions
along with maximum economical recovery of hydrogen
from the PSA. This study demonstrates that hydrogen
can be produced economically from biomass. The
pyrolysis-based technology, in particular, because
its coproduct opportunities, has the most favorable
161-168 |
Standardization of Key
Performance Indicators for Environmental Management
and Reporting in the Czech Republic
Jiri Hrebicek, Jana Soukopova, Eva Kutova
Abstract: The paper presents chosen results
of the project No SP/4i2/26/07 “Proposal of new
indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of
environmental management by industry (NACE) and
system of environmental reporting in the evaluation
of links between environment, economy and society”
of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech
Republic. It introduces the proposed standardized
key performance indicators of the Czech Republic for
environmental management systems. These are used in
corporate environmental reporting and also in annual
reports of organizations with Environmental
Management and Audit Scheme. Key performance
indicators are based on the Regulation (EC) No
1221/2009 and enlarged to economic and social area
with using G3 and RICON Group guidelines in the
Methodical Guideline of the Ministry of Environment.
169-176 |
Evaluation and Monitoring of
Effectiveness of Heat Pumps via COP Parameter
Petr Vojcinak, Mojmir Vrtek, Radovan Hajovsky, Jiri
Abstract: This paper deals with some
evaluation and monitoring of effectiveness of heat
pumps located at the Small Research Polygon (SRP)
district, whereas very important parameter of these
HPs is so-called coefficient of performance (COP),
which is solved from various viewpoints here. The
first part is focused on the COP parameter solved
from the direct energy input, which is resolved to
so-called exergy in the second part. Some
recalculation mechanism is also done. All these
methods are helpful for evaluation, but each of them
has its specific application. The third part of this
paper is centered on some description of a SRP
technology and monitoring of the parameters needed
to calculate a COP parameter value of the SRP heat
177-188 |
Operating Experience of
Photovoltaic Systems installed at the University of
P. Perez-Higueras, G. Almonacid, E. Fernandez, E.
Munoz, F. Almonacid, C. Rus
Abstract: Photovoltaic systems have showed
themselves to be one of the most promising
applications for dealing with the solar electricity
generation. This way, the photovoltaic market has
drastically changed. The annual growth rates of
worldwide photovoltaic production increased. The use
of photovoltaic for electricity generation purposes
has recorded one of the largest increases in the
field of renewable energies, and this trend is
expected to continue in the coming years. The
University of Jaen (Spain) is a pioneering public
organism in the field of grid-connected PV systems,
as it proves the milestones developed by its IDEA
research group in the last decades. The University
of Jaen has installed several integrated
photovoltaic systems in buildings and these systems
work properly. Currently, the university produces
some of the electrical energy consumed and has
provided this institution with infrastructures for
the research and development of photovoltaic solar
189-196 |
Energy Consumption and Indoor
Climate Analysis of Office Buildings
Martin Thalfeldt
Abstract: This article introduces energy
consumption and indoor climate analysis of two
office buildings. Several indoor climate and energy
consumption simulations with different parameters of
building envelopes and HVAC systems were made of
both buildings. The results showed that in modern
office buildings approximately 1/3 of consumed
energy is heat and 2/3 electricity. The effective
means of reducing energy consumption are using
efficient indoor climate control, energy-efficient
electrical equipment (lighting, office equipment)
and HVAC systems.
197-204 |
A Technology to Simultaneously
Produce Clean Hydrogen and Iron Powder
Stefanoiu Horatiu George, Stanasila Virgil Corneliu,
Stanasila Octavian, Stefanoiu Dan
Abstract: The redox steam–iron process, which
has been discovered in the early 1900’s, was finally
abandoned because the degradation of the iron oxide
ores within a few cycles. Recently, this process has
been reconsidered, due to the necessity to yield
cheap and pure hydrogen. In this article, we
introduce a related but improved technology. At the
first stage, the inlet iron oxide for the steam–iron
process is the hematite, which has to be reduced to
metallic iron in a gasifier called HG, by using
syngas from coke (or cellulose). The hydrogen is
then produced in a cyclic process, based upon the
reduction of metallic iron by means of steam. At the
second stage, another hematite, at any granulation,
is reduced to iron powder in a reactor called IPR,
at about 570?C by using the hydrogen of HG.
205-212 |
Mathematical Modeling and
Parameters Estimation of an Anaerobic Digestion of
Shrimp of Culture Pond Sediment in a Biogas Process
Jiraphon Srisertpol, Prasit Srinakorn, Adtavirod
Kheawnak, Kontorn Chamniprasart
Abstract: The biogas is one type of energy
and sustainable development which is important to
the energy and environmental planning of Thailand.
The study and analysis of the mathematical model of
the biogas process can be explained the variables
that affect biogas process and proposed a design for
biogas reactor using shrimp pond sediment. The
treatment of shrimp culture pond sediment by
anaerobic digestion process could also reduce the
amount of waste and produce biogas, which were the
high ratio of methane can be used as renewable
energy. This paper presents a mathematical modelling
and parameter identification of an artificial
intelligence to estimate the mathematical model of
an anaerobic digestion with shrimp pond sediments in
the biogas process which is a batch reaction. The
principles of mass balance equations were defined
the mathematical models. The equations is one stage
nonlinear caused by the reaction of organic
substances that are decomposed into biogas. This
mathematical model was compared to the experimental
data, including temperature, pH, biogas flow rate
and biochemical properties of shrimp culture
213-220 |
Multi-Criteria Generation
Optimal Mix Planning for Malaysia?s Additional
Aishah Mohd Isa, Hideaki Magori, Takahide Niimura,
Ryuichi Yokoyama
Abstract: In August 2010, the Malaysian
government announced that an additional 2000MW needs
to be constructed to meet the projected electricity
demand in Peninsular Malaysia. The proposed
generation technology for the 2000MW capacity is
coal technology. This paper considers other
generation technology options, namely nuclear, solar
thermal and biomass. These four technologies, along
with coal technology will be compared based on three
criteria, economic cost, reliability and
socio-environmental cost. The proposed comparison
algorithm is the two-phase K-best dynamic
programming trade-off method.
221-228 |
Forecasting Time Series of
Solar Energy and Wind Power by UsingWide
Meteorological Data and Pattern Matching Method
Tomohiko Ichikawa, Katsuhiro Ichiyanagi, Kazuto
Yukita, Yasuyuki Goto
Abstract: As an alternative energy of fossil
fuel, the solar energy and wind power is made
effective. This paper describes an application of a
neural network for forecasting to time variations of
solar energy and wind velocity. The neural network
is used to forecast the natural energy and the
pattern matching is used to choose the training data
of the neural network. It is found from our
investigations that forecasting accuracy of the time
variation of solar energy and wind velocity is
improved by utilization the pattern matching of the
weather map data.
229-236 |
Climate Change Policies for the
XXIst Century: Mechanisms, Predictions and
Igor Khmelinskii, Peter Stallinga
Abstract: Recent experimental works
demonstrated that the Anthropogenic Global Warming
(AGW) hypothesis, embodied in a series of
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
global climate models, is erroneous. These works
prove that atmospheric carbon dioxide contributes
only very moderately to the observed warming, and
that there is no climatic catastrophe in the making,
independent on whether or not carbon dioxide
emissions will be reduced. In view of these
developments, we discuss climate predictions for the
XXIst century. Based on the solar activity
tendencies, a new Little Ice Age is predicted by the
middle of this century, with significantly lower
global temperatures. We also show that IPCC climate
models can't produce any information regarding
future climate, due to essential physical phenomena
lacking in those, and that the current budget
deficit in many EU countries is mainly caused by the
policies promoting renewable energies and other
AGW-motivated measures. In absence of any
predictable adverse climate consequences of carbon
dioxide emissions, and with no predictable shortage
of fossil fuels, we argue for recalling of all
policies aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions
and usage of expensive renewable energy sources. The
concepts of carbon credits, green energy and green
fuels should be abandoned in favor of productive,
economically viable and morally acceptable
237-244 |
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