Year 2008
All papers of the journal were peer reviewed by two
independent reviewers. Acceptance was granted when both
reviewers' recommendations were positive.
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 1, Volume 2, 2008) |
Pages |
Holomorphic generic families
of singular systems under feedback and derivative
M. Isabel Garcia-Planas
Abstract: Following Arnold
techniques, in this paper we obtain a canonical
reduced form for regularizable singular systems and
we describe generic holomorphic families with
respect feedback and derivative feedback, that
permit us, to analyze the neighborhood of a given
1-7 |
One-dimensional parabolic equation with a discontinuous
nonlinearity and integral boundary conditions
Abdelkader Boucherif
Abstract: In this paper we are concerned with
the existence of solutions of an initial-boundary value
problem for a one-dimensional parabolic inclusion with
nonlocal integral boundary conditions. Using the Green’s
function we transform the problem into an equivalent
integral inclusion. Our technique is based on fixed
point theorems for set-valued maps and the method
of lower and upper solutions. We provide sufficient
conditions that guarantee the existence of at least one
8-17 |
Simulation wetting and drying of mangrove
forests due to tidal currents in Qeshm canal
S.R. Sabbagh-Yazdi, M. Zounemat-Kermani and N.E. Mastorakis
Abstract: The main aim of the present paper is devoted to
simulate flow pattern in the Qeshm canal which is affected by two
open boundary conditions at inlet and outlet of the canal, which are
formed by tidal currents in the Persian Gulf. In this paper,
hydrodynamic simulation of tidal currents in the Qeshm canal due
to tidal fluctuations in Hurmoz Strait is presented. The mathematical
model utilized consists of depth averaged equations of continuity
and motion in two-dimensional horizontal plane which considering
hydrostatic pressure distribution. The cell-vertex finite volume
method is applied for converting the governing equations into
discrete form for unstructured control volumes. In order to reduce
the unwanted errors during model running, an artificial viscosity
formulation, was used which is designed for the unstructured
triangular meshes. The quality of the model results is verified by
comparison between numerical results and reported data in the
literature for flow in a channel with a spur dike. Finally, the
performance of the computer model to simulate tidal flow in a
geometrically complex domain, which is subject to wetting and
drying is examined by simulation of tidal currents in the Qeshm
canal in the Persian Gulf.
18-23 |
On Algebraic Structures of Dynamical Systems
Stanislaw P. Kasperczuk
Abstract: The paper discusses the close relation between the existence of first integrals of vector fields X : M ! TM and Poisson structures of a manifold M.
24-32 |
Periodic and antiperiodic eigenvalues for half-linear version of Hill’s equation
Gabriella Bognar
Abstract: The nonlinear eigenvalue problem of
a differential equation with respect to periodic boundary conditions:, or to
the antiperiodic boundary conditions: are considered. Various results on the set of eigenvalues concerning both
problems are presented. Some estimates are given for the periodic and
antiperiodic eigenvalues.
33-37 |
An analysis of the beam bending problem with
random beam height
Mladen Mestrovic
Abstract: The standard beam bending problem has been
obtained where the beam height is assumed to have spatial
uncertainty. The formulation to determine the response variability of
the beam due to randomness of the beam height is given. The concept
of variablity response function is extended to beam bending problem
where the beam height is considered to be one-dimensional,
homogenous stochastic field. The randomness of the beam height has
than influence not only on the flexural rigidity of the beam, but also
on self-weight load of the beam. Through the proposed formulation it
becomes possible for the weighted integral stochastic finite element
analysis to consider complete influence of uncertain geometrical
property on response variability. The coefficeint variation and
variance of the response deflection was calculated as the function of
the coefficeint of variation and variance of the beam height as the
input quantity. Numerical example shows good agreement of the
proposed weighted integral method with solution calculated by
Monte Carlo simulation.
38-41 |
Assessing applicative performance of a hybrid machine learning model
Sung Ho Ha, Jong Sik Jin, and Seong Hyeon Joo
Abstract: Yield management in semiconductor manufacturing companies requires accurate yield prediction and continual control. However, because many factors are complexly involved in the production of semiconductors, manufacturers or engineers have a hard time managing yield precisely. Intelligent tools need to analyze multiple process variables concerned and to predict production yield effectively. This paper devises a hybrid method of incorporating machine learning techniques together to detect high and low yields in semiconductor manufacturing. The hybrid method has strong applicative advantages in these manufacturing situations, whereby control of a variety of process variables is interrelated. In the real applications, the hybrid method provides more accurate yield prediction than other methods that have been used. With this method, the company achieves a higher yield rate by preventing low-yield lots in advance.
42-47 |
On reduced models to approximate particle beams and plasma
physics problems
Franck Assous
Abstract: This paper is devoted to the construction of models to approximate particle beams and plasma physics
problems. In recent years, solving numerically problems which couple charged particle to electromagnetic fields
has given rise to challenging mathematical and scientific computing developments. In the industry, a variety of
examples can be thought of, such as the ion or electron injectors for particle accelerators, the free electron lasers,
the hyperfrequency devices, the vulnerability of spatial devices to particle flows, etc. The mathematical model
which is most relevant in describing the physics of such problems is provided by the time-dependent coupled
Vlasov-Maxwell system of equations. Eventhough this model is necessary in a number of cases, it leads to very
expensive computations and simpler, i.e reduced models are required. The main lines of this paper will treat about
the analysis and the development of the reduced models. We present two situations in which this strategy can be
applied. Numerical results illustrate the possibilites of the approach.
48-56 |
Predicting business failures using the rough
set theory approach: The case of the Turkish
Nursel Selver Ruzgar, Fahri Unsal, and Bahadtin Ruzgar
Abstract: Predicting business failures before they actually take
place is very important in order to be able to take necessary
preventative measures. Such predictions are especially important in
the banking sector that plays a key role in any economy. This paper
focused on the Turkish banking sector, and after reviewing a number
of quantitative tools, selected to apply the Rough Set Theory (RST)
approach to analyze the failures of banks during the 1995-2007
period. The data for the financial ratio analysis for the 41 banks
investigated from the publicly available sources. The results showed
that early warning systems based on statistical models can effectively
be used to predict bank failures. In this study, low capital ratios were
found to be important variables in discriminating between failed and
successful banks in Turkey. Also low and medium assets quality and
profitability ratios were the leading indicators in predicting potential
failures. The overall results showed that RST model is a promising
alternative to the conventional methods for failure prediction.
57-64 |
Rough sets and logistic regression analysis for loan payment
Bahadtin Ruzgar, Nursel Selver Ruzgar
Abstract: Risk classification is an important part of the financial processes. In small business loans, there is always a risk for nonpayment or non-refunding of loans though very detailed examinations are made about the company. In this study, behaviors that increase the risk in loans or causing non-refunding are tried to be determined by using the rough Set (RS) approach and logistic regression (LR). For this purpose, 121 regularly refunded and 121 irregularly refunded loans, drawn from a bank in 2006 year, were randomly selected and their attributes were examined in 2007. Examination is made in three sections for qualitative variables, for quantitative variables and for both qualitative and quantitative variables. As a result, RS model is applicable to a wide range of practical problems pertaining to loan payment prediction, but LR does not classify refund or non-refund of loan payment as good as RS, so LR can not be used for prediction. Moreover, the results show that the RS model is a promising alternative to the conventional methods for financial prediction. In fact, RS gives the attributes that affect the results negatively or positively with their measures which are used for predictions.
65-73 |
Multinomial Regression Model for In-service Training
Hsieh-Hua Yang, Hung-Jen Yang, Jui-Chen Yu, and Wen-Chen Hu
Abstract: In-service training is education for employees to help them develop their professional skills in a specific discipline or occupation. This training takes place after an individual begins work responsibilities. On-line technology is supporting our learning in many ways. Both credit and degree pursuing are formal developing program. There is a need to developing a model of in-service training for a certain professional group so can illustrate their group behavior. The purpose of this study was to present how to develop a model of in-service training by using multiple logistic regressions. Based on literature review, a theory model was first identified. An investigating was conducted to collect data to evaluate the designed model. The model consist two factors, one is the learners’ age and the other is the learning styles. Two models were establish to explore both credit training and degree training courses. The resulted model then was further discussed to reveal in-depth of in-service needs.
74-80 |
Mathematical and computer tools of discrete dynamic modeling and analysis of complex systems in control loop
Armen G. Bagdasaryan
Abstract: In this paper we present a method of discrete modeling and analysis of multilevel dynamics of complex large-scale hierarchical dynamic systems subject to external dynamic control mechanism. In a model each state describes parallel dynamics and simultaneous trends of changes in system parameters. The essence of the approach is in analysis of system state dynamics while it is in the control loop. Architectural model of information system supporting simulation and analysis of dynamic processes and development scenarios (strategies) of complex large-scale hierarchical systems is also proposed.
82-95 |
The Impact of the Long Term Performance of a
Bank on Its Market Value
Begumhan Ozdincer, Cenktan Ozyildirim
Abstract: The long-term performance besides current
performance is expected to play a role on the firm’s market value.
By using the non-parametric data envelopment analysis the efficient
frontier for long-term performance of banks is measured within a
production plan to ensure long-term presence. More efficient banks
in the long-term are expected to increase their market share and
achieve firm value maximization. Current performance is measured
by incorporating the cost and risk factors into the return analysis.
Return on solvency adjusted for the cost of free capital and shortterm
liquidity are contributions of this paper in measuring bank
96-102 |
Travelling wave solutions for a generalized
Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation
M.S. Bruz´on, M.L. Gandarias
Abstract: In this paper, we consider a generalized Benjamin-
Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation. Classical symmetries of this equation
are considered. The functional forms, for which the BBMB
equation can be reduced to ordinary differential equations by classical
Lie symmetries, are obtained. A catalogue of symmetry reductions
and a catalogue of exact solutions are given. A set of new solitons,
kinks, antikinks, compactons and Wadati solitons are derived.
103-108 |
A General Optimization Scheme of Line-Source
Pattern Synthesis and Its Applications to
Monopulse Tracking Array Antennas
Keum Sook Ha and Eui Joon Park
Abstract: An iterative nonlinear inversion method in the line
source pattern synthesis problem is newly presented for extracting the
source distribution functions corresponded to the arbitrarily prescribed
sum and difference pattern sidelobe levels. In this method, the
generalized Fourier transform pair is first formulated which enables
the desired patterns and the distributions to be simultaneously
extracted by the optimum perturbation of pattern null positions. A
significant result is that the difference patterns with the individually
specified sidelobe levels are optimally synthesized by appropriately
updating the Taylor line source sum pattern formula. Furthermore the
method can be extended to the synthesis of the discrete linear array
antennas. The scheme for extracting the excitation current weights of
discrete array is also based on the perturbations of pattern nulls which
are represented by the complex root locations on Schelkunoff’s unit
circle. Numerical examples show the flexibility and effectiveness of
the proposed procedures.
109-114 |
The Dynamics of Persuasion
John P. Curtis and Frank T. Smith
Abstract: The act of persuading other people to adopt an
acceptable opinion, and perhaps as a result, to do something we want
them to, forms a huge part of our lives. Indeed this skill and the
equally important one of being willing to listen to reason and be
persuaded could be said to be at the core of what we term society. To
what extent can we represent this social process mathematically? The
concerned reader will doubtless be greatly relieved to hear that the
authors believe that this goal is still very far distant. Nonetheless,
some simple models discussed here may show some promising
avenues to explore. Following some assumptions about propensity to
be persuaded, discrete and continuous models are investigated and
solved analytically for two people, and then generalised to an
arbitrary number of people. The three person continuous model is
then examined in some detail. Possible applications are discussed.
115-122 |
Portfolio Selection Problem with Maximum Downside Deviation Measure: A Stochastic Programming Approach
K. Ibrahim, A.A. Kamil, and A. Mustafa
Abstract: In this paper, single stage stochastic programming two
stage stochastic programming models are proposed for portfolio
selection problems. The uncertainty of the future returns is the most
important character within this optimization problem. The concept of
risk is used in the Markowitz Mean-Variance model that identifies
risk with the volatility (variance) of the random objective. Since
then, mean-risk optimization paradigm received extensive
development both theoretically and computationally. We utilize
probabilistic methods alongside with optimization techniques and
develop the stochastic programming models for portfolio selection
problem minimizing maximum downside deviation from the
expected return. We develop single stage and two stage stochastic
programming with recourse. The models were developed for risk
averse investors and the objective of the stochastic programming
models is to minimize the maximum downside deviation. We use
the so-called “Here-and-Now” approach where the decision-maker
makes decision ”now” before observing the actual outcome for the
stochastic parameter. We compare the optimal portfolios between the
single stage and two stage models with the incorporation of the
deviation measure. The models are applied to the optimal selection of
stocks listed in Bursa Malaysia and the return of the optimal portfolio
is compared between the two stochastic models. The results show
that the two stage model outperforms the single stage model in the
optimal and in-sample analysis.
123-129 |
About an image encryption solution adapted for
surveillance flying systems
Ciprian Răcuciu, Nicolae Jula, Cosmin Adomnicăi
Abstract: This paper presents an encryption system developed to
be used on an Electrical Accelerated mini-helicopter. The helicopter
was developed for monitoring and surveillance purposes. The hart of
the encryption system is the CV700C motherboard and it’s VIA C7
microprocessor with ultra low power consumption and efficient heat
dissipation. The whole system is composed from two systems and six
modules: image capture, encryption, two radio link modules,
decryption and display module. The first three modules are
implemented on airborne system and the last three modules on the
base station system. The airborne hardware platform is the CV700C
motherboard and the base station is an Intel microprocessor based
notebook. For encryption, Rijndael algorithm was used.
130-135 |
Stability condition
for a class of linear discrete systems
Ilja Martisovits and Katarına Zakova
Abstract: The paper deals with the proof of the stability
condition for a certain class of linear time-discrete systems. From
the mathematical point of view it shown that all roots of the
speci£ed class of the n-th order linear equation are placed inside
of the unit circle.
136-137 |
Designing Fuzzy Based Mobile Robot
Controller using VHDL
Shabiul Islam, Mukter Zaman, Bakri Madon, and Masuri Othman
Abstract: This paper presents a designing of model for an
autonomous mobile robot controller (MRC) hardware with
navigation concept using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm (FLA). The MRC
enables with navigation for an unstructured environment to avoid any
encountered obstacles without human intervention. The designed
hardware architecture of autonomous mobile robot can be easily used
in unstructured environments appropriately to avoid collision with
obstacles by turning to the proper angle. Additionally, the FLA
concept has proven a commendable intelligent solution in dealing for
the certain control problems, when the situation is uncertain.
138-142 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 2, Volume 2, 2008) |
Pages |
Fuzzy based PID Controller using VHDL for
Transportation Application
Md.Shabiul Islam ,Nowshad Amin , Mukter Zaman , M.S.Bhuyan
Abstract: This paper describes the designing of PID-type
(Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller based on Fuzzy
algorithm using VHDL to use in transportation cruising system. The
cruising system with Fuzzy concept has developed to avoid the
collisions between vehicles on the road. The developed Fuzzy Logic
Controller (FLC) provides a reference for controlling the vehicle
speed either increase or decrease. The controlling speed depends on
the distance of the preceding vehicle when it gets too close or alert
the driver when necessary. The Mamdani Fuzzy Inference theory is
studied, and developed in Matlab package at first for designing the
PID-type FLC hardware system. The behavioral of the PID-type FLC
algorithm is then simulated using VHDL language. The comparison
of simulation results between Matlab and VHDL are presented for
designing the PID-type hardware implementation. The synthesis tool
from Quartus-II environment is chosen to synthesize the designed
VHDL codes for obtaining the Register Transfer Level (RTL)
hardware architecture of the PID modulus. The developed and
designed Fuzzy based PID-type cruising controller is cheaper in cost
compare to conventional PID controller system, and, thus we can
propose this developed chip to use to the entry-level vehicles such as
the national car. This can be further reduced the road accident and
ensure the safety of the road users in the future.
143-147 |
Modeling the Market Adoption of
Mobile Payment Solutions
K.B. Saji
Abstract: As mobile commerce becomes increasingly
acceptable, mobile payments (m-payments) are now predicted to
have a brilliant future. In order to exploit this growing opportunity, a
number of innovative m-payment products have been brought to the
market by many firms in recent years by taking advantage of the
rapid technological progress. However, the evolution of m-payment
market is subjective to scores of speculative scenarios that have led
to many new product failures. The central issue of concern here is
observed to be the problem of choice by the customers. Although
many commentaries are available in the existing literature on the
status of mobile commerce acceptance in general, there is no focused
effort so far to explore the market adoption of m-payment solutions.
To address this critical gap, an exploratory study has been conducted
on the market adoption of m-payment solutions. With the support of
two cases, the present paper reports the antecedents of market
adoption of m-payment solutions.
148-153 |
Effects of bottom aerator and self aeration in
steep chute spillways on cell center finite
volume solution of depth-averaged flow
S.R. Sabbagh-Yazdi, H. Rezaei-Manizani and N.E. Mastorakis
Abstract: In this paper the effects of air concentrations on the
numerical computation of spill flow parameters in chute canals are
investigated. The flow parameters in terms of depth averaged
velocity components parallel to the bottom surface and flow depth
are computed by solution of depth average continuity and momentum
equations using cell centre finite volume method. The effect of self
aeration from the water surface on the flow parameters are assessed
by comparison of computed results with the observations on the
AVIMORE chute spillway. The best experimental relations for
simulating the entrainment of air into the flow on chute spillways
have been chosen. Then, the model is completed for aeration from a
bottom aerator and results of air concentration distribution are
compared with the reported measurements on a physical model. In
order to provide better understanding of the velocity and air
concentration, the vertical distribution profiles of these parameters
are plotted from the multi layer treatments of depth averaged
computed results.
154-161 |
Finite volume analysis of two-dimensional
strain in a thick pipe with internal fluid pressure
S.R. Sabbagh-Yazdi, M.T. Alkhamis, M. Esmaili and N.E. Mastorakis
Abstract: Internal fluid pressure of fluids may cause nonuniform
distribution of stresses in thick pipes. In this work, a novel
matrix free Unstructured Finite Volume Method based on Galerkin
approach is introduced for solution of weak form of two dimensional
Cauchy equilibrium equations of plane strain solid state problems on
linear triangular element meshes. The developed shape function free
Galerkin Finite Volume structural solver explicitly computes stresses
and displacements in Cartezian coordinate directions for the two
dimensional solid mechanic problems under either static or dynamic
loads. The accuracy of the introduced algorithm is assessed by
comparison of computed results of a thick pipe under internal fluid
pressure load with analytical solutions. The performance of the
solver is presented in terms of stress and strain contours as well as
convergence behavior of the method.
162-167 |
Axisymmetric motion of a generalized Rivlin-Ericksen fluids with
shear-dependent normal stress coefficients
Fernando Carapau
Abstract: We analyze the unsteady flow of an incompressible
generalized second-order fluid in a straight rigid tube,
with circular cross-section of constant radius, where the normal
stress coefficients depend on the shear rate by using a
power law model. The full 3D unsteady model is simplified
using a one-dimensional hierarchical approach based on the
Cosserat theory related to fluid dynamics, which reduces the
exact three-dimensional equations to a system depending only
on time and on a single spatial variable. From this new system
we obtain the relationship between mean pressure gradient and
volume flow rate over a finite section of the tube. Attention
is focused on some numerical simulation for unsteady/steady
mean pressure gradient and on the analysis of perturbed flows.
168-175 |
On the exact symmetries of dynamical systems
from their reduced system of equations
F.I. Arunaye
Abstract: In a recent paper we presented the computation of
the exact symmetry transformations of dynamical systems
from their reduced systems using the Kepler problem as
vehicle. We also noted therein that this computational
technique is applicable to systems that can be reduced to
couple oscillator(s) and a conservation law both in two-and
three-dimensions. In this paper we show in addition to the
former that when the reduction variable for the radial
component of the equation of motion is varied by the
multiples of quadratic powers of the angular momentum, the
exact symmetry transformations of the vector fields 1 1 αv ∂ and
2 2 αv ∂ are invariants in 2-dimension. We demonstrate this by
using both the Kepler and the generalized Kepler problems in
two dimensions. We also note that this is not necessarily the
case for the dynamical system in 3-dimensions.
176-185 |
The Store Retailing Performance Outcome
K.B. Saji
Abstract: In a fast changing global business scenario, the
technological advancements are bringing in significant changes in
traditional retailing operations. A revolution is under way at present
in the store-dominated world of retailing both in developing as well
as developed economies. Marketers have increasingly started
realizing the fact that the purchasing power of customers, consumer
preferences, latent need fulfillment, and convenient buying are the
most important reasons for improving the retailing effectiveness. Of
all these reasons, it is experienced to be the convenient buying that
demands a unique approach in retailing. An effective retailing
operation should facilitate placement of order for products and
services from home, an in-home delivery in the shortest possible
time, and payment flexibility. For these to happen, the retailing firms
may have to seek appropriate technologies for bringing in operational
efficiency in order to gain competitive advantage. This necessitates
technology assimilation based on appropriateness, availability,
accessibility, cost, and timeliness. Through this paper, it is attempted
here to study these factors in the context of convenient buying for
assessing their criticality in deciding the effectiveness of retailing
operation. The paper successfully reports a predictive model
developed for assessing the retailing performance outcome.
186-189 |
Multinomial Regression Model for In-service
Hsieh-Hua Yang, Hung-Jen Yang, Jui-Chen Yu, and Wen-Jen Hu
Abstract: In-service training is education for employees to help
them develop their professional skills in a specific discipline or
occupation. This training takes place after an individual begins work
responsibilities. On-line technology is supporting our learning in
many ways. Both credit and degree pursuing are formal developing
program. There is a need to developing a model of in-service training
for a certain professional group so can illustrate their group behavior.
The purpose of this study was to present how to develop a model of
in-service training by using multiple logistic regressions. Based on
literature review, a theory model was first identified. An investigating
was conducted to collect data to evaluate the designed model. The
model consist two factors, one is the learners’ age and the other is the
learning styles. Two models were establish to explore both credit
training and degree training courses. The resulted model then was
further discussed to reveal in-depth of in-service needs.
198-204 |
Modeling and Solution for Assignment Problem
Liying Yang, Minghong Nie, Zhenwei Wu, and Yiyong Nie
Abstract: In this paper, the mixed-integer linear programming
(MILP) of minimax assignment is formed, and a solution called
Operations on Matrix is presented and compared with the solutions of
exhaustion and MILP. Theoretical analyses and numerical tests show
that the operations on matrix are efficient well-implied enumeration
for both minimax and global-minimum assignment problems.
205-212 |
Control of Thermal-Visual Comfort and Air
Quality in Indoor Environments Through a
Fuzzy Inference-Based Approach
Jean J. Saade and Ali H. Ramadan
Abstract: This study presents a control approach for the
adjustment and maintenance of air quality, thermal and visual
comfort for buildings’ occupants while minimizing energy
consumption. The approach accounts for users’ preferences and is
mainly based on the use of fuzzy inference, which lends itself to
intelligent system design methods. The control objectives and
criteria are described and their models are provided. Then, the fuzzy
inference-based controller is designed and made to work in
conjunction with the criteria models to satisfy the control objectives.
The designed fuzzy controller and criteria models are also simulated
using MatLab/Simulink. The simulation results, which are depicted
for each control criterion, show that the presented approach is highly
efficient in the sense that it is capable of responding in a minimal
amount of time to fixed and variable users’ preferences. It is also
capable of eliminating overshoots and oscillations in these responses
and this has been achieved without the need for any adaptive
213-221 |
Application for conversion of types of cut
XpYm and angles in a fishing net
Javier Bilbao, Eugenio Bravo, Olatz García, Concepción Varela, Miguel Rodríguez, and Alexander
Abstract: The trawling fishing system is nowadays the most
important and more used among all the caught systems in the fishing
industry. Its most significant feature relies on the capability of
capturing very different fish species. The modern technology seems
to be the way to reach major improvements in such an environment,
where there's not enough data available for research. When looking
for new solutions, simulation and optimization of new models will
surely reduce manufacturing costs.
222-227 |
ANFIS Modeling and Feedforward Control of
Shape Memory Alloy Actuators
Ayyoub Rezaeeian, Aghil Yousefi-Koma, Behrouz Shasti, and Alireza Doosthoseini
Abstract: This paper focuses on the application of ANFIS in the
modeling of nonlinear behavior of the shape memory alloy actuators.
Although, SMA actuators have attracted much attention for
applications in several areas such as miniature robots they have not
been widely employed for motion control applications due to their
nonlinear behaviors and control difficulties. Because of their ability
in the nonlinear learning and adaptation, ANFIS architectures are
suitable tools in modeling and control of nonlinear systems. The
experimental test bed includes a SMA wire, a force sensor, data
acquisition system and a power amplifier. Results demonstrate the
ability of ANFIS in modeling of shape memory alloy behavior and
successful force control of the SMA wire.
228-235 |
Optimal Design of an Impact Damper for a
Nonlinear Friction-Driven Oscillator
E. Ehsan Maani Miandoab, A. Yousefi-Koma, D.Ehyaei
Abstract: In the present study a Friction-Driven oscillator is
investigated analytically using perturbation method and numerically
with Runge–Kutta’s integration procedure. The analytical method is
also used to investigate damping performance of a single-particleimpact
damper on amplitude and frequency of system over a wide
range of particle-to-structure mass ratios, clearance, and coefficients
of restitution. Considering sensitivity of the system to variation of
mass ratio and coefficient of restitution, optimal values are obtained
for these parameters. These optimal values are plotted as a function
of the other two parameters. The frequency of the system has low
sensitivity to the variation of coefficient of restitution but varies with
clearance and mass ratio changes.
236-243 |
Modelling and Solution for Assignment Problem
Liying Yang, Minghong Nie, Zhenwei Wu, and Yiyong Nie
Abstract: In this paper, the mixed-integer linear programming
(MILP) of minimax assignment is formed, and a solution called
Operations on Matrix is presented and compared with the solutions of
exhaustion and MILP. Theoretical analyses and numerical tests show
that the operations on matrix are efficient well-implied enumeration
for both minimax and global-minimum assignment problems.
244-251 |
Analysis of model parameters in equations on the HIV/AIDS virus
Nabendra Parumasur and Robert Willie
Abstract: A simple HIV/AIDs finite dimensional mathematical
model on interactions of the blood cells, the HIV/AIDs virus and the
immune system is studied for consistence of the equations to the real
biomedical situation that they model. Definitions to model
parameters indicate either that the system of equations is derived
from one in infinite dimensions or can be naturally extended to cover
this situation. A better understanding to the illness modelled by the
finite dimensional equations is furnished. Various case studies,
extracted from the current literature, are considered and numerical
results show that mathematical analysis is very powerful for
understanding such systems. In particular, by examining the effect of
parameters in the model leads one to infer important properties on the
variables of the system, such as blow up of solutions.
252-261 |
Evolutionary Processes Solved with Lie Series
and by Picard Iteration Approach
Steri S., Quartieri J., Volzone G., Guarnaccia C.
Abstract: The solution of evolutionary Cauchy problems by
means of Lie series expansion and its linkage to Picard iteration
method, is presented. Thanks to a Taylor transform and to the
introduction of a differential Lie-Groebner operator D, the initial
generally non-linear and non-autonomous problem can be reduced to
a linear one, whose solution is given in terms of the Lie operator
The Picard procedure applied to the Volterra integral equation that
turns out from the initial problem, can rigorously introduce
generalized Lie series since its steps are the partial sums of those
262-268 |
Identification of Systems with Friction via Distributions using the
simplified Dahl model
Radu Zglimbea, Virginia Finca, Constantin Marin
Abstract: This paper extends the identification procedures based
on distributions theory to continuous time systems with friction.
There are defined the so called generalized friction dynamic systems
(GFDS) as a closed loop structure around a smooth system with
discontinuous feedback loops representing friction reaction vectors.
Both GFDS with static friction models (SFM) and dynamic friction
models (DFM), also simplified Dahl model are analyzed. The
identification problem is formulated as a condition of vanishing the
existence relation of the system. Then, this relation is represented by
functionals using techniques from distribution theory based on
testing function from a finite dimensional fundamental space. The
advantage es of representing information by distributions are pointed
out when special evolutions as sliding mode, or limit cycle can
appear. The proposed method does not require the derivatives of
measured signals for its implementation. Some experimental results
are presented to illuminate further its advantages and practical use.
269-276 |
The performance analysis of industrial robot
under loaded conditions and
various distance
Ahmad Rasdan Ismail, Azmi Hassan , Syamimi Shamsuddin, Mohd Zaki Nuawi,
Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman
Abstract: The increasing usage of robots in manufacturing
operations is due to its flexibility and its ability to be
reprogrammed easily when the old task changes. The main
obstacle in the robotics applications is to minimize the
positional errors when it is under real working conditions. This
implies that robots have to perform accurately under loaded
conditions at any location within the working envelope. The
aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of industrial
robot under payload and various distances within the working
envelope. Relationship between the location and payload versus
accuracy and repeatability are to be obtained. The experimental
work and statistical analysis was performed in order to achieve
the desired objective of the research. The study of linear
performance has been carried out and the results show that the
FANUC Robot Arc Mate 100i under the study has the linear
accuracy and repeatability of 2.125 mm. The accuracy and
repeatability value obtained was not the same compare to the
manufacturer specification due to various factors that cannot be
avoided. Statistical analysis shows that the distance from robot
center has significantly affects the accuracy and repeatability
performance of the robot.
277-284 |
Some proposal for the improvement of the simulations of the acoustic noise propagation
Petru Cardei
Abstract: This paper tries to compare the theoretic results in the
acoustic noise propagation with the experimental data and with the
simulation techniques, using by the very useful software programs. In
the paper are formulated some suggestions for improve the
experimental formulae using for the noise propagation simulation.
285-293 |
An Operatorial Approach to Sturm-Liouville
Theory with Application to the Problem of a
Spherical Conductor Embedded in a Uniform
J. Quartieri, L. Sirignano, A. Troisi, C. Guarnaccia, S. D’Ambrosio
Abstract: This paper tries to compare the theoretic results in the
acoustic noise propagation with the experimental data and with the
simulation techniques, using by the very useful software programs. In
the paper are formulated some suggestions for improve the
experimental formulae using for the noise propagation simulation.
285-293 |
A Heuristic Method in Monitoring
Environmental Parameters using a Floating
Input Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Babazadeh, R. Jedermann, W. Lang
Abstract: This work is part of a research activity aiming to
improve and to optimize environmental parameters monitoring
system. It is essential in order to preserve the quality, safety and shelf
life of perishable products.
The present study reports on the investigation a way to both
plausibility check and energy management in a wireless sensor
network established in a closed space container. It introduces a new
technique to decrease the total power consumption due to measuring
and transmitting data in a few desired sensor nodes (DSNs). They are
either failed or inactive (Sleeping) sensor nodes. They can be
deactivated by some of surrounding key sensor nodes (KSNs) due to
reduce battery-consumption.
A new technique of the model making to estimate temperature,
relative humidity, and air flow as important environmental
parameters (EPs) instead of the direct measurement and then
assessment the validity of the proposed model using some
experiments will be investigated. Introduced estimators use linear
models between the KSNs and a DSN. These models can be extended
for possible use in different applications such as EP-controllers in air
conditioning systems as well as the estimator in fault recognition
procedures. .
303-311 |
Topological Properties of the Italian Airport
Network studied via Multiple Addendials and
Graph Theory
J. Quartieri, M. Guida, C. Guarnaccia, S. D’Ambrosio and D. Guadagnuolo
Abstract: The Italian Airport Network (IAN) is considered. The
description in term of a mathematical graph is given and its
topological properties are approached by means of a new
mathematical tool: the multiple addendials.
The connection degree and the betweenness centrality
distributions in the IAN follow a power-law behaviour, well known
in literature like a Double Pareto Law. This leads to the definition of
the IAN as a scale-free network. Furthermore these distributions
show the existence of some “hubs” in the network, i.e. nodes with a
very large number of links.
Since the mean distance between reachable pairs of airports grows
at most as the logarithm if the number of airports, the IAN can be
considered a candidate to represent a small-world network.
312-316 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 3, Volume 2, 2008) |
Pages |
Formulas for the Fourier Series of Orthogonal
Polynomials in Terms of Special Functions
Nataniel Greene
Abstract: An explicit formula for the Fourier coefcients
of the Legendre polynomials can be found in the Bateman
Manuscript Project. However, formulas for more general classes
of orthogonal polynomials do not appear to have been worked
out. Here we derive explicit formulas for the Fourier series
of Gegenbauer, Jacobi, Laguerre and Hermite polynomials.
The methods described here apply in principle to an class of
polynomials, including non-orthogonal polynomials.
317-320 |
Modelling the brazed assembly by the coupling of the eXtended Finite
Element and the matched asymptotic development methods
Nguyen D.H., Lazard M.D, Bilteryst F, Lamesle P, Dour G.
Abstract: Modelling of the brazed assembly taking account the presence of a brazed joint which is considered as a
singularity is proposed. The model is based on the eXtended Finite Element Method (X-FEM) coupled with the
matching asymptotic development method (DAR). We consider the behavior of the brazed assembly in two problems
separately: mechanical and transient thermal problems. The approach proposed by the DAR method is based on to
construct the enriched functions in the X-FEM framework. The fundamental formulation of our coupling is given and
illustrated in the 1D case of the brazed assembly. The accuracy of the results obtained by the coupling is evaluated by
comparison with the analytical solutions (in the mechanical problem) and with the solutions of the quadrupole method
and of the commercial FEM code (ABAQUS) (in the thermal problem)..
321-331 |
Identification of Continuous Time Systems
with Direct and Feedback Nonlinearities
Constantin Marin, Dan Selisteanu,
Dorin Sendrescu, Virginia Finca, Dan Mancas
Abstract: This paper presents a procedure for the
identification of two types of a continuous-time linear
system interconnected by direct and feedback memoryless
nonlinearities. The first case is the continuous time
Hammesrstein system and the second is a specific case of
the continuous time Wiener system. The direct and feedback
nonlinear elements, described by bounded unknown functions,
are expressed as a linear combination of some base functions.
Both the parameters of the linear system and of the nonlinear
elements representation are identified. To improve the
representation of the nonlinear functions, the set of basis
functions is iteratively refined. It is possible to identify
the dominant nonlinearities, applying the singular value
decomposition to the input matrix. In our approach, the linear
dynamic subsystem is described by a transfer function of a given
order and the distribution based identification method is applied.
The DCHI (Distribution based Continuous time Hammerstein system
Identification equations (DCHI) and the DCNFI (Distribution based
of Continuous time Nonlinear Feedback Identification) equation
are obtained. The consistency of the identification is analyzed and
experimental results are presented.
332-341 |
Numerical Analysis of Sliding Dynamics in Three-Dimensional Filippov Systems using SPT Method
Ivan Arango, John Alexander Taborda
Abstract: We present the numerical analysis of sliding dynamics on the discontinuity boundary (DB) of threedimensional
(3D) Filippov systems using an integration-free method denominated Singular Point Tracking (SPT).
Many physical applications in engineering can be modelled as Filippov systems. Sliding dynamics due to nonsmooth
phenomena such as friction, hysteresis or switching are inherent to Filippov systems. The analysis of
sliding dynamics have many mathematical and numerical difficulties. Several well-known numerical problems
can be avoid using integration-free methods. Three-dimensional Filippov systems are being studied extensively
because these systems still have many open problems. In this paper, we present a first attempt to extend the SPT
method to 3D Filippov systems. The discontinuity boundary (DB) is characterized using geometric criterions based
on angular evaluations. Eighteen basic points on DB are distinguished and eight basic scenarios on DB are defined.
Finally, local and global bifurcation scenarios are conceptualized with the SPT method and some illustrative
examples are given.
342-354 |
Selective Predictors of
Environmental Parameters in Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Babazadeh, H.-J. Kreowski, W. Lang
Abstract: This paper investigates
multiple alternatives to predict environmental
parameters (temperature and relative humidity)
inside an intelligent container with the aim of the
supervision of cool chains. A wireless sensor
network will help us to measure those parameters in
some distributed points of the closed space.
To achieve the aim of fault detection and also total
energy saving in the sensor network, there will be
several possibilities. This research deals with
prediction of future values of the environment in a
few specific sensor nodes by using some of active
sensor nodes. It inspects several requirements of
the predictors to pick out the most applicable
identification styles among ARX, ARMAX, OE, BJ and
SS. It employs some key-sensor nodes (KSNs) as
predictors of the parameters in a few desired sensor
nodes (DSNs). The DSNs either have already been
turned to sleeping mode to reduce
battery-consumption or deactivated due to energy
355-363 |
Seismic Vulnerability of
Columns of RC Framed Buildings with Soft Ground
Sharany Haque, Khan Mahmud Amanat
Abstract: Though multistoried
buildings with open (soft) ground floor are
inherently vulnerable to collapse due to earthquake
load, their construction is still widespread in the
developing nations. Social and functional need to
provide car parking space at ground level far
out-weighs the warning against such buildings from
engineering community. In the present paper, an
investigation has been performed to study the
behavior of the columns at ground level of
multistoried buildings with soft ground floor
subjected to dynamic earthquake loading. The
structural action of masonry infill panels of upper
floors has been taken into account by modeling them
as diagonal struts. Finite element models of six,
nine and twelve storied buildings are subjected to
earthquake load in accordance with equivalent static
force method as well as response spectrum method. It
has been found that when infill is incorporated in
the FE model, modal analysis shows different mode
shapes indicating that dynamic behavior of buildings
changes when infill is incorporated in the model.
Natural period of the buildings obtained from modal
analysis are close to values obtained from code
equations when infill is present in the model. This
indicates that for better dynamic analysis of RC
frame buildings with masonry walls, infill should be
present in the model as well. Equivalent static
force method produces same magnitude of earthquake
force regardless of the infill present in the model.
However, when the same buildings are subjected to
response spectrum method, significant increase in
column shear and moment as well as total base shear
has been observed in presence of infill. In general,
a two fold increase in base shear has been observed
when infill is present on upper floors with ground
floor open when compared to the base shear given by
equivalent static force method. The study suggests
that the design of the columns of the open ground
floor would be safer if these are design for shear
and moment twice the magnitude obtained from
conventional equivalent static force method. Study
of the sway characteristics also reveals
significantly high demand for ductility for columns
at ground floor level. Presence of infilled wall on
upper floors demands significant enhancement of
column capacity or ductility to cope up with
increased sway or drift.
364-371 |
Self-Assembly Urethane
Architecture: Free Volume, Connolly Surface and
Diffusion Coefficients Investigation
Tarek M. Madkour, Rasha Azzam
Abstract: The efficiency of
polyurethane foams as thermal insulators depends to
a great deal on the permeability of various gas
molecules through the urethane polymer with higher
temperatures enhancing the diffusion of gas
molecules through the polymer. In order to increase
the efficiency of these insulators, the design of
new urethane polymers with low affinity for
diffusing gas molecules such as oxygen, nitrogen and
carbon dioxide is necessary. Through maximizing the
hydrogen bonding network between the hard blocks and
the soft segments in the interface region of the
polymeric material, new designs of molecularly
organized polyurethanes were achieved in this study
and evaluated in terms of their capacity to hinder
the permeation of the various gas molecules through
the polymer.
372-381 |
Kernels for the Remainder
Term of Gauss Quadrature Formulae Type
Daniel Vladislav
Abstract: We study the kernels in the
contour integral representation of the remainder
term of Gauss-Lobatto quadratures, in particular the
location of their maxim on circular and elliptic
contours. Quadrature rules with Chebyshev weight
functions of all four kinds receive special
attention. We also study a general Gauss Chebyshev-Stancu
quadrature with double fixed nodes.
382-392 |
Energetic Optimization with
Arbitrary Terminal Moment of Electric Drives Systems
Niculae Boteanu, Marius-Constantin Popescu, Florin
Abstract: In the paper we consider an
electric drive having static load torque with a
constant component and a speed proportional
component, in the hypothesis of constant inertia
moment and of proportionality between the
electromagnetic torque and the load current. Using
variational calculus, optimally condition and
expression of optimal control and extremal
trajectory are determined, which ensures the minimum
of energy losses caused by the load current through
a Joule effect in the acceleration processes. Using
numerical computer we can obtain graphical
representation of these variables as time functions.
393-402 |
Analysis of a Nonlinear
Integral Equation with Modified Argument from
Maria Dobritoiu
Abstract: Using the Contraction
Principle, Perov’s theorem and the General data
dependence theorem, some results of existence and
uniqueness and data dependence of the solution of
the integral equation with modified argument

403-412 |
A Hierarchical Clustering
Method Aimed at Document Layout Understanding and
Costin-Anton Boiangiu, Dan-Cristian Cananau, Bogdan
Raducanu, Ion Bucur
Abstract: This paper presents a new
approach towards creating a type of hierarchy for
document image page using the information given by
the Delaunay triangulation. The steps of the
algorithm are presented under the form of a cluster
tree containing the information of the page in
structures such as collections of pixels and using
the distance between them as a binding measurement.
The final result provides the page segmentation into
clusters containing pictures, titles and paragraphs.
413-422 |
Montazer-Ghaem Gas Unit
Synchronous Generator's Parameters Identification
Using SSFR Tests
M. Pourgholi, V. J. Majd, M. R. Aghamohammadi
Abstract: Accurate generator modeling
allows for more precise calculation of power system
control and stability limits. In this paper a
procedure using a set of measured data from
Standstill Frequency Response (SSFR) test on
Montazer-Ghaem gas power plant’s synchronous
generator is used to obtain synchronous machine
parameters. A novel approach is used to find d-axis
which is different from standard SSFR scheme which
can save the time in doing SSFR tests. Hook-Jeeves
method is used for optimization purpose. The test
procedure and identification results are reported.
423-431 |
Critical Marangoni Numbers
and their Effect on the Dopant Distribution in
Silicon Fibers
L. Braescu, T. F. George
Abstract: The dependence of the
Marangoni flow and impurity distribution on the
vertical temperature gradient is analyzed in the
framework of a stationary model including the
incompressible Navier-Stokes equation in the
Boussinesq approximation and the
convection-conduction, and conservative
convection-diffusion equations. The computations are
carried out in a 2D axisymmetric model by the
finite-element numerical technique, for
aluminum-doped silicon fibers grown from the melt by
the edge-defined film-fed growth technique, and
reveal existence of the three critical Marangoni
numbers due to thermal gradients. The homogeneity of
the dopant distribution in the crystal is computed
for different Marangoni numbers situated in the
ranges determined by the obtained critical Marangoni
numbers Mac1, Mac2, Mac3.
432-438 |
Cluster Analysis using I-kaz
Coefficient to Assist Machining Monitoring Process
M. Z. Nuawi, F. Lamin, S. Abdullah, M. J. M. Nor, A.
Abstract: Dynamic state recognition
and event-prediction are fundamental tasks in signal
processing. This paper presents a novel
identification method which could form the basis for
forecasting a generalized machining condition. The
method relies on the value of I-kaz coefficient,
which is an extractable unique feature that can be
gained for every signal acquired during the cutting
process. The method is useful for classifying the
acquired signal in the machining process to a set of
cluster which may represent the specific cutting
condition of the machining process. The
classification method was succeeded in identifying
the cutting parameter that being used to generate
the signal, which was the combination of the cutting
speed, feed rate and depth of cut. This kind of
clustering is very useful in the analysis of
machining signal processing such as signal
conformation, fault identification and etc.
439-446 |
Inference in the Progressive
Three-State Model
Luis Meira-Machado, Carmen Cadarso-Suarez, Jacobo de
Abstract: In longitudinal studies of
disease, patients can experience several events
through a follow-up period. In these studies, the
sequentially ordered events (gap times) are often of
interest. The events of concern may be of the same
nature (e.g. cancer patients may experience
recurrent disease episodes) or represent different
states in the disease process (e.g. alive and
disease-free, alive with recurrence and dead). If
the events are of the same nature this are usually
referred as recurrent event, whereas if they
represent different states (i.e. multi-state models)
they are usually modeled thought their intensity
functions. In this paper we present nonparametric
estimators for several quantities in a progressive
threestate model. We present a simple estimator for
the bivariate distribution function for censored gap
times and estimators for the transition
probabilities. The proposed methods can be easily
extended for the progressive k-state model (with a
vector of k gap times). Another major goal is to
study the relationship between the different
covariates and disease evolution. The proposed
methods were applied to a database on breast cancer
from Galicia, Spain. Software (in R) implementing
the methods proposed in this paper were developed by
the authors.
447-454 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 4, Volume 2, 2008) |
Pages |
Integrated Model of
Double-Diffusive Convection: Numerical Stability
P. Miidla, K. Rannat
Abstract: The double-diffusion effect
is a known phenomenon in oceanography. In this paper
a model of thermohaline field turbulent energy
evolution caused by double-diffusion effects, is
under consideration. The mathematical model itself
is a system of three nonlinear partial differential
equations for environment’s temperature, salinity
and turbulence kinetic energy, where unknown
functions depend on time and on one only space
variable. The discretisation and numerical
implementation of the model is given, which bases on
implicit difference method, on the uniform
rectangular time-space grid and Newton iteration
method. As the main result of paper the
computational stability condition is obtained. The
numerical stability criterion of the numerical
algorithm for finding approximate solution is
estimated by the maximum values of the solutions of
system components and main parameters of the model.
455-462 |
The Investigation of Marble
Cutting Parameters for Energy Consumption
Hasan Cimen, Said Mahmut Cinar, Mustafa Nartkaya
Abstract: Marble cutting process has
very complexity structure with lots of machining and
stone parameters. In this paper, a marble test
machine fully controlled by PC is presented. The PC
based marble test machine is designed for
experimental tasks such as determining suitable
cutting parameters, developing saw blade performance
and marble cutting with optimum electric energy. PC
based systems have lots of advantages such as rapid,
functional, low cost, adaptable, attractive. PC
based systems can also be used industrial
environments for improving productivity. Presented
PC based marble test machine whereby an experimental
test machine was carried out to obtain precise
463-472 |
Method to Protect from no
Pulse for a Three-Phase Rectifier Bridge
Ilie Borcosi, Onisifor Olaru, Marius-Constantin
Popescu, Nicolae Antonie, Alina Dinca, Marian
Abstract: In this paper we will
propose a way to detect if the electronic valves
aren’t working (diodes, thyristors and transistors)
of the commanded or not three-phase rectifiers with
resistive load or resistive-inductive load.
473-482 |
Device with Analogical
Circuits for Protection to the Lack of the Pulse for
the Three-Phase Rectifiers in Electrical Drive
Borcosi Ilie, Olaru Onisifor, Popescu
Marius-Constantin, Dinca Alina, Antonie Nicolae,
Ionescu Marian
Abstract: In this paper is proposed a
device for protection at the lack of pulse for the
three-phase rectifiers in bridge with load inductive
resistive (dc motors).
483-492 |
Underlying Structure of the
System Using Dynamic Clustering and Penrose Inverse
Hernando Castaneda Marin, Eliezer Colina Morles,
Jesus Rodriguez Millan
Abstract: We propose a new
perspective on the identification of linear dynamic
system using structural similarity. The proposal
consists in the meaningful exploration of each
model, specifically behavior of the state variable.
The decomposition of the behavior of a state
variable in different modes of behavior of a system,
each one has a different set of weights and shows
different patterns of behavior. These weights are
more significant than eigenvalue to develop a new
technique for identifying linear system and
invariants over time.
We use two methods based on different areas of
knowledge such as linear algebra and statistics.
This paper is a conceptual proof that enriches the
implementation and validity not only from point of
view algorithmic likewise physic mathematical.
493-502 |
A System Dynamics Model For
The Simulation Of A Non Multi Echelon Supply Chain:
Analysis and Optimization Utilizing The Berkeley
Madonna Software
C. Caballini, R. Revetria
Abstract: In today’s global market,
managing the entire supply chain becomes a key
factor for a successful business. World-class
organizations realize that non-integrated
manufacturing and distribution processes together
with poor relationships with suppliers and customers
are a huge limit for their success.
One of the most important aspect affecting the
performance of a supply chain is the management of
inventories. Inventory management in the supply
chain system is quite a complex issue because demand
at the upstream stage is dependent on orders from
the downstream stage, and the final downstream stage
receives orders from the market in uncertain
conditions. Uncertainty is one of the major obstacle
which limits the creation of an effective supply
chain inventory model, able to optimize times and
Being the management of a complex inventory model
too difficult to analyze with traditional analytical
mathematical methods, computer simulation is widely
used to study this kind of problems. This paper has
the goal of modeling a single echelon supply chain
and optimizing its inventories levels so to reduce
the bullwhip effect and consequently minimize the
supply chain costs. The supply chain here proposed
consists of five stages – customer, retailer,
wholesaler, distributor and factory – and its
modeling is carried out through a system dynamics
approach, utilizing the Berkeley Madonna software.
503-512 |
Boundary Stabilization of a
String with Two Rigid Loads: Calculation of Optimal
Feedback Gain Based on a Finite Difference
Hideki Sano
Abstract: This paper is concerned
with the boundary stabilization problem of a string
with two rigid loads which is described by two kinds
of hyperbolic equations. In our previous work, a
control law that made an energy function of the
system non-increasing was derived, and the
asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system with
the controller was proved by using the LaSalle’s
invariance principle. Moreover, a simplified lumped
parameter model was considered in connection with
the string with two rigid loads, and the design
method to determine an optimal feedback gain for the
model was proposed. In this paper, it is shown that
the controller with an optimal gain based on a
finite differnce approximation works more
effectively than the one based on our previous
method for the original system through numerical
513-522 |
The Symmetry-Diagram as a
Tool of the Pattern Recognition
Z. Szakal, I. Zsoldos
Abstract: The base of this paper was
a new method for the detection of exact and
approximate reflective symmetries. The algorithm was
based on the definition of the so called
symmetry-parameter which is a rate of the symmetry,
a number between 0 and 1 without a dimension and its
value does not depend on geometrical measures. A so
called symmetry-diagram in other name a
shape-diagram was determined from the
symmetry-parameters computed for various lines
crossing the gravity centre and for points
surrounding it. Beside the possibility of the
symmetry recognition, the shape-diagram shows an
individual shape property of the 2D figures,
independently from geometrical measures. In this
paper we show a process in which similar and
approximately similar 2D figures are sorted out from
a multitude of different figures independently from
geometrical measures using the definition of the
523-532 |
On Construction of Optimised
Rough Set-based Classifier
Urszula Stanczyk
Abstract: One of popularly used forms
of definition for a classifier is a decision
algorithm constructed from conditional clauses of
"IF. . . THEN. . . " type. Extraction of decision
rules that comprise such a decision algorithm
constitutes one of crucial steps within the rough
set approach to the problem of classification. The
first step of the process is to find all relative
raducts of conditional attributes and to select one,
if several exist, for the computations that follow.
The second phase is taken by the procedure of
establishing all valid relative value reducts. From
the variety of possible solutions there is required
the one with the highest accuracy of classification
as well as simplicity of implementation which is
reflected by the lowest number of conditional
clauses within the decision algorithm. In the paper
there is described such optimising methodology
employed to the rough set-based approach to the
stylometric problem of authorship attribution.
533-542 |
Functional Quality and
Performance Metric for some Image Processing
Chang Yun Fah, Omar Mohd Rijal, Syed Abdul Rahman
Abu Bakar
Abstract: One common approach to
image quality and performance evaluation is to
evaluate if the reference image and the processed
image still remain a high level of similarity
However, existing image quality metrics regarded one
of the reference and processed image or both as
perfect. In reality, it is not easy to obtain a
perfect reference image because pre-processing
procedures always generated noise into these images.
In this paper, the reference and processed images
are considered as imperfect and we propose a
functional metric using the coefficient of
determination for unreplicated linear functional
relationship model as a measure of the similarity,
which in turn may be used as a definition for image
quality and performance indicator for some image
processing applications. The sensitivity of the
proposed metric is also studied and it provides a
consistent interpretation for the distortion area of
a processed image. Our experimental results showed
that the proposed functional metric is a good
quality measure for JPEG compressed image and it is
sensitive in differentiating the performance or
low-pass and high-pass filtered image.
543-552 |
Double-Spool Single Jet
Engine for Aircraft as Controlled Object
Romulus Lungu, Alexandru Nicolae Tudosie, Liviu
Abstract: The paper deals with an
aircraft double-spool single-jet engine identified
as possible controlled object. The authors have
identified the main parameters and the engine’s
non-linear equation system (the motion equation and
the gas-dynamic characteristics), then they have
established the linear non-dimensional model, useful
for further studies, and the block diagram with
transfer functions. Engine’s stability domains were
also established, and some simulation were
performed, concerning the engine’s time behavior
(step response), for two different cases of control
553-562 |
Limit Cycle and Chaotic
Behaviors for the Transmission Model of Plasmodium
Vivax Malaria
P. Pongsumpun, I. M. Tang
Abstract: Malaria is an infectious
disease caused by the bite of female Anopheles
mosquitoes. There are four species, namely,
Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium
ovale and Plasmodium malariae causing human malaria.
The difference between P.vivax malaria and P.
falciparum malaria is that a person suffering from
P. vivax infection can suffer relapses of the
disease. The effect of a time delay on the
transmission of this disease is studied. The time
delay is the period in which the P.vivax parasite
develops inside the mosquito (vector) before the
vector becomes infectious (i.e., pass on the
infection). The model is analyzed by using standard
dynamic modeling method. Two stable equilibrium
states are found to be possible. It is found that
the disease free equilibrium state is stable when a
newly defined basic reproduction number L is less
than one. If L is greater than one, the endemic
equilibrium state is stable. The conditions for the
endemic equilibrium state to be a stable spiral node
are found. For realistic values of the parameters in
the model, it is found that solutions in phase space
are trajectories spiraling into the endemic
equilibrium state. The bifurcation diagrams of our
model are discussed. It is shown that the limit
cycle and chaotic behaviors can occur with only
unrealistic situations.
563-570 |
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