International Journal of Geology
E-ISSN: 1998-4499
Volume 10, 2016
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Volume 10, 2016
Title of the Paper: Identification of Nonlinear Systems with Hard Nonlinearity
Authors: A. Brouri, S. Ziani
Pages: 36-40
Abstract: The problem of identifying Wiener-Hammerstein systems is proposed in the presence of hard nonlinearity. Wiener-Hammerstein systems consist of a series connection including a nonlinear element sandwiched with two linear subsystems. Presently, the two linear subsystems are allowed to be nonparametric and structure entirely unknown, but are supposed asymptotically stable. Furthermore, the system nonlinearity is of hard type and no knowledge is priori required. Interestingly, the system nonlinearity is separately identified first. In turn, the linear subsystems are identified in the second stage using a frequency approach.
Title of the Paper: Microlauncher, Mathematical Model for Orbital Injection
Authors: Teodor-Viorel Chelaru, Iulian Alexandru Onel, Adrian Chelaru
Pages: 29-35
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present some aspects regarding the computational model and performance evaluation for three stages microlauncher (ML) used to inject into circular orbit a small size payload. The computational model consists in numerical simulation of ML evolution for imposed start conditions and optimisation of flight parameter in order to obtain injection into circular orbit. The microlauncher model presented will be with three degrees of freedom (3DOF) and variable mass. The results analysed will be the flight parameters and the ballistic performances. The discussions area will focus around the technical possibility to evaluate the performance of a multi-stage launcher using the developed model.
Title of the Paper: Roles of Riparian Vegetation on Shoreline Deposition/Erosion Relief
Authors: Jin-Hong Kim
Pages: 24-28
Abstract: Roles of riparian vegetation on erosion relief of the stream bed or on deposition of the fine sediments along riverfront by the species of the aquatic plants were presented. Field investigation on the estimation of the change of the bed level and the flow velocity were performed. The results showed that Phragmites japonica has function of erosion relief of 0.3m-0.4m in the range of higher than 1.0m/s of flow velocity at the vegetated region. Phragmites communis has role of erosion relief of 0.2m-0.3m higher than 0.7m/s of flow velocity. Salix gracilistyla has greater role than Phragmites japonica and Phragmites communis to sustain the stable channel. It has the mitigation function of 0.4m-0.5m of the erosion in the range of higher than 1.4m/s of flow velocity. Miscanthus sacchariflorus has a weak role compared with that of Phragmites japonica and Salix gracilistyla, but it has still function for sustaining the stable bed. From these results, the vegetation has effective roles of erosion relief or deposition of the stream bed.
Title of the Paper: System Identification Method by Structural Similarity for Seismic Migration
Authors: Hernando Castaneda M., Manuel Jose Maldonado Ortega, Jairo Torres Pena
Pages: 18-23
Abstract: This paper presents a novel system Identification method by Dynamic cluster using structural similarity. Develop a method or technique to study the behavior of dynamic systems from explicit knowledge of the state variables. The purpose is to find the structure of dynamical systems by structural similarity measures based on the theoretical basis of systems of first and second order. We apply this method to find seismic velocity of the ground layers and identify the location of the reflectors from the travel time and slowness. The migration is performed directly through patterns derived from the first and second derivative of travel-time regarding the offset address and the depth and in accordance with the estimated effective slowness.
Title of the Paper: Simulation of the Groundwater Flow in Hard Rock Hydrogeological Environments. Application in Naxos Island, Greece
Authors: Aikaterini-Sofia Partsinevelou, Levkothea Evrenoglou, George Stournaras
Pages: 11-17
Abstract: Groundwater is a dynamic and renewable natural resource, but in hard rock terrains the availability of groundwater is limited. Although it is observed that hard rocks have often low permeability, they may host important water resources [1], as the groundwater flow regime in this case is depended mainly by several factors of the fractured media [2], [3]. Exploration and utilization of groundwater especially in hard rock terrains, requires thorough understanding of geology, geomorphology and lineaments of the area, which directly or indirectly control the terrain characteristics. There are several methods such as geological, hydrogeological and geophysical to locate and map the occurrence and distribution of groundwater. But recent studies have focused on the remote sensing methods and GIS techniques, as they provide the advantages of having access to large coverage, even in inaccessible areas, and of having an efficient way of mapping the natural resources economically, with better results, than using conventional methods [4], [5]. Temporal remote sensing data enable the identification of groundwater aquifers and assessment of their change, where GIS enables the management and integration of multi-thematic data.
Title of the Paper: Tectono-Geophysical Zonation of the Near and Middle East and Eastern Africa
Authors: Lev V. Eppelbaum, Youri I. Katz
Pages: 1-10
Abstract: The region under study is of great interest from many positions: geodynamically (high seismic activity, modern riftogenesis and collision processes), structurally (presence of mosaic block system of continental and oceanic Earth's crust of different age), geophysically (presence of several greatest gravity anomalies and very intricate magnetic pattern) and economically (presence of the main hydrocarbon resources of the world). It is well-known that successive integration and generalization of isolated geophysical-geological features significantly increases reliability and exactness of earlier developed maps and schemes. Regional long-term seismological prognosis, strategy of searching economic deposits and many other important geological-geophysical problems are based mostly on results of combined tectono-geophysical zonation. This paper presents a new tectonic map of the Near and Middle East and Eastern Africa developed on the basis of numerous tectonic, stratigraphic and other sources supported by geophysical data analysis. Examination of satellite derived gravity data by the use of different advanced mathematical methodologies enabled to construct a series of principal new maps (here two examples of these maps are shown) indicating essential properties of Earth's crust and lithosphere of the region. Integrating the novel tectonic map with gravity map and its transforms enabled us to create precursors for development of a new seismological scheme of long-term prognosis for the region under study.