International Journal of Communications
E-ISSN: 1998-4480
Volume 8, 2014
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Volume 8, 2014
Title of the Paper: Multi Bands Antenna for Wireless Communication System with Slots
Authors: Evizal Abdul Kadir, Eko Supriyanto, Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin, Tharek Abd Rahman, Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim, Sri Listia Rosa
Pages: 51-55
Abstract: Rapid growing of user in mobile communication andlimited of spectrum created many frequency band used by operator.This letter propose a new antenna design with slots that coveredmultiple bands common used in mobile communication and longtermevolutions (LTE) system. A single patch antenna operating at2.6 GHz for LTE band was first designed and then optimization byintroducing slots on antenna patch has been done to improve theantenna’s bandwidth (BW). As a transmitter antenna requires highgain for effective transmission, air gap and aluminum plate are usedas ground element in order to achieve high gain performance. Thereflection coefficient of initially designed single patch antenna givesa single band response. However some slots and array elements areintroduced into the antenna to obtain multi band response, whichcovers a few bands. The results obtained from reflection coefficienthave shown that the proposed patch antenna is suitable in suchtelecommunication system applications as GSM, UMTS, LTE,WLAN and WiMAX. The result of simulation reflection coefficientis -34 dB at centre frequency 2.6 GHz and antenna gain is 8.21 dBi.
Title of the Paper: Completely Modeled & Simulated Wireless Usb-FM Transmission in Very-Fine-Pitch Quad Flat Pack
Authors: Areeb Ahmed
Pages: 43-50
Abstract: The project has actually been done in two parts, modeling & analysis. The modeling has been explained with the help of schematics & circuit diagrams. The analysis has been done on the whole design & its partial hardware. Different Graphs has been taken with the help of oscilloscope before modulation & after modulation. The graphs obtained give the clear idea that the Fm Transmitter is fully capable to transmit any audio data coming from any source like Usb or microphone. Although Strong calculations has been done for inductance matching & antenna height calculation but still more work can be done on the antenna to improve its reception.FM transmission rules & Regulations has been read & given extra consideration before making the actual hardware & during its troubleshooting & analysis. this project is actually based upon the designing of a Short range wireless USB-FM Transmitter which can transmit data contained in the USB flash drive over short distance using ROHM® BU9458kv Semiconductor chip. The chip is designed in a new packaging called VQFP-64(Very-fine-pitch Quad Flat Pack).The first section is FM Transmission and the second is USB-mp3 module. The FM Transmitter is designed by using two BC-547 transistors. The Usb mp3- Module is designed by using ROHM® BU9458kv Semiconductor chip. The mp3 songs can be played directly from the usb flash drive by using MODE-1(default mode) of the semiconductor chip without programming it. Successful Transmission of audio signal through the designed FM Transmitter is a proof of the correctness of the design. The experimental results on FM transmitter ensure that design is capable to transmit usb data if it is implemented completely on commercial basis.
Title of the Paper: Use Cases and Technical Solutions for Cross Border Operation Pilot
Authors: P. Kämppi, J. Rajamäki, I. Kervinen, J. Saijonmaa
Pages: 37-42
Abstract: Interoperability has been available for TETRA-technology since year 2000 but after a decade, there is no single operational interoperability implementation, used by end-user organizations, between operational TETRA networks. The Multi-Agency Cooperation In Cross-border Operations (MACICO) project paves way for an operational pilot in Finland cross border areas by bringing together end users, technology providers and researches already in the planning phase of a pilot. This study presents four use cases for the operational interoperability pilot with technical implementation models that are derived from the use cases.
Title of the Paper: Vulnerability Discovery Models for Database Management System Using CVE
Authors: Du Sun Yoon, Tae-Sung Kim
Pages: 29-36
Abstract: Software vulnerabilities that can be the target of malicious attack have a direct impact on software security and require quantitative analysis for effective management. The vulnerability standards that identify, classify, and evaluate the vulnerabilities can be a metric for quantitative analysis. The Vulnerability Discovery Model (VDM) helps to predict the vulnerability incidence rate and the number of vulnerabilities in the future. In this study, we describe the vulnerability management systems used by major countries and the vulnerability standards of the United States that are in general use. For empirical study, we select five DBMS vulnerabilities and examine quantitative analysis that applies the VDM.
Title of the Paper: Gathering End-User Requirements for the MACICO Public Safety Communications Project
Authors: Pasi Kämppi, Jaakko Tyni, Jyri Rajamäki
Pages: 21-28
Abstract: The Multi-Agency Cooperation In Cross-border Operations (MACICO) project will develop a concept for interworking for security organizations in their daily activity. It deals with cooperation of security organizations that do not use (in their day-to-day job) the same radio network, but in some missions could take benefit from a sharing of their respective infrastructure. Use cases such as pursuit of criminals across a border, close support of vehicles going through a border, and disaster relief operations require security organizations from both countries to communicate together and to continue to communicate with their control room. This paper comprises a useful reference on the standards and requirements identification related to interoperability of public safety communication systems, on the existing technological status and the immediate future activities.
Title of the Paper: High Gain Patch Antenna Using a Frequency Selective Surface (FSS)
Authors: Moufida Bouslama, Moubarek Traii, Ali Gharsallah, Tayeb A. Denidni
Pages: 16-20
Abstract: A novel design of a New Frequency Selective Surface NFSS is presented, characterized and employed for the gain enhancement of a microstrip antenna operating at 5.2 GHz. The new FSS structure is then applied as a superstrate to a conventional microstrip patch antenna. The main goal of this work is to study low profile with compact size superstrate. Simulation and analysis results of the FSS design with CST Microwave studio are compared with results from the equivalent circuit of proposed FSS unit cell in ADS software to improve characteristics in terms of transmission and reflection responses. Analyse of the gain, input impedance and radiation pattern of the E and H-plane field are shown. Drastic gain increase of up to 9.4 dBi is obtained while maintaining a good matching level. The proposed NFSS antenna can be used for WLAN applications.
Title of the Paper: Online Privacy Concerns and Service Use (A Comparison of Social Network Service, Cloud Service, and Mobile Banking Service)
Authors: Jaecheol Lee, Sundong Kwon, Tae-Sung Kim
Pages: 8-15
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to reveal how the factors influence the level of using online services (i.e., social network services, cloud services, and mobile banking services). We focus on differences in the degree of influencing factors by the kinds of services used. We suggest that five influencing factors to level of using online services are concerns about personal information leakage, awareness of information leakage issues, ability to control one’s information, policy trust and policy interest. Awareness of information leakage issues is an antecedent variable to concerns about personal information leakage. Policy interest is used as a moderation variable between policy trust and the level of using online services. The result of this study can be summarized as follows. Concerns about personal information leakage had a negative relation with the level of using mobile banking services (not with social network services and cloud services). Awareness of information leakage issues had a positive relation with concerns about personal information leakage in all the three services. Ability to control one’s information had positive relation with the level of using social network services and cloud services (not with mobile banking services). Policy trust had a positive relation with the level of using all the three services. Policy interest had a positive effect between policy trust and the level of using all the three services.
Title of the Paper: An Enhanced RF Energy Harvesting System for Low-Power Wireless Sensors in 900 MHz Band
Authors: Mohammed M. Bait-Suwailam, Zia Nadir
Pages: 1-7
Abstract: This paper describes a technique to enhance energy conversion module for Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting system at 900 MHz band. The function of the energy conversion module is to convert the RF signals into direct-current voltage at the given frequency band. The proposed design is capable of charging small power consumption sensors by capturing ambient RF waves. The technique comprises the use of high-profile monopole antenna array with a refle tor at the front-end of the harvesting circuitry in order to maximize the RF energy received by the antenna system. Furthermore, a prototype of the proposed RF energy harvesting system was simulated, built and tested in laboratory. The proposed design is compared with a reference case that uses only a single monopole antenna element at both transmitter and receiver sides. The achieved results show better performance. The designed system is useful in many wireless applications and can easily be integrated with other high-gain antenna systems to further maximize the harvested energy.