Year 2011
All papers of the journal were peer reviewed by two
independent reviewers. Acceptance was granted when both
reviewers' recommendations were positive.
Paper Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 1, Volume 5,
2011) |
Pages |
Implementation and Testing of
the Requirements for the Bandwidth of the eLearning
Krzysztof Tokarz, Christian Manger
Abstract: In this paper elements of eLearning
system developed at the Silesian University of
Technology have been presented. The main idea of the
system is to provide distance lectures for students
including persons with different disabilities. The
system uses audio, video and text messages
transmission and in this part it is similar to
videoconference. Additionally system is prepared to
handle special channels with data for handicapped
persons. The teacher can present the lecture in
traditional way and transmit the presentation to
remote students using the Internet. The system
consists of three parts: streaming server, control
application and presentation application. In this
paper the short description of the system has been
presented with description of testing of
requirements for the bandwidth.
1-8 |
Dashboards for University
Decision Makers
Mihaela Muntean, Gheorghe Sabau, Ana-Ramona Bologa,
Traian Surcel, Alexandra Florea
Abstract: A University performance management
system enables executives to measure, monitor and
manage university performance more effectively.
Development and Deployment of a performance
management system is a challenge for Romanian
universities. The paper presents an architectural
framework for a performance management system for
universities. The paper also presents an example of
performance dashboard for research using a
multidimensional model.
9-17 |
Generic HCI and Group Awareness
Collaboration for Remote Laboratory in Virtual World
J. Fayolle, C. Gravier, B. Jailly
Abstract: We present in this paper a remote
lab that is generic, i.e independent to the
controlled device thanks to a semantic web approach.
This kind of approach is very interesting since it
allows us to build a remote lab framework whi takes
into account a semantic file as input and can deal
with any kind of remote device. The graphical user
interface and functionalities are described thanks
to ontology. The proposed remote lab is also
collaborative since it is prove that the
collaboration takes an important place in the
learning process. The collaboration is made in a
virtual world called wonderland allowing sharing of
information and audio channels between users’
18-25 |
Management Practices from Small
and Medium Enterprises within the Knowledge-Based
Dan Popescu, Iulia Chivu, Alina Ciocarlan-Chitucea,
Catalin-Valeriu Curmei, Daniela-Oana Popescu
Abstract: The European Union is part of the
group of countries with the most intense concerns
and performance in supporting and encouraging small
and medium enterprises. The importance attached to
this type of organization is supported by the
existence of strategic documents such as White
Charter, adopted in 1985, and by organizing
conferences entirely devoted to European SMEs. The
aim of these international events is to create and
promote an enabling environment to support small and
medium sized companies. The group of most developed
countries of the world that form the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development has
established the following main objectives in
policies to support SMEs: increasing the living
standards of people and ensuring financial stability
as a catalyst for national economic growth, economic
growth in EU countries but also in other countries
in developing countries (Kelly, 2001). Economic
activity is increased in sectors that intensively
use knowledge and technology and increase production
and employment in high-tech sectors. Success in the
knowledge based economy depends on the ability to
innovate. Researchers (Prusak, Matson, 2006) have
identified the following characteristic of the
knowledge based economy: physical distances
represent no longer an obstacle to economic
development, communication, education, successful
implementation of projects and integration into
society, economic system is open the world. Key
change involving the transition to a new kind of
economy is not only the concern of the scientific
world. Leaders of developed countries in European
Union policy areas identified transition options to
the new type of economy, the knowledge based
economy: building an information society to
citizens, by extending the Internet, electronic
commerce, telecommunications, building a dynamic
business environment, stimulating, developing small
and medium enterprises, supporting scientific
research as a vector of competitiveness and the
enhancement of human resources, investing in
education and training, promoting social protection
systems and incentives to work.
26-33 |
Advanced Features of Digital
library of University of Maribor
Janez Brezovnik, Milan Ojstersek
Abstract: Advanced features of digital
library of University of Maribor are described in
this paper. A short introduction describes some
basic facts about the digital library and mentions
its main purpose, but the main part of this paper is
about features, that are mostly not found in other
digital libraries. These features include
integration with other information systems,
plagiarism detection, informative and useful
statistics about mentors and specific content
extraction from documents, served by the digital
library. We present existing functionality and
describe some ideas for future development. A
natural language processing framework, called
TextProc, is also briefly mentioned, since it is
used to perform plagiarism detection.
34-41 |
Authentic Learning Environments
for Teaching and Learning Sustainable Development in
the Built Environment
Maruska Subic Kovac, Mateja Kovac
Abstract: The balancing of man’s needs for
conservation of the natural and built environments
in the present and future is understood in
conjunction with the concept of sustainable
equilibrium, or the development as such, with the
concept of sustainable development. This study
focuses on built environment, and in particular, on
the quality of existence and on providing the
quality of existence in conjunction with sustainable
development. The study analyses in detail the
positions of the Vic – Ljubljana Secondary School
students in relation to sustainable development in
the built environment. Results of analysis of their
positions may constitute a framework for curriculum
renewal at secondary- and high-school levels in the
Republic of Slovenia. Based on analysis of data
gathered within a survey, we arrived to a conclusion
that most students included in the survey had been
familiarised with sustainable development in the
built environment, however, on the average, their
responses deviated by 23 % from an ideal solution.
As every intervention which is not compatible with
sustainable development in built environment, may
have permanent, or even irreparable consequences for
the development of the existing and future
generations, such a result is not assessed as
favourable. They lacked, however, the requisite
knowledge concerning the placing of different
buildings into space and conservation of cultural
heritage. Differences in positions between the
sexes, by the place of residence, type of building
they reside in, and by their respective
predispositions, were not observed within the
research study. However, differences in students’
positions exist between the particular study-years.
Secondary school students of higher study-years tend
to support more the decisions, which are in
compliance with sustainable development in the built
environment, as compared to the students of lower
study-years. Renewed curricula in the Republic of
Slovenia should, from the point of view of
substance, include the issues of sustainable
development in built environment in an integral,
terminologically standardised and appropriately
educational level. Active involvement of teachers
and students in formal and informal space regulation
procedures at different levels should be envisaged.
In addition, education should be focused on
authentic learning environments assisted by
information communication technologies. Information
communication technology increases the efficiency
and flexibility of the learning and training
systems, which can be implemented in employment
environments, connecting formal learning with
non-formal. At national level, an agency for the
formation and monitoring of coherent education
system in the field of sustainable development, and
a school of architecture and spatial planning as
non-profit organisations intended for education of
the general public should be set up.
42-50 |
A Study on CSL Proficiency
Evaluation-Reading and Listening Subject
Rih-Chang Chao, Bor-Chen Kuo, Hsuan-Po Wang, Ya-Hsun
Abstract: Presently there are many Chinese
proficiency tests (CPTs) available today measuring
participants’ proficiency in CSL. Most of them, the
AP Chinese language and Cultural examination (AP),
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) and Test of
Proficiency-Huayu (TOP), had classified their test
results in proficiency levels which corresponded to
the levels of CEFR (The Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and
Assessment). However, some of Reading and Listening
subjects in Top had not completely conducted their
proficiency level in corresponding to CEFR.
Therefore, the items implemented in this study were
on the basis of CEFR for CSL CPT reading and
listening subject construction. This study applied
IRT 3PL model to analyze and interpret 751 reading
and 762 listening subjects empirical data collected
from Grace Christian Collage in Philippine on
September 2009 via the computerized based test
(CBT). The contribution of this study was not only
on the construction of a CSL Proficiency Test on a
basis of CEFR but also in comparison with examinees’
proficiency scales in referring to their background
and explored factors that might affected CSL
learning effectiveness.
51-58 |
Managing Online Learning
Resources Using Web 2.0 Tools – a Croatian
Nikola Vlahovic, Zeljka Pozgaj, Vesna Bosilj Vuksic
Abstract: The way people learn has evolved
from a mostly passive to a more active process since
the introduction of Web 2.0 paradigm. From the point
of the learning processes new tools empowered
students and teachers with new capabilities
enhancing their learning methods but also
introducing new responsibilities for the learning
outcomes. These changes have initiated the
transition from e-learning to e-learning 2.0. The
new paradigm changes roles of participants in the
learning process but also it changes the quantity
and quality of the learning resources. As Internet
users engage in creation and publication of new
information, the quantity of available information
becomes unmanageable. The need to verify and
summarize information as learning resource becomes
eminent. Possible solutions to these challenges are
offered in form of information retrieval and
information extraction methods that are made
available to end users. Goal of this paper is to
present some of these tools and their application in
the course design. RSS feeds and mashups can be used
to extract information and rearrange them in more
convenient and useful resources for learning. Wiki
pages can be used as an additional platform for
exchange of ideas and interconnection of all the
participants of the learning process. In this paper
we will present some of the Web 2.0 tools and
solutions that are used as additional learning
resources for students in courses at the Faculty of
Economics and Business University of Zagreb.
59-68 |
The Perception and Method in
Teaching and Learning Islamic Education
Maimun Aqsha Lubis, Melor Md Yunus, Mohammed Diao,
Tajul Arifin Muhamad, Ramlee Mustapha, Noriah Mohd
Abstract: The influence of Islam in West
African education systems was significant. The
transformation from traditional Qur’anic schools to
more modern Islamic education was slow but evident.
The objective of this paper is to determine the
perception and the method in teaching Islamic
education from the African teachers’ opinion. The
data was collected from a questionnaire survey that
was distributed to African teachers from West
Africa. The data were analyzed by using the
descriptive statistics such as percentages and mean
scores. The study revealed that the respondent
agreed the Implementation of Teaching the Islamic
education had subsequently improved. However, it
need to be updated. This study found out that in
term of teachers’ opinion and perception the items
resulted positively (65% and mean=3.751). Beside
that, 7 methods of teaching (76.2%, mean=3.8847)
showed that individual accountability did exist in
many cooperative learning activities carried out by
the teachers in the classroom. This study has
several implications with regards to pedagogical
modification of teaching methods of Islamic
religious teachers in West Africa.
69-78 |
The Use of ICT in Teaching
Islamic Subjects in Brunei Darussalam
Maimun Aqsha Lubis, Abdullah Awang Lampoh, Melor
Md.Yunus, Shah Nazim Shahar, Noriah Mohd Ishak,
Tajul Arifin Muhamad
Abstract: This paper examined the use of ICT
(Information and Communication Technology) in
teaching Islamic subjects in religious schools.
Besides that, this paper also studies the IT usage
in teaching Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK)
subjects in secular schools (non-religious or normal
schools). Religious schools also known as Islamic
School are managed by the Ministry of Religious
Affairs while secular schools are managed by the
Ministry of Education and other private
organizations. However, the curriculum of Islamic
and IRK subjects are controlled by the Ministry of
Religious Affairs. In 2008, the Ministry of
Education introduced a new education system known as
SPN21 or Sistem Pendidikan Negara Abad 21 (21st
Century Brunei Education System). In the system, IRK
become one of the „core? subjects, means that every
student must take IRK at all level. The primary
objective of adopting SPN21 is to form the balanced
individuals; the Muslims become better Muslims and
non-Muslims become better citizens, so that they can
live harmoniously towards developing the countries.
SPN21 also emphasized the importance of making
schools conducive for learning and one factor that
contributes in learning process is the use of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT
is used as a teaching aid possibly in the
demonstration aids and discussion. More prevalent
use of ICT by Religious Education teachers may be
achieved by educating the work force (mostly Islamic
teachers) who incidentally did not have prior
knowledge of ICT. In Islam, the use of modern
technology is encouraged as it helps towards the
development of positive thinking, the ability to
innovate and to trigger the drive for
79-87 |
Improving Didactics in Computer
Science – The Example of the GEMIS and the QUADRO
R. Pucher, M. Tesar, T. Mandl, G. Holweg, F.
Abstract: Computer Science tends to be one of
the studies with relatively high rates of early drop
outs. This is also a problem at the University of
Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. GEMIS (GEnder
Mainstreaming in Informatics related Studies) and
QUADRO (Methods to improve the QUAlity of teaching
and lower DROpout rates of students) are two
projects to improve didactics in Computer Science
and consecutively to lower this high rate. Four
courses, two of them on the bachelor level, two on
the master level participate in the projects. The
main goals of the projects are 1) to identify the
difficulties for students. 2) To introduce new
methods of teaching to address different learning
types. 3) To enhance the usability of the offered e-
and m-learning tools. The GEMIS project was
initiated to investigate the reasons for the higher
drop-out rate of female students in informatics
related study programs and to develop and implement
measures to counteract. QUADRO helps to resolve that
issue by providing much additional organizational
information (e.g. term agenda, deadlines for tasks
in different courses) in Web 2.0 environments, like
Google Calendar or Facebook, thus moving beyond
integrated learning management systems (LMS) and
engaging students in an active use of the web as a
resource for their self-governed and collaborative
learning activities.
88-95 |
Communication as a Cognitive
Tool in Visual Learning
Siu-Kay Pun
Abstract: Increasing globalization and the
move towards more knowledge-based economies in the
new millennium brings new challenges to the
traditional approach in the education of engineers.
Equipping engineering graduates with
multidisciplinary knowledge and visual language
skills will give them that additional competitive
advantage, developing the other half of their brains
and allowing them to be more innovative and
creative. This paper explores the effectiveness of
an approach in developing visual language skills in
engineering students who have little or no
background in the visual arts. Their performance in
their group projects are discussed together with the
effect of group dynamics in their learning process.
96-104 |
Industry-Orientation Training
Course by Line Following Maze Robot
Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Juing-Huei Su,
Chia-Lung Yang, Tsai-Ming Hsieh
Abstract: This study provides a robot
industry-orientation training course which
integrates the hardware circuits, firmware
programming and shortest path algorithms into the
implementation the line following maze robot. The
objective of this work is to attract students’
interest in industry skills such as design of
hardware circuits, firmware programming and
path-finding algorithms. The robot training course
has several key components, including 1) the five
sensors to detect the routing path (line position),
2)UART transmission and the corresponding firmware
codes between two micro-controllers, 3) the robot
motions with the corresponding firmware programming
and 4) a shortest path algorithm for the tree-based
routing map and path-merging algorithm for the
cyclic-based routing map. After finishing this
course, students learn many practical skills,
including designing the sensors to guide the robot,
developing a UART-based protocol and its
corresponding firmware code for two
micro-controllers, and implementing a shortest path
algorithm for a tree-based map. Moreover, we also
provide the programming exercise for the
cyclic-based routing map. We merge the same paths
after we analyze two different routing paths which
are obtained through separate algorithms. Hence,
total routing path could be further reduced. The
price of this line-following maze robot is cheap
(~USD$150) and the course materials, including the
necessary theories for embedded systems, firmware
for motion control, and the shortest path
algorithms, are interesting to draw students’
attentions. Finally, we design some questionnaire to
measure the performance of students and modify the
materials according the feedback from students.
105-112 |
A Study on Proposal and
Analysis of Models Measuring Educational Effects for
Assurance of Education Quality and Improvement of
Student Satisfaction
Michiko Tsubaki, Masaki Kudo
Abstract: A turning point has been reached in
the evaluation of educational quality; universities
have also entered the age of “fourth-generation
evaluation” in which students and teachers enhance
their joint interpretations through lectures and
enable more refined lectures. Given this background,
many studies have been performed on the enhancement
of student satisfaction with educational quality. On
the other hand, quality assurance in university
education has been researched as an important topic.
Therefore, the Central Education Council, an
advisory body of the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has begun to
consider the introduction of the concept of
“graduate attributes,” which refers to the “minimum
ability that students should acquire upon
graduation.” As a result, great importance has been
placed on the achievement of a balance between the
“student satisfaction” and “education quality” in
order to improve the quality of universities in a
comprehensive manner. This study proposes a model
measuring educational effects for assurance of
education quality and improvement of student
satisfaction, focusing on the concepts of both
“graduate attributes” and “fourth-generation
evaluation.” This paper proposes the concept for the
construction of the model, designs the method for
data acquisition, and shows the results of actual
analysis by structural equation modeling. Further,
with regard to quality assurance for graduate
attributes, this paper classifies students on the
basis of their reasons for taking the course and the
learning outcomes, then proposes a model for
improving students’ learning styles and analyzes
their ability using the model. Furthermore, in this
paper, it is verified that the proposed models meet
the authenticity criteria of fourth-generation
113-122 |
Automatically Detecting Detects
on Class Implementation in Object Oriented Program
on the Basis of the Law of Demeter: Focusing on the
Dependency between Packages
Ryota Chiba, Hiroaki Hashiura, Seiichi Komiya
Abstract: In an object-oriented software
development project, one of the design methods such
as OOSE and OMT is typically employed. However, a
common weak point is recognized for these design
methods, that is, they do not provide an easy
approach for designing a class. In this study, we
propose a method to support designing a class by
focusing on modularization to reduce the degree of
coupling. We extended the Law of Demeter, which is
one of the laws to reduce the degree of coupling, so
that it may be applied to Java. In addition, in
Java, since modules developed by somebody are
usually reused as packages rather than as classes,
we decided to apply the Law to a set of packages. We
developed a tool that can automatically detect a
violation of the Law as a plug-in of Eclipse. We
have conducted an experiment to prove that the tool
can automatically detect a violation of the Law of
Demeter and point out the location of violation
Then, we enter the violated portion of source code
to our tool to prove that the problem can be
123-131 |
The Entrepreneurial Behavior of
Orang Asli Youths in South Peninsular Malaysia
Norasmah Othman, Mohd Hasril Amiruddin, Mazura
Abstract: As Malaysia enters the twenty first
century, interests and concerns about the subject of
entrepreneurship have been highlighted among others.
Entrepreneurship is seen as a solution to the
ever-growing problem of unemployment and low
economic standard among the Orang Asli. The Orang
Asli are the indigenous minority people of
Peninsular Malaysia. The name is a Malay term which
transliterate as ‘original people’ or ‘first
people’. It is a collective term introduced by
anthropologists and administrators for the 18
sub-ethnic groups. This study investigates the
entrepreneurial behavior of the Orang Asli youths in
the southern part of Peninsular Malaysia. The
entrepreneurial behavior is divided into cognitive
and non-cognitive aspects. The data of this survey
was collected from 203 Orang Asli youths from nine
different sub-ethnic; Kintak (n=1), Bateq (n=18),
Orang Kuala (n=39), Orang Seletar (n=8), Jakun
(n=21), Semelai (n=2), Temuan (n=110), Temiar (n=1),
and Jah Hut (n=2). The respondents make up of 3.3
percent of the Orang Asli youths who are living in
south of Peninsular Malaysia (N=6092), from three
different states Melaka (n=32), Negeri Sembilan
(n=89), and Johor (n=83). The findings of this study
showed that Orang Asli youths in the south
Peninsular Malaysia possess high level of cognitive
and non-cognitive entrepreneurial behavior. Despite,
they should be given more information and knowledge
regarding the function of entrepreneurship career.
132-139 |
Paper Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 2, Volume 5,
2011) |
Pages |
Web-Based Application for Self
Testing and Assessment in the Field of Microbiology
Mihaela Elena Idomir, Valentin Idomir, Angela
Abstract: Several studies conducted in the
domain of Web-based education tools have showed
students and teachers interest in using Web
applications and their added benefits to the
professional knowledge development of the students.
Our Web-based application was developed as an
educational tool for the purpose of self testing and
assessment, allowing an easy evaluation of knowledge
and determining the needed improvement areas. It is
addressed not only to students and residents in
medicine but also to any other category of students,
offering the possibility of understanding and
refining the theoretical and practical knowledge.
The described methodology was experimentally tested
in the domains of bacteriology, virusology and
parasitology. The aim of our study was to implement,
with low cost, a modern Web-based solution for
knowledge assessment and in the same time to make it
available and easy accessible to teachers, students
and medical residents. The implementation of this
web-based application offers all the advantages
provided by the Web technology (interoperability,
multiple users, reusability and extendibility) and
will also support these categories in evaluating and
extending their knowledge in the field of Medical
Microbiology. The design and concept of the
application allows its extension in any educational
field with minimum effort needed. The innovative
aspect of our application consists in a module that
will maintain the objectivity of the assessment
process by preserving the same set of questions in
the examination form for all the tested students.
This feature is provided by creating an examination
template, responsible for arranging the questions in
a randomized manner and in the same time for
switching the order of the response options being
presented to the user. Our application offers great
potential for improving the assessment and
self-testing of students and residents in medicine
and many advantages over traditional assessment
methods like: objectivity of the assessment process,
larger diversity of tests and of their content,
significant decrease of the time spent for the
examination, better results in the process of
evaluation and scoring.
141-148 |
Development of a File-Sharing
System for Educational Collaboration among
Higher-Education Institutions
Takuya Matsuhira, Yoshiya Kasahara, Yoshihiro Takata
Abstract: Opportunities for educational,
research-oriented, and business-related
collaborations among universities are increasing. A
file-sharing system that handles reports, documents,
and research papers is required to facilitate
collaboration. However, file sharing across
different universities under a distributed
environment is not easy because of the difficulty of
authentication and authorization. In this context,
we have developed the ARchive system for
cross-referencing across a distributed environment
(ARCADE), using which users can share files securely
with other users across organizational boundaries.
Note that even those who lack skills in ICT can use
the system, as ARCADE is implemented as a Java GUI
application. In this paper, we introduce the
configuration of our system and discuss its
adaptation to an educational setting.
149-156 |
Language-in-Education Policy: A
Study of Policy Adjustment Strategy in Malaysia
Zuraidah Zaaba, Farida Ibrahim Ramadan,
Ibianaflorinciliana Niane Anthony Anning, Haijon
Gunggut, Katsuhiro Umemoto
Abstract: In the first 10 years after
Malaysia's independence from Britain, English and
Malay language were the media of instruction
particularly in the education sector. However, from
1970s onwards, English language was gradually phased
out in the education sector, but not in other
sectors, especially the economic sector. Ironically
in 1993, the Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad (term
of office 1980-2003) announced the reimplementation
of English as a medium of instruction for science
and technology courses in public higher education
institutions (PHEIs). This study focuses on the
knowledge shared, utilized and created by Malaysian
policy makers for developing an adjustment strategy,
particularly at the agenda-setting and formulation
stages of English language for science and
technology courses in PHEIs. Our review of the
relevant literature suggest that knowledge shared,
utilized and created by policy makers in Malaysia is
not just influenced by bureaucratic top–down system,
globalization and colonialism; but also is strongly
influenced by the Federal government, the highest of
the three levels of the government system. Malay
language is the national language for all sectors,
whereas in reality, English language still continues
to be a medium of instruction, particularly in
higher education institutions.
157-165 |
A Structural Model of Student
Satisfaction in Web-based ERP-Simulated Learning
Penjira Kanthawongs
Abstract: Student satisfaction in Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) course offerings is a
crucial part of the attempt to successfully promote
higher education. This paper extends previous
researches of the author using a structural model to
investigate the relationships among attitudinal
variables impacting to student satisfaction in
Web-based ERP-simulated courses. This study guides
university administrators, educators, practitioners,
or software vendors of how to create satisfied
learning and training environment for ERP in
education. It also indicates that learners’
satisfaction with the instructor, perceived ease of
use, commitment, and perceived flexibility are
respectively related to learners’ satisfaction with
the course. The satisfaction with the instructor is
the primary correlation of commitment.
Interestingly, ease of use is positively related to
satisfaction with the instructor. The study confirms
that these relationships represent the most
important considerations for students and
instructors in ERP-simulated enhanced courses.
166-173 |
Dynamic Competitive
Positioning: the Reactions of Romanian Firms to
Value Added Tax Hike
R. C. Musetescu, A. Musetescu
Abstract: Taxation has rarely been an issue
in the marketing and strategic literature. However,
we argue that tax modifications can have a
significant impact on the competitive positioning of
firms. These firms should have in consequence a
strategic approach to their reactions to such
external events. From a theoretical perspective, the
most significant reaction to an increase in an
indirect tax calculated as a percentage of the final
price should come from the competitors positioned
both at the lowest and at the highest
price-to-quality segments of the market. Taking into
consideration the pricing reaction of Romanian firms
to the 1st of July 2010 increase in Value Added Tax
(the biggest V.A.T. hike in Europe), we qualify
their reaction as weak. It was not strategic and it
was most probably based on the comfort that such an
event would not change their competitive
positioning. The most affected market segment by
such a tax hike, the luxury segment, seems to purely
and simply ignore the potential consequences.
Price-sensitive distributors who did react have
however used “tax deductions” techniques as a
seasonal adjustment to demand.
174-181 |
Becoming a Digital Citizen in
an Aging World
M. Ianculescu, M. Parvan
Abstract: A digital citizen commonly refers
to a person that participates in society using a
certain amount of information technology. Global
aging has numerous complex effects on society, an
important one being the concern about the impact on
healthcare demand. A successful aging consists of
three components: low probability of disease or
disability, cognitive and physical function
capacity, active engagement with life. Sustainable
Health Information Tools are needed to provide the
evidence required for better planning, for informed
decision making at different levels as health
promotion through primary prevention, prevent
readmissions through improved self-care, improved
self-management of chronic conditions. They can have
the potential to play an important role in achieving
well-being, independent living and delaying of the
aging process. “Multidisciplinary Complex System for
the Efficient Management of the Anti-Aging
Information – AgingNice” is a health education
information system that enables an environment for
developing an efficient age management, aiming to
provide reliable, relevant, and understandable
online health information for different type of
users, for promoting the results of the specific
scientific research, for strengthening the link
between the medical staff and the patient by
increasing the citizen’s informing degree.
182-189 |
Business and Labour Dynamics in
Selected EU Member States and the United States:
Patterns and Specific Policies
Liana Son, Alexandru Jivan, Gratiela Georgiana
Carica, Vasilica Ciuca, Daniela Pasnicu
Abstract: The paper discusses and tests the
link between business and labour dynamics, through a
set of specific indicators for the business
environment and employment and by analysing various
types of policies that influence the fundamental
factors generating economic growth and employment.
We designed a model for the analysis of data from
five countries, focusing on Romania and we
identified a framework of analysis for the
underlying factors of business and labour dynamics
and a set of specific policies adopted and
implemented during the analysed period, focusing on
the education system, labour market policies and
social protection measures implemented to reduce the
impact of the financial crisis. Our main findings
point that there is a significant correlation
between the analysed variables, underlying a strong
link between business and labour dynamics in some of
the countries considered and that the anticrisis
adopted measures have had a positive impact,
revealed by the slight increase of employment,
especially for women, within the European Union in
2010. The degree of influence and strong dependence
between the business environment and employment are
illustrated in various ways and discussed within the
190-198 |
Supporting the Creation of
Sequence of Events in Nursing Education
Norio Ishii, Saori Sakuma
Abstract: The goal of this research was to
develop a Sequence of Events Creation Support System
for nursing students. We first conducted a student
attitude survey on Sequence of Events to identify
points that the students felt were difficult. The
three main problem areas were 1) thinking about
correlations, 2) drawing diagrams, and 3) collecting
references. We therefore designed the system that
would help students overcome these difficulties. The
system, which makes use of Microsoft Excel VBA,
enables students to easily draw, review, and revise
Sequence of Events. We examined Sequence of Events
created using the Sequence of Events Creation
Support System and created by hand to determine the
differences in the content of the Sequence of Events
created and in the creation process. Experimental
results demonstrated the effectiveness of the
system. Next, we conducted lectures and exercises
using the system in two 1st year courses at a
nursing college and we conducted a questionnaire
survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the system.
Based on the results of this evaluation, we
confirmed that the opinions obtained were for the
most part positive.
199-206 |
The Impact and Learning
Opportunities of a Tourism Community of Practice on
the Development of Urban Tourism in the City of
Cipriana Sava, Laura Coroama
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to assess
the impact of a community of practice, created
within a tourism academic environment, on the
development of urban tourism in the city of
Timisoara. Our main hypothesis consists in the
advantages of students’ implication and
participation in the conception and application of
feasible projects meant to increase the visibility
of urban tourism. Both students and the local
community would benefit from a successful
colaboration between the academic environment and
the local population.
207-214 |
Reporting on Intellectual
Capital: Value Driver in the Romanian Knowledge
based Society
Marta - Christina Suciu, Alexandru Ghitiu-Bratescu,
Luciana Piciorus, Cosmin Imbrisca
Abstract: In the context of the
knowledge-based society and creative economy,
intellectual capital, creativity and innovation are
key engines for development both at the macro and
micro level for individuals, organizations, regions,
communities of good practices. We increasingly live
in an emergent knowledge & innovative-based economy,
where changes are quickly and consistently
challenging us. Intangible assets and mostly
intellectual capital and knowledge produce the
greatest value added. In addition in the context of
the creative economy innovation are key drivers of
long run sustainable competitive advantage. The
paper debates two main problems. First of all, it
analyses the value of human capital, approached
under three dimensions- quantitative, qualitative
and structural, and investment in lifelong learning,
as measured by the European Lifelong Learning Index
(ELLI). Secondly, it debates the case of human
capital investments in the Romanian society,
evaluated through their impact, and correlated with
the present educational policies. Also, the paper
focuses on the European dimension, the impact of the
Bologna Process and Lisbon Strategy on the Romanian
education system, in the context of education
capitalization process. The essential point here is
that investing in people regards not only the
investment in knowledge & skills but also the
support for stimulating creativity and innovation.
This holistic vision that supports also the idea of
lifelong learning generates consistent value added
and prosperity not from one day to the next but
mostly on the long term. The performances regarding
this special kind of investment is one of the best
ways to increase labor productivity. Our analysis
shows that in Romanian, despite the efforts made up
to now, lifelong investments in education are still
reduced from a quantitative point of view and not
yet effective from a qualitative point of view. This
paper seeks to develop in Romania a framework of
understanding the value of intellectual capital and
the importance of the promotion of creativity and
innovation for lifelong investing in education. We
appreciate that in our country intellectual capital,
intangible assets, creativity, innovation and
lifelong investment in education are very important
for both the academic and business communities.
215-224 |
The Conciliation between the
Results of Managerial Accounting and the Results of
Financial Accounting
A. Grosanu, P. R. Rachisan, S. R. Berinde, C. G.
Abstract: There are certain differences
between the revenues and expenses/costs registered
within managerial accounting and those registered
within financial accounting, mainly referring to the
fact (linked to) that within managerial accounting
the result is formed exclusively on the market,
therefore the revenues and expenses are being
acknowledged at the moment of the sale, whereas
within financial accounting there are certain
resource consumptions which are being acknowledged
as expenses sooner than the moment of sale of the
products they refer to. Therefore, it will certainly
be necessary the implementation of some accounts
within the financial accounting due to collect the
resource consumptions before their acknowledgement
as expenses if they occur before the moment of sale.
The managerial accounting system, as we have
approached it within the present paper, allows
acquiring information regarding the production cost
of obtained products, and implicitly, of the sold
products, hence within financial accounting one can
dimension and register the value of acknowledged
expenses along with the production achieved at the
moment of sale. Nevertheless, even in terms of the
existence of modern methods of expense
acknowledgement, the value of the actual production
cost of obtained products registered within
financial accounting, is also being achieved within
managerial accounting, but through postponing the
acknowledgement of certain expenses one can achieve
a result that is more near to the faithful image of
the economic reality. Until the Romanian regulating
authority in accounting field changes the moment of
expense acknowledgement, managerial accounting
responds to all informational necessities regarding
products’ costs and their profitability, but the
differences between managerial accounting and
financial accounting are rather significant. By
organizing the economic entities into responsibility
centers one offers a background for a more efficient
usage of the economic results and also for
performance stimulation.
225-233 |
Hierarchized Multi Criteria
Evaluation - a Useful Information Source in the
Improvement of Training Programs
Maria-Madela Abrudan, Alecsandrina Deaconu, Tomina
Sãveanu, Edit Lukacs, Mirabela Matei
Abstract: The current paper is the result of
the author’s interests and involvement within the
professional training domain which encouraged us to
go deeper into the specific elements of the programs
intended for experts in the human resources field,
to promote the trainees’ feedback and integrate it
within the improvement process of the tender quality
of the Training and Excellence Center in Human
Resources Management (CFP-MRU), implemented in the
University of Oradea. The hereby paper highlights
the useful contribution of trainees’ feed-back to
the evaluation activity of the professional training
programs, using a hierarchized multi criteria
evaluation instrument and identifies the necessary
improvements to the first training cycle attended
during 2009-2010. Through our analysis we have
developed a hierarchical evaluation model suited for
most training courses which provides a more adequate
frame for the interpretation of the feedback given
by the trainees. We consider that this type of
evaluation provides a better ground for improvement
of each training course as well as it refines the
answers and allows the contextualization of each
evaluation process within the specific training
course setting.
234-241 |
ERP Software – The Opportunity
to Bypass the Time of Crisis
Ilinca Hotaran, Maria-Gabriela Horga
Abstract: Integrated supply chain management
is a business philosophy that focuses on improving
and coordinating business processes, on the
integration of these elements at the organizational
and inter-organizational systems level. The market
is becoming harder to forecast and the profit is
increasingly difficult to achieve. We have to
respond faster to the opportunities which the market
sales us. In the context of a global economic crisis
in full swing, all areas try to resolve existing
problems. How do we know when we need to change and
how do we do in order to not have the need to
242-249 |
Assessing the Propensity for
Interdisciplinary Development of the Doctoral
Scientific Fields in the Academic Research Case
Study: The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
C. Lincaru, V. Ciuca, L. Mladen, D. Atanasiu
Abstract: In this paper we intend to evaluate
the probability of development of interdisciplinary
field of science as a result of finalized doctoral
thesis. We assume that every finalized doctorate
thesis can be described by a vector with three
dimensions. First dimension is given by the position
in the doctoral scientific field taxonomy (at
national level), the second is set by the position
in the advanced high education program taxonomy
(ISCED 6-7) and the third dimension reflects the
place occupied in an international scientific
taxonomy. The relative positioning to the frontier
of the new in the taxonomy’s coordinates offer the
opportunity to evaluate the distributions of the
probability density for chosen dimensions by
application of the Generalized EM and k-Means
Cluster Analysis.
250-257 |
Learning Women from Western
Romania Business: An Empirical Aproach
Elena Botezat
Abstract: The article analyse how
entrepreneurial training releaved in the process of
doing a business plan contribute to an
entrepreneurial education in order to develop
business among women from the West part of Romania.
The business plans elaborated by the 576 graduates
of the Entrepreneurial Business School at a Local
Level organized under the project AntrES and the
data collected through questionnaires administered
at the start and end of the courses are the
key-elements standing at the base of the research.
In our view, developing a business plan is a first
step towards success in business because in its
development, the entrepreneur will have to find
answers to many different questions that will allow
better understanding of the business. The two
target-groups of women in the Western part of
Romania show a relative constancy of options
concerning their chances to start a business, as
arised: the self-confidance of women compose in
their chances to open a business; the reasons for
women to begin a business; the opinions related to
the main abilities necessary for a business women.
The study regards a limited area determined by the 6
counties from the West part of Romania: Bihor,
Timis, Arad, Maramures, Caras-Severin, Satu-Mare
258-266 |
Profiling the Performance of
Electrical Engineering Bachelor Degree Students
Based on Different Entry Levels
Pauziah Mohd Arsad, Norlida Buniyamin, Jamalul-Lail
Ab Manan
Abstract: In Malaysia, students will qualify
to enroll into a Malaysian public university via
three ways, that is, through three different entry
requirement levels. The objective of this study is
to investigate the performance of students of
Universiti Teknologi MARA’s (UiTM) Bachelor of
Electrical Engineering Degree program based on the
student’s entry levels. We initiated a study of the
longitudinal progress based on two consecutive
intakes of matriculation students in July 2005 and
July 2006. We applied the same methodology to two
other consecutive intakes of Diploma July 2006 and
July 2007 students’ intakes. As a measure of the
students’ performance, we used the Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA) as the key performance index.
In addition, this paper includes an overview of the
Malaysian educational system. The outcomes of the
research indicate that there is a relationship
between the entry level and the final academic
performance. Thus it can be concluded that the entry
level requirement is an important factor in
influencing the student’s academic performance.
267-274 |
Paper Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 3, Volume 5,
2011) |
Pages |
Technological Strategies to
Deal with Counterfeit Medicines: The European and
North-American Perspectives
Elisabeth Lefebvre, Alejandro Romero, Louis-A.
Lefebvre, Caroline Krissi
Abstract: The magnitude of counterfeit
medicines represents a serious and increasingly
rising international concern. In fact, it is
estimated that 10% of the pharmaceutical products
sold worldwide are counterfeited. The scope of
counterfeited medicines is equally worrisome since
counterfeiting activities target both branded and
generic products as well as non-prescription
medicines to life-saving drugs. It is therefore
critical for the stakeholders of different
pharmaceutical supply chains to elaborate and
develop effective technological strategies to combat
the phenomenon of counterfeit medicines. This paper
examines the effectiveness of such strategies from
both the European and North American perspectives.
275-284 |
Photovoltaic Model in the LABI
F. Hruska
Abstract: New model is prepared to extend the
system LABI. It is marked as DE10, a photovoltaic
system. Utilizing of model is into the field of
university studying and as a pilot test system for
all extern experts. A special parts of model are
measurement and control system. Mechanical
configuration can use a track system to control of
position according to run of sun during a day and a
month. In the future period new photovoltaic panels
can be added into model and to extend the model. The
user can study power of sun energy, efficiency of
photovoltaic principles, dependence of position on
power during day. The photovoltaic model is useable
in remote access via the Internet.
285-292 |
TextProc – A Natural Language
Processing Framework and its Use as Plagiarism
Detection System
Janez Brezovnik, Milan Ojstersek
Abstract: A natural language processing
framework called TextProc is described in this
paper. First the frameworks software architecture is
described. The architecture is made of several parts
and all of them are described in detail. Natural
language processing capabilities are implemented as
software plug-ins. Plug-ins can be put together into
processes that perform a practical natural
processing function. Several practical TextProc
processes are briefly described, like part-of-speech
tagging, named entity tagging and others. One of
those is capable to perform plagiarism detection on
texts in Slovenian language, which is explained in
detail. This process is actually used in digital
library of University of Maribor. The integration of
digital library with TextProc is also briefly
described. At the end of this paper some ideas for
future development are given.
293-300 |
Clusters Phenomenon from
Polish Perspective
M. Bialic-Davendra, D. Pavelkova
Abstract: Rapid development of a global
economy underlines an increasing importance of
competitiveness. The phenomenon of competition is
involved in all spheres of our life. It appears
between the countries or economies in a global
context, companies contesting markets, and between
people competing with one another. It is
characterized by many layers. Competitiveness
constitutes an indispensible element of the very
complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon of
clusters. This paper presents the phenomenon of
clusters from the Polish perspective. It
characterizes the background for clusters growth in
Poland, their current stage of development and the
existing cluster-based policy. Based on the examined
group of Polish clusters, vital characteristics
regarding clusters’ structure, activities,
management and financing are being distinguished and
depicted. In addition to that, pinpointing the best
practices implemented and at the same time,
confronting the problems which came across, allows
determining the existing conditions in Poland and
putting more attention to the features which have to
be improved in order to enable successful cluster
development in the future.
301-309 |
Innovation, Learning and
Regional Development
Romeo Victor Ionescu, Liliana Mihaela Moga
Abstract: The subject of this paper is
new,”unconventional” and with major implications on
the socio-economic evolution. The paper tries to
find answers and solutions to the present and
forecasted problems and challenges, coming out from
the classical approach, which is strictly economic.
It offers a different outlook and approach and a
different understanding of the socio-economic
phenomena. On the other hand, these phenomena began
to do not “respect” almost any economic theory and
law. The greatest challenges for the society ask for
uncommon solutions. This research analyses and
systematises the main research idea and argues, in
order to create a base of analysis for the systems’
parameters’ evaluation, the territorial dimension of
these systems and the role of the institutions
inside the regional innovation, learning and
development partnership. The concept of regional
partnership for innovation, learning and development
evaluated to a large analytic approach which is able
to generate the empirical base of the regional
innovation, learning and development policies. The
actual researches didn’t succeed to define the
territorial dimension of innovation, learning and
development, the role of the institutions and
institutional context, in order to implement these
specific regional systems. The main objective of
this research is to define a new regional model of
learning, creative industries and development. The
paper tries to find a part of the asked answers. It
proposes the creative industries as a new solution
which is able to ensure the local and regional
economic growth. The authors of this paper consider
that the creative industries will have the same
impact on the society as the internet had. As a
result, this solution has not to be neglected,
because the most difficult problems have frequently
less sophisticated solutions.
310-318 |
Ability Training through
Partnered Education
C. Cook, F. DeCaro, N. DeCaro
Abstract: An ability training partnership
model was designed for high school graduates with
disabilities to execute results that were
incorporated into a descriptive study. There are
limited resources and employment for high school
graduates with disabilities. The objective of the
study was to develop a descriptive analysis of an
ability training model as partnered efforts between
colleges, universities and organizations seeking to
provide resources to high school graduates with
disabilities. One of the purposes of the research
was to establish a proactive position for colleges,
universities, and organizations against barriers
that address disabilities stereotypes and practices
in employment. The nature of disabilities has been
study for the many years. However, few studies have
been directed towards collaboration between
colleges, universities, and organizations to develop
programs for ability training or on-the-job training
to high school graduates with disabilities. Hiring
individuals with disabilities makes good business
sense. These individuals can be qualified,
productive, and dependable in the workplace. This
explanatory study was designed to take information
from learning theories and on-the-job training
programs for high school graduates with disabilities
and build a picture of current and future trends
involving employment training for these individuals.
319-327 |
Real-Time Sonography Simulation
for Medical Training
Bo Sun, Frederic D. McKenzie
Abstract: With the increasing role played by
ultrasound in clinical diagnostics, ultrasound
training in medical education has been becoming very
important. The clinical routine is for ultrasound to
be trained on real patients; therefore, monitored
and guided examinations involving medical students
are quite time constrained. To be realistically
effective, a computerized ultrasound simulation
would provide ample time and opportunity for
sonograph training. We have investigated a real time
ultrasound simulation methodology based on
3-dimentional (3-D) mesh model of the organ. A
virtual echocardiogram displays various sonograph
orientation in real time according to the placement
of a virtual transducer without the need of an
actual patient.
328-335 |
The Content and Format of a
Professional Development Program and Its Attitudinal
Effect on Teachers of Mathematics
Gail M. Gallitano, Kathleen Jackson
Abstract: The West Chester University
Teachers Teaching with Technology
Pre-Service/In-Service Professional Development
Program housed at West Chester University located in
Pennsylvania, USA, has provided professional
development in the area of technology for thousands
of high school and middle school mathematics
teachers around the world. Each summer the program
offers several graphing handheld institutes for
teachers of mathematics/science. These workshops
provide a breeding ground for a new and improved
teacher of mathematics. Improved methods of teaching
undoubtedly lead to more advanced students. In this
study eight different workshops were studied. Two of
these workshops were 3 consecutive full days long
and the rest were 5 consecutive full days long. The
same attitudinal survey was administered both before
each workshop and again at the conclusion of each
workshop. The study included 63 educators, mostly
mathematics teachers. This study showed that a five
day institute is more effective than a three day
institute and that graphing calculator institutes
have a positive attitudinal affect on teachers of
336-343 |
An Integrative Innovative
Curricular Model for Teaching Languages
Andreia Irina Suciu, Liliana Mata
Abstract: A research of the various
curricular models in Romania based on the principle
of innovation has revealed inexplicable deficiencies
at a national level from the perspective of planning
these models on the basis of two basic principles:
the learners’ needs and the adaptation to the
specificity of each discipline. Our paper briefly
presents a series of curricular models for teaching
languages that have been successfully implemented in
various countries with efficient results and which
we propose as a solution for the Romanian impasse.
The common denominator of the selected models that
seems to have ensured their success is the
concentration on developing competences and
implementing the “new” after a thorough analysis of
the needs of both agents of innovation (teachers)
and subjects of education (students). After the
presentation of these models we also propose a
readjusting of priorities that have to place the
learners’ and teachers’ needs at the peak of the
pyramid and that have to start from the
practitioners (teachers) towards the institutional
policy makers. We also attempt offering our own
model of an integrative innovative curricular model
that wishes to offer solutions to the problems
arising in implementing an innovative model of
teaching languages taking into consideration the
participants (the individual – the students, the
teachers –, the work group, the organization), the
hindering factors that their attitudes, behaviours,
goals, etc. might trigger and the solution to such
344-351 |
Generation of Educational
Content for Open Digital TV and IPTV to Assist the
Learning of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS)
Hilda Carvalho de Oliveira, Celso Socorro Oliveira,
Edson Benedito dos Santos Jr.
Abstract: Today there are 24.6 million of the
people with special needs in Brazil, with 23% having
some type of hearing loss and 2.9% of these deaf.
The Accessibility Brazilian Law establishes that the
accessibility of services for the deaf shall be
provided by interpreters or people trained in
Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS). Brazilian Laws
provides that the teaching of LIBRAS must be part of
the curriculum of all courses in Special Education,
Speech Therapy and Magisterium at high school and
college courses. urthermore, all school systems in
Brazil must provide a bilingual education (LIBRAS
and Portuguese) as a right to deaf students.
According to the National Federation on Education
and Integration of the Deaf there is great need for
qualified educators, geographically available in
appropriate ocations. The TV is an important means
of distributing educational content since the 1950s
and it is available in 98% of Brazilian homes. By
2016 the Open Digital TV (ODTV) in Brazil must cover
the entire national territory. In this context, this
paper presents the system SynchrLIBRAS, which
facilitates the generation of educational content to
assist the learning of LIBRAS. This system takes as
input a video with audio and allows inserting
subtitles and a LIBRAS window in a synchronized way.
The window LIBRA is recorded by an LIBRAS
interpreter in front of a webcam, with automatic
synchronization among caption, audio and image. The
resulting content is processed by a system called
HiddenLIBRAS that uses the middleware Ginga-NCL –
standard for Brazilian ODTV and IPTV. It allows the
caption and the LIBRAS window are optional for
viewing in both environments. The focus of this
paper is to present the architecture and
implementation of the SynchrLIBRAS, with emphasis on
the synchronization process and the practical way of
generating content with LIBRAS windows.
352-359 |
Paper Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 4, Volume 5,
2011) |
Pages |
Investigation Correspondence between CMMI-DEV and
ISO/IEC 15504
Stasys Peldzius, Saulius Ragaisis
Abstract: CMMI and ISO/IEC 15504 are two
main models for software process assessment and
improvement. Both models have staged and continuous
representations but these are different. Continuous
representations of the models propose the different
sets of processes (process areas). The differences
of staged representations are even more essential.
CMMI staged representation is based on the ideas of
a classic staged maturity framework with 5 levels
introduced by W. S. Humphrey back in 1988. ISO/IEC
15504, formerly known as SPICE, has promoted a
continuous model for process capability assessment.
However, not long ago SPICE community recognized the
benefits of a staged representation. As a result,
the organizational maturity framework with 6
maturity levels has been introduced in ISO/IEC
15504-7:2008. This paper investigates relationship
between CMMI-DEV and ISO/IEC 15504 maturity levels
and processes capability profiles. It presents the
mapping approach and ISO/IEC 15504 processes
capability profiles as well as maturity levels
ensured by all CMMI maturity levels. Also reverse
mapping is performed and CMMI processes capability
profiles and maturity levels ensured by all ISO/IEC
15504 maturity levels are presented.
361-368 |
Innovation Economy and the Importance of Human
Capital in the Developed Countries
Mirela Stoican, Adina Liana Camarda
Abstract: The new worldwide sustainable
development tendencies have made us believe that
innovation plays a primary role, being capable of
ensuring the renewal of the technical and
technological production basis, achieving
competitive production, developing the service
industry, and leading to the shaping of the
innovation economy. Based on this scientific
approach, an analysis of the innovation phenomenon
and infrastructure has been carried out for the
purpose of achieving a relationship between
sustainable economic development and innovation. The
link between these two concepts is human capital,
through its innovation component.
369-376 |
Apply Simulation E-learning in an Electronic
Communication Course
Jui-Chen Yu, Hsueh-Chih Lin, Lung- Hsing Kuo,
Hung-Jen Yang
Abstract: In this study, an e-learning
platform and circuit simulation approach would be
applied to an electronic communication course aimed
at sophomore students in department of technology
education. The goals are to enrich the students’
understanding on basic topics such as electronic
components, filter circuit concepts, circuit theory,
and measuring the signals, as well as to provide
remote support, course materials and simulation
tools. In the course, students can study electronic
communication circuit concepts through e-learning
platform, circuit simulation tool and practice
activities. By using e-learning platform, students
can download materials, experimental manual, submit
experiment report and online discussion without time
and environment limit, the circuit simulation tools
will help students to pre-experimental, learning
characteristics of electronic components and
verification of electronic circuit theory. Finally,
students use hard-wired circuits and electronic
components to implement experiment activities. The
purpose of this study is tries to adopt of new
technologies to enrich the students’ understanding
in filter circle theory of electronic communication
and hope students can to assimilate the new
technologies as a part of their learning experience.
377-384 |
A Learning System of Problem Solving for Creative
Products Designing and Manufacturing
Wei-Yuan Dzan, Hsueh-Chih Lin
Abstract: With the approach of 21st century,
the world current tends to become informationalized
and globalized, and we are facing a significant
change in our way of life. Education is closely
related to the broadcasting of modern science and
production skills. Similarly, the relating
instruction and training of vocational education
also plays a crucial role in the policy on our
national competitiveness. For a designer in the
modern market, where PLM is growing fast, it is
important to make creative designing efficient and
coherent from initial inspiration to final
manufacturing, considering product life circle,
quality, and value at the same time. 3D designing
and manufacturing is one of the best tools to enable
creative ideas to come out quickly and effectively
385-392 |
Academic Accreditation and Assessment Processes in
Higher Education
Aboubekeur Hamdi-Cherif
Abstract: As a lead member in the
implementation of a program accreditation and
assessment, we report the experience of a three-year
long set of processes as implemented in a Computer
Science Program in a large public University. In
order to get recognition and trustworthiness from
the community, Higher Education Institutions and
programs of study undergo academic accreditation and
assessment processes. These latter, while providing
a social status, are meant to acknowledge that
accredited institutions or programs are
implementing, monitoring and closely following
recognized and requested quality criteria issued
from common good practice duly certified by
accrediting bodies. The paper addresses some issues
in academic accreditation and assessment in Higher
Education (A3-HE) with special emphasis on computer
science / engineering and closelyrelated areas.
393-402 |
How to Create a Safe School Environment that
Provides a Platform for Excellent School Results and
International Business Opportunities? Case Study:
Ilkka Tikanmaki, Tuomo Tuohimaa, Jyri Rajamaki
Abstract: The main aim of this qualitative
case study is to provide an improved understanding
of the structural characteristics and the dynamic
evolution of a safe school environment that provides
a platform for excellent school results. Another aim
is to analyze how a safe school concept could be
seen as an international business opportunity for
Finnish companies. The study is based on the results
and lessons learned from the ‘Security and Safety in
Universities’ project executed 2009-2010, special
attention taken how to utilize that knowledge within
a new construction production. The evidences of this
case study consist of participatory observation,
in-depth interviews with different stakeholders and
multitude documents. The study shows that a safe
school environment concept could be seen as a new
service innovation with a huge new global business
potential. The results of the study suggest a four
years research road map that trails the path of
service innovation development supported by new
technology solutions.
403-410 |
Innovative Multimedia Resources Used in the Music
Educational System: D.I.M.A. Experiment
Nelida Nedelcut, Ciprian Gabriel Pop
Abstract: The multimedia application called
D.I.M.A. is a multiform medium containing media
combinations of video and photo images with texts
that can be interactively accessed. Created by an
interdisciplinary team within the Gh. Dima Academy
of Music in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the product will
provide a pertinent theoretical frame concerning the
methodology of registering data which will guide the
development of this interdisciplinary domain. The
original elements of this research are referring to
the intensified technological approach of the
national cultural heritage: performance, theoretical
concepts and Romanian creations, building an
interactive instrument that will facilitate digital
access to the use of scientific and cultural
411-418 |
Constitutional Principles of the European
Legislation and Regulations Regarding Human Rights
Ignored in Order to Justify a Questionable Reform
Ioan Ciochina-Barbu, Marius Ciprian Bogea
Abstract: The sustainability of the public
pension system can only be achieved by increasing
the number of taxpayers, but not by the forced
leveling of the old systems of special pensions, but
by creating a massive number of new jobs by
investing heavily in areas such as agriculture
(whose potential is not fully exploited) tourism,
road and rail infrastructure, attracting foreign
investors, attracting massive funds provided by the
European Union, the return to the country of more
than 2 millions Romanian who, because of the
discouraging policies regarding labor management,
were forced to seek employment in other countries
etc. Also, to ensure the total independence and
impartiality of the judges of the Constitutional
Court, we propose lex ferenda that they should no
longer be appointed on political criteria, as now,
but to be elected by the High Court of Cassation and
Justice from among the judges of this court.
419-426 |
Reality and Prospects in the Prison Education of
Adrian Lupascu, Nelu Nita
Abstract: As in the European prison systems,
the Romanian penitentiary system aims to improve
prisoners’ human condition by providing knowledge,
by treating various mental disorders and physical
development of useful skills necessary for an honest
life after release. Re-socialization of prisoners is
not achieved by simply applying a prison sentence,
but through targeted activities and programs,
multidisciplinary, individualized, depending on the
needs of people in a state of deprivation of
427-435 |
Theoretical Aspects Regarding Prior Criminal Acts
Marius Ciprian Bogea, Ioan Ciochina-Barbu
Abstract: The preparatory acts are prior
criminal activities (they exceed the trial) and not
by accident the legislature has placed them
chronologically by the general patterns of referral.
If the prosecution learns about a complaint or
accusation of an offense there isn’t always
sufficient data to begin criminal pursuit. For this
reason, given the situation quite often encountered
in legal practice, in which the data, information,
knowledge of the prosecution is incomplete,
uncertain or unverified, practical necessity and the
need to strengthen the legality of investigative
activities required the inclusion in the law of
regulations regarding prior acts as the referral can
not operate in a vacuum.
436-443 |
A Study Programme Model based on the Blended
Learning Approach in the Context of the Romanian
Academic Environment
Corina Musuroi, Ioana Iacob, Alexandra Spataru
Abstract: This paper aims to describe a
modern instructional design in which the instruction
is provided by a transnational network of
contributors including higher education
institutions, as well as institutions from the
socio-economic environment of applied, practical,
experiential learning. We observed the
transformations of the Romanian academic
environment, the modifications of the student’s
profile and expectations, as a result of the
tendency of harmonization with the European
educational policies. We propose a model of a study
programme based on a partnership agreement between
academic institutions and non profit organization in
the field of education. This model is a blended
learning approach presented with its specificity.
444-451 |
Smart Educational Systems and Education Clusters
Lorena Batagan, Catalin Boja
Abstract: Investment and development are the
keys of our society. The continuous improvement of
the quality and performance of higher education is
essential and it requires an effective correlation
between all parties involved in the educational
system. This can be done by aggregating all involved
parties, both public and private, that provide
educational services in an education cluster. The
paper describes the characteristics of an education
cluster and emphasizes the strong relation that must
exist between the cluster and the business
environment around it. This paper stresses the need
to implement a smart system for higher education.
Smart educational systems will be a real support for
an education cluster, and this will help the
development of partnerships between universities and
businesses that activate in different industries,
constructions, transports, communications, and
information technologies.
452-460 |
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