 ISSN: 1998-4316
Year 2010
All papers of the journal were peer reviewed by two
independent reviewers. Acceptance was granted when both
reviewers' recommendations were positive.
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 1, Volume 4, 2010) |
Pages |
The Analysis of the Adsorption
Cooling Subsystem used in a MCCHP System with
Stirling Engine like Prime Mover
V. Popa, C. Popa, A. Serban, L. Costiuc
The paper presents an analysis of the cooling
subsystem used in a trigeneration system with
Stirling engine like prime mover. The advantages and
disadvantages of the adsorption cooling are
presented, related to absorption cooling system. The
schematic thermal diagram of the trigeneration
system is presented. Because the low efficiency of
the Stirling engine, a thermally activated cooling
subsystem is used. A theoretical thermodynamic
analysis of the adsorption cooling system is
presented. The influence of the operating conditions
on performance of the adsorption cooling is
1-8 |
Evaluation of Power System
Transient Stability and Definition of the Basic
Z. Eleschova, M. Smitkova, A. Belan
Power system stability is defined as an ability of
the power system to reestablish the initial steady
state or come into the new steady state after any
variation of the system’s operation value or after
system/s breakdown. The stability and reliability of
the electric power system is highly actual topic
nowadays, especially in the light of recent
accidents like splitting of UCTE system and
north-American blackouts. This paper deals with the
potential of the evaluation in term of transient
stability of the electric power system within the
defense plan and the definition of the basic
criterion for the transient stability – Critical
Clearing Time (CCT).
9-16 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 2, Volume 4, 2010) |
Pages |
Employing Solid Urban Waste in
an IIR-SOFC in Cogenerative Arrangement
Orlando Corigliano, Gaetano Florio, Petronilla
In the context of searching for energy and
environmentally sustainable systems, fuel cells seem
to be an appropriate technology. In particular,
those operating at high temperature, possessing the
great advantage of flexibility of fuel feeding, can
be powered by a gas derived from biological sources.
In fact, by treating the organic fraction of solid
urban waste in an anaerobic environment, a biofuel,
consisting mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, may
be produced. In this paper, the combination of an
anaerobic digester with a high temperature solid
oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system in a cogenerative
arrangement is proposed. The biomass processed
involves the provision of biogas feeding the SOFC
system. The latter, owing to its high thermal
potential, can be arranged with an indirect internal
system of fuel conversion into hydrogen that, in
contrast to the direct one, reduces the problems of
anode carbon deposits. A technical analysis, to
evaluate performances of the integrated system,
specifically in relation to the carbon dioxide
concentration in the feeding gas, is performed, by
using some energy and environmental indexes typical
of cogeneration plants. In this article, in order to
test the proposed project, an application to a real
case has been made, in which, the biogas plant is
designed starting from the organic waste from
canteens in the Calabria region. The bio-fuel fed to
the SOFC system involves the combined generation of
heat and power with which to meet energy needs,
estimated by energy audit users.
17-28 |
Selection of the Most
Appropriate Regions for Wood Fuel based Cogeneration
Plants using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
A. Volkova, E. Latosov, A. Siirde
Multi-criteria decision analysis is used both for
location problems and for energy problems. For
successful involving of wood-fired cogeneration in
Estonia it is important to define the most
appropriate region, where the wood-fuel cogeneration
plants can be located. The method used for defining
the optimal location is based on the multi-criteria
decision analysis (MCDA), which includes the Delphi
method for criteria selection, the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) method as weighting method
and the elementary weighted sum method (WSM) for the
final decision defining. In the result the most
appropriate county in Estonia for wood-fuel based
cogeneration plant installation was defined.
29-36 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 3, Volume 4, 2010) |
Pages |
Carbon Capture and Storage:
Cost Analysis of Electricity Production for Latvia
Julija Gusca, Irina Naroznova, Dagnija Blumberga,
Anna Volkova
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a significant
technology in the limitation of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere worldwide. A carbon capture and
storage system consists of four general processes:
carbon capture, carbon compression and transport,
carbon injection, and carbon storage. Implementation
of carbon capture and storage technologies with the
aim to minimise carbon dioxide emissions in the
atmosphere might influence the national energy
sector both from an economic and environmental point
of view. This paper provides the methodology for the
evaluation of cost scenarios of natural gas, coal
and biomass power plants with different capture
technologies used - post combustion monoethanolamine
(MEA) solvent capture, chemical - looping capture,
pre-combustion monoethanolamine (MEA) solvent
capture and pre-combustion methyldiethanolamine
(MDEA) capture. The results of the paper show the
CO2 reduction potential from 2015 to 2020 and
present the factors affecting the cost of
electricity related to the introduction of CCS in
37-45 |
Cost Benefit Analysis of
Passive Houses and Low-Energy Houses Compared to
Standard Houses
A. Audenaert, S.H. De Cleyn
As the energy demand used for space heating accounts
for 78% of EU15 household delivered energy
consumption significant reductions in energy demand
can be achieved by promoting low energy buildings.
Energy efficiency in buildings has become a key goal
of any energy policy. Europe relies on the Energy
Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), which has
been converted by Flanders into the ‘Energy
Performance and Interior Climate’ (EPB). Taking into
account this Flemish EPB-standard (in terms of
maximum U-values, E-level and K-value), Our study
investigates three building types: the standard
house, the low-energy house and the passive house.
As more far-reaching measures concerning energy
savings usually lead to higher investments, the aim
of our study is to perform an economic analysis in
order to determine the economic viability of the
three building types.
46-53 |
Title, Authors, Abstract (Issue 4, Volume 4, 2010) |
Pages |
Effect of Organic Loading Rate
on Biohydrogen Production from Sweet Sorghum Syrup
by Anaerobic Mixed Cultures in Anaerobic Sequencing
Batch Reactor
P. Saraphirom, A. Reungsang
This study reported the effect of 4 organic loading
rates (OLR) varied from 25-40 g hexose/L-d on
bio-hydrogen production from sweet sorghum syrup by
anaerobic mixed cultures in anaerobic sequencing
batch reactor. The optimum OLR was found to be 30 g
hexose/L-d in which a maximum yield, a maximum
specific hydrogen production rate and a hydrogen
content of 0.53 mol H2/mol hexose, 32.52 mL/g
MLVSS.d and 37.66%, respectively, were achieved.
Microbial community analyzed by DGGE at the optimum
OLR of 30 g hexose/L-d indicated that the
predominance hydrogen producer was Clostridium
acetobutylicum, C. proteolyticum and Clostridium sp.
A low hydrogen yield obtained might be resulted from
the presence of Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus
sp. in the fermentation broth.
55-62 |
The Modeling of Calculations of
Thermodynamic and Electronic Parameters of Hot
Electrons in a Quantum Well
M. A. Mehrabova
Abstract: The
heating of charge carriers in a quantum well was
studied. The calculations of thermodynamic and
electronic parameters: concentration, energy,
chemical potential, heat-capacity and thermo
electromotive force of hot two-dimensional electron
gas in a quantum well in the energy region near or
below the threshold for emission of optical phonon
under the assumption that below this threshold an
electron temperature can be defined, had been
modeled. The obtained equations describe the
dependence of heat-capacity and thermal
electromotive force on a film thickness and an
electron temperature in a good manner. It was
determined that the acquired results calculated for
the model under consideration, strongly differed
from the results calculated on the base of a Maxwell
distribution function.
63-70 |
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